
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Would you agree with this statement? All boys watch porn. If dont state the reason.

I don't. When you said "all", I want to ask you if you're sure?
Read your question again.

orang kata muka saya sombong, kerek but act saya tak pun macam tu . dah memang muka saya 'macam' sombong . saya okay je kalau ada orang nak kawan dengan saya . your opinion please?

Well sometimes you're the one who has to start the conversation first.
Sebab people judge you from what they see, & it's you who have to prove that they're wrong.

Baru start pakai? I mean, bila? Saya nak pakai tau tapi entah asyik terlupa sebab bukan kebiasaan kita kan..

Yes. Well, remind yourself then! :-)

justine tu dia pernah tak tanya pasal islam or cakap tertarik dengan islam ke...pernah tak?

It's a sensitive question.

saya sarankan kakak ana yg sedang pakai spek tak kelip-kelip melihat saya sekarang search 'nichkhun' sebab lee dong wook tu lebih kepada macho. hehuhehihahu

Saya setia pada yang satu, :p

bukan saya ckp, but sedare pun ckp. Dorang mcm sembunyikan sesuatu dari saya, :(

Well maybe you should stop with your negative thinkings.
Trust me, it's nothing. :-)


Language: English