
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Hi kak anna. I am one of the tesl student in kuptm kl. How do you study for listening and speaking as it is the most killer subject for us

Hi! Listening & speaking is actually a fun subject.
I bet phonetics part is the hardest, is it?
My tips:
1. Always have a dictionary with you- physical or download it in your phone. Make sure the dictionary also carries phonetic sound for each words.
2. Do a lot of exercises. Past year questions especially. Normally they recycle the questions je.
3. Focus on quizzes, tests & presentation. These will affect your carry marks. Always aim for high marks.
4. Ask. If tak faham, do ask your lecturers. Diorang sangat suka enthusiastic students. Your enthusiasm will help you out later.
Try to love the subject & you'll be fine.

dua bulan masuk kolej saya tak jumpa lagi kwn yg betul2 nak kawan. adakah tu normal

Ye, normal.
Kalau rasa orang tak approach kita, be the one who approaches people first. Tegur sikit sikit or kalau jumpa dekat twitter yang satu fac or class ke, be friendly with them. Nanti lama lama ajak lah keluar or study sama sama or something. Tak rugi pun.
We all need at least one friend to stick with throughout our college years. 😊

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do you have any tips for students that will taking muet?

Don't study too hard, it won't help as much. Studying too much for muet will only make you super nervous during exam day.
1. Watch tvs without subtitles. Try to understand what they're saying. Translate it yourself.
2. Memorize English songs by listening to it. Read the lyrics only once or twice. Also, translate the hidden meaning of the song yourself.
3. Read novels, short stories preferably when the character tells you about themselves- writer uses I for main character instead of name. This will help you during writing essay. Reading also helps to improve grammar & give you more ideas for writing.
4. Practice with your friends. Try to speak English with your friends. Kalau terabur pun takpe, asalkan practice. You need the confidence. Grammar and other things can be corrected later on. Yang penting boleh cakap dengan confident.
These tips help to improve English jugak. Not just for muet sitters ok. :)

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Salam hi anna! Mind sharing? How to start a business? And, actually i dah pernah jual barang sendiri but gitu gitu je la and now aktif on becoming a dropship. Alhamdulillah. But, saya nak cuba jual produk sendiri. Ada tips how to find a good supplier and how much modal needed at first? Thanksss 😍

Hi! I see.
Starting a business requires guts. You must be willing to take risks, spend, give, take & lose. Anything could happen. Business might be doing good today but tomorrow might fail.
In terms of modal, you don't have to think much about it. Just use whatever you have in your hand. Kalau ada RM100, use it as your modal. DO NOT apply loan or borrow money from other people. This is crucial. Use your own money to start your business.
Planning - What do you want to sell? How's the market in Malaysia? What's the price range? Market selling price? Who's your competitor? Where are you going to sell it? Target market? Are the products could be used for long term?
Supplier - Google / Ask around / Search on your own, around neighborhood, other places etc. & then compare prices between suppliers, look at their work ethics, do they meet your expectations? How's their quality? Try to read & get reviews from other clients. Get all information you can, then choose the best one. Make sure the best one meets your capital too. Kalau tak cukup, since you're doing dropship. Kumpul dulu duit untung from dropship sampai cukup, then dah ready baru contact supplier. Make sure you ask for samples first before proceed dengan order. Communication is important. Make sure they understand you and vice versa.
Nak buat business ni macam do or die. Tak berani, tak payah buat. If you want to grow big, kena make big effort jugak lah.
Paling penting- jangan tinggal solat, jangan lupa sedekah. Hasil jualan tu, bahagikan untuk charity jugak daripada setiap pembelian or keuntungan ke. Berkat penting. Bila kita banyak memberi, Allah akan lagi murahkan rezeki kita. Insha Allah 😊

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You're a wise person at such a young age do you know that? Btw bila pergi umrah? Semoga urusan dipermudahkan to go there! Oh and kalau nak kirim doa boleh? :)

Haha. Define wise?
I think I'm just ordinary, not very wise. In fact, super clumsy!
I'm going to perform my umrah in November insha Allah! 2 weeks after I got back from London. Doakan semua dipermudahkan ye. I've been really looking forward to it.
Sure, boleh! Do dm me your doa on 16th of November ok! If I get the chance to go there, Anna akan bacakan ye insha Allah! 😊

kak Anna .. Most of my friends said that I'm such a boring person . Memang betul , sbb saya tak pandai nak mulakan perbualan . Mcm mana nak jadi talkative and enjoy person ? I afraid if my friend will leave me ..

Sentiasa senyum and rajin follow perkembangan semasa. Nak mulakan conversation, start dengan topic yang tengah viral/trending tapi jangan lah sampai cakap benda bukan bukan, tak elok & mengumpat tau. Cakap benda benda baik.
Contoh, kalau suka membaca & ada baca artikel online or cerita menarik yang bagi input ke, share lah. "Eh, haritu kan aku ada terbaca pasal bla bla bla."
Jangan try hard. Buat biasa je, tapi cuba jugak & bila orang tengah berborak, tunjuk minat nak dengar. Tanya soalan ke or share pengalaman dan pendapat kalau ada.

have you ever felt terrified that you may be falling for someone for all the wrong reasons?❤️

I would always try to avoid from feeling that way because it feels so wrong. I want to love someone because of their unique characteristics, their manners & beautiful heart. I love seeing love grows in a person, it turns them into someone different, mostly a good kind of different. More accepting, more tolerance & more open minded.
I'm not one of those girls who'd fall for someone because of looks & advantages. I like to observe people, mostly by the way they treat other people, their manners, their way of thinking. That's how I'd find someone very attractive.

Anna bila pergi uk? Seronoknya!!!!!!!!!!! Will u be meeting @itsteme there?

Insha Allah, Thursday next week!
I'm so nervous though because I'm going to be away for a month long. T_T
& btw, I don't know him. We might bump into each other there and he might notice me if he knows me but.... that's just impossible because I don't think he knows me haha. I'm like a definite stranger here.

salam Anna! saya ada satu soklan nk tanya, saya akan travel ke Korea awal Nov ni tuk pertama kali. sy dlm dilema nak kena bawak ke jaket tebal? tgk suhu bln Nov dlm 20c ke bawah. pening

Better prepare heat-tech & bawak satu sweater tebal. Anna pergi Jepun November last year pun sejuk teruk, jalan pun menggigil haha.
Liked by: nurhannani syuk Ila hnna

how can we know that the women is really serious in love with the man and will never leave the men for silly reason?

You will see how much a person loves you if s/he accepts all of you, even the smallest thing about you.
She can handle you at your worst & appreciate you at your best. If she has seen your worst side and is still there for you, waiting, that's when you'll know she really loves you.
You can treat her with the worst possible manner, yet she still treats you in the best way she can. That shows how much she loves you.
When she learns to love something she hates but loved by you, that's when you know she loves you.

Kak Anna, i rlly need your opinion rn, bagi respond pls haha. Macam ni, ada sorang cikgu math saya ni, she talk back abt me and cikgu tu cakap saya ni berlagak pandai. 😔 saya taktau dah nak cakap apa and i have n0 right nak melawan kata dia. so what should i do kak anna?

Buat tak tahu je. Kalau dia rasa awak salah, minta maaf je walaupun bukan salah awak. Tak rugi pun. Kalau boleh, dalam kelas jangan menjawab. Kalau ditanya, baru jawab dengan budi bahasa. Guna perkataan yang baik & intonasi yang baik.
Kalau tetap macam tu, tak apa. Biarkan je. Jangan melawan atau kutuk dia dekat belakang ke apa ke. Jumpa, senyum. Jangan masam muka or tarik muka depan dia.
Study betul betul, make sure dapat high marks dalam kelas dia. Jadi one of her best students ke. Nanti dia diam sendiri lah.

Just want to let you know that i like you though we are in 2 different worlds. Its fine at least i get to say that i like you 😂 no need to reply hahahaha

Hahahaha aren't you the cutest?!
Just to let you know, we're on the same ground, in the same world. We're not very different. Might even be closer than you think. :p
Anyway, thank you so much!

Anna, I would like to ask ur opinion. Yesterday I went to junior welcoming event as I one of the senior. When I approached one of my junior, she asked me " Is he your fiancé? " and this gossip spreads wildly in my faculty. He and I felt so uncomfortable with this and decided to stop awhile. Stress

EkLiMaH’s Profile PhotoNoralimah Golden
Hi! Your question macam tak habis so I had a hard time translating it....
Anyway, I'll just assume what I assume. Kalau salah, do correct me ok!
Kalau nak senang, macam ni je- elakkan berdua dua. Kalau ada kawan lelaki, bestfriend ke tak ke, kalau sama sama sentiasa make sure ada sorang lagi kawan. Jangan berdua duaan, elakkan ni. Orang lain suka mengata. Kadang kadang dengan pandangan mata je dah boleh jadi fitnah di mulut.
Sekarang ni, elakkan jumpa. Nanti lama lama gosip tu akan diam sendiri. Kita jangan layan. Lagi kita layan, lagi kita melenting ke apa ke, lagi lah orang assume itu ini. Buat tak tahu je. Lepas ni pandai pandai sendiri. Kalau nak jumpa, jumpa ramai ramai. Nak berjalan, biar ramai ramai. Jangan selalu berkepit je, itu yang timbul fitnah tu.

Assalamualaikum Anna. Sudi tak Anna membenarkan saya bertemu ibu ayah Anna supaya saya boleh melamar Anna. :) -bon-

Allahu... Bukan tak mahu benarkan, tapi kita sama sama asing. Family saya over protective tau. Nak melamar, wajib kenal dulu siapa orangnya & definitely bukan yang bertanya dekat ask fm as anonymous :P

can you tell if someone's good enough for you?❤️

Someone can never be good enough for you & it applies to you as well.
We will never be good enough for anyone.
We all have our own expectations.
The 'good enough' issue is mostly irrelevant because when you truly love someone, you'd accept them regardless- their weaknesses, bad sides, good sides, habits etc.
It's all about acceptance :)

Akak tesl majority bi memang nak A ke. Lepas tu result yang lain nak kredit je?

Nope, kalau dapat B pun boleh apply if I'm not mistaken unless you're applying through public uni memang kena A (rasanya lah).
Anna dah tak ingat. Sorry! Nak senang, google je! Hehe
Liked by: nurhannani syafiqa Ila


Language: English