
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Sabtu or ahad, jom hang dkat Kuantan Parade? :)

Lepas SPM okay!
But I don't go to Kuantan Parade anymore since its too boring mwahaha :p

Kak Anna, shawls B06 ada lagi tak? :)

Tak ada dah, tapi kalau nak boleh order.
Tapi kena bayar dulu so we can confirm your order.

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kak anna.. i try nak fahamkan but i still can't understand it. Lagu Demi yg "SkysCraper" . Penacakar langit? huh what does it mean?

You should really go deep into the lyrics and hayati betul betul maksud dia.
Relate the song with your life. :)

Kak Anna, selain sunplay, any sunblock yg bagus? Dan yang tak berminyak? Thanksyou :)

I don't know, I'm a loyal user of sunplay! Haha

Anna, susah tak science stream?

Susah kalau kita malas and lack of effort.
Kena banyak buat revision, kena banyak buat latihan.
Sekali tinggal, lupa memang sakit.
Before you take science stream, fikir betul betul dulu :)

Are you going to octtwtfest? I want to meet ya :)

Sorry for the late reply!
I didn't go to octtwtfest neither twtupktn.
We should meet up next year since I'm planning to attend the 2013's (of they have another twtfest tho)

Kak Anna, cetaphil ada cleanser je ke? Moisturizer?

Cetaphil pun ada comes out with moisturizer.
You can find it in any pharmacies, Watson or Guardian. :)

Kak Anna, usually kalau akak shopping online selalu beli apa? And dekat website mana?

Kasut! Tudung! Beg!
Shida Shinee Shop
Butik Mia
Butik Pinkku
& more tapi tak berapa ingat! :/

kenapa tk private supaya orang tk boleh ask anonymous? kita dpt tahu org tu siapa kan yg tanya?

Because I choose to let anyone asks me. :)

Jika diberi pilihan , kereta apa yang anda ingin miliki? :)

Nissan Fairlady. But hmm, Mini Copper will doooooooo. :D

i'm a guy and even tho i am 17, i have teddy bears and i cuddle when i go to sleep..am i too immature or????

Everyone has their own weird hobby or habit. It's not 'immature', it's a habit. It's not wrong. :)

kak anna selalu order milo tabur eh ,. wahh samelah dengan saya .. sedap kan n_n

Yesss, tapi milo tabur yang kurang manis! Hehe


Language: English