
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Assalamualaikum Kak Anna :)Saya couple dgn dia 2bulan, dia minta break tepat 2bulan kitaorg. Sekarang dah 1 bulan kitaorg break.Dia yg minta couple, dia la yg juga minta break.Saya prnah nak minta break tapi,kwn saya kata jgn.Nanti rindukan dia.1bulan kitaorg break, bru terasa. Sya nak buat apa?

Waalaikumussalam. Well, move on okay?
Memang rindu awal awal. It's real hard to deal with break ups.
But you have to move on, don't live in your past. TRY, at least just try. :-)

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Ape nk buat klaw orang yg kte suka,, tp die xske kite? But I really want her.. So wht shud I do?

Put more effort, show to her that you're sincere & honest. :-)

Assalamualaikum kak anna! Nak tanya, kak anna time around 13-14yrs old dulu pandai bergaya x? Im 14 and sangat x reti, i feel bad but my mum said that skrang ni its not the right time for me to bergaya yet, betul ke? :-) hmmmm..i feel bad abt wat ppl will think

Waalaikumussalam. Well I have to agree with your mum honestly!
Tapi you know, your style is not about what's trending. It defines who you are. :-)

Mesti best jadi putih kan Kak Anna? Im so not white :-(, i hate my skin ugh, i wanna be you so badly...i evenl ook ugly in school and no one ever likes me :-((

I'm not putih lah. My skin is sawo matang. I think it's just some kind of camera effects that make my skin looks brighter.
Love yourself, you're beautiful. If you can't even accept yourself, how can you expect people to accept you? It starts from yourself. No matter how ugly you think you look like, you're beautiful yourself. Believe that. :-)

Oh, InsyaALLAH. I'll try pujuk my mum. By the way akak, akak keluar pakai bedak or whatever tak? Means that, pakai cream ke?

Yes, just the foundation as the sunblock. :-)

Kak Anna, whats you real name eh? And kenapa mesti khayalan? *curious face* ehehe

Nor Ainaa binti Mohd Azam.
Khayalan is a nickname from my bestfriend guy. :-)

kak anna jom lah mai JB ??? pernah pergi JB tak ??? kalau nak pergi sini kak anna mesti singgah Legoland....<3

Pernah pergi. InsyaAllah nanti pergi lagi! Teringin nak pergi Legoland! :-)
Liked by: Syafiq Daniel

can you take a photo without scraf? is your answer is 'no' explain it maybe? why not?

I believe you're a non-muslim. So, hi.
The reason why I can't take a photo without my scarf or even go out without wearing my scarf or we call it 'hijab' is because in my religion, women are required to cover their 'aurat'. 'Aurat' is more like private parts of the body. In Islam, women's 'aurat' are the entire body except palms and face which means I have to cover my hair as well. And it's a sin if you don't cover your 'aurat' so it's definitely a must. But Islam isn't mean or cruel, it doesn't mean you have to cover your whole body all the time. There are more; 'Aurat' rules when you're with strangers (guys), other women & family. There you go. :-)


Language: English