
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Macam mana penerimaan and pendapat your parents about your popularity? How did they react? And apa pendapat you jugak?

My parents are surprisingly okay with it, at times they're very supportive & always remind me to do good things with it. They also tell me to not get myself too overwhelmed by all these.
Me? Well... I honestly hate attention. I don't like it at all but I am now used to it so I'm okay je. It's just so hard you know, people know you and everything you want to do would be limited. Finding real friends is the hardest part because you don't know whether they approach you for your status or your friends or things you have or actually for you. It sucks but I'm okay with it, I have my few bestfriends with me I couldn't be more grateful than I am right now.
Seriously, sometimes I wish I was invisible.
Anyhow, my goal is to do good things with what I have today! I'll make sure I achieve it somewhere in the future.

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macam mana nak belajar english? Dari sek rendah tak minat english. So bila dah tua bangka ni, macam baru nak merangkak belajar. Kekadang rasa malu + menyesal sebab tak nak belajar dulu T_T

Sejujurnya, dulu pun Anna tak suka English sebab tak pandai. Annoying sangat.
Masa Anna sekolah rendah, ayah Anna selalu motivate Anna. Tahu tak buku nota 555 tu? Dia beli satu buku nota tu untuk Anna. Every week dia minta Anna tulis 5 new vocabs siap maksud dekat dalam buku tu. Nanti dia check.
Dia belikan Anna novels masa Anna kecil, that's why Anna suka sangat baca buku. Ayah yang galakkan.
Masa Anna darjah 5, cikgu English Anna garang gila haha. Dia paksa kitorang listkan vocabularies siap gambar lagi, nak colour pulak tu T_T Rasanya kena tampal 3 buku untuk vocabs je. Pastu kena hafal, kalau tak kena rotan wuwuwu. And then dia ajar past tense, hari hari kena tulis verbs baru. Next year tu cikgu sama lagi. Kalau buku last year hilang, dia paksa kitorang buat semula.
My teachers & my dad played a huge role in helping me to enhance my English. If you ask me macam mana nak belajar, mula mula kena minat. Tu paling penting, baru learning process jadi senang.
Try lah dengar lagu English, tengok movie, start baca novel best yang nipis je dulu. It will help so much! Kalau nak improve grammar, beli buku latihan grammar yang basic & buat. That's what I did back then. It'll take time tapi with a lot of effort, insha Allah semua akan jadi mudah.

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Assalamualaikum kak Anna. What would you do if someone talk bad about you?

People talk bad about me all the time, in front of me & behind my back. One thing I've learned throughout the years is to ignore them. They're going to talk and talk and talk and they'll never get tired of it. Just like us, we talk too. We can just conclude that talking, judging, criticizing other people are actually in our nature. We like to compare ourselves, that's what we do all the time. That's why we have the good and the bad, the best and the worst- because of the comparison.
It's best to ignore. If we listen to them, they're just going to talk more. Let them talk but don't let them win. You win by ignoring, they lose by trying.

Kak saya dapat plkn pastu kannnn saya takut hitam lah kak hahahahahaha that maybe sounds funny but aaaaa what should i do

Hitam boleh putih balik lah! Haha
Seriously, plkn best! (Although I was only there for a week but I liked it!)
Experience dia best, banyak benda yang kita belajar. Yang manja manja tu confirm keluar plkn dah tak manja. You have to go! It's a once in a lifetime experience! Tak semua orang dapat tau.

If a person does not really smart in english but he/she pretty excellent for other things such as accounting,pharmacy and maths. Do you think that person qualify as a smart one?

Of course but in my opinion English is a basic thing that everybody needs to learn. Majority of employers, unis, they want us to have basic knowledge in English sebab we'd need to communicate with other people who probably don't speak our mother tongue. Nak study pun the books & notes are all in English, apa apa pun kena belajar jugak. But it's okay, no rush. It can be learned slowly.

hi anna. my bf selalu puji you lawa but i okay je sebab memang you lawa and takkan boleh dapat you (padan muka dia lol). hehe btw i suka cara you. baik and cantik. semoga Allah jaga awak.

Hi! Hahaha you're so cute!
Amin! Terima kasih! Anna tak baik mana pun, biasa biasa je. Next time bf awak puji Anna, lepuk dia. Gf yang paling cantik ada depan mata pergi puji perempuan lain pulak. Haha
Semoga Allah jaga awak juga.
Lots of love!

Takkn lah you dont eat any ubat untuk putih, nampak sgt tipu. You putih gila! Different dri parent you

I don't know why I find this funny hahahahaha.
Well I'm not obsessed untuk putih ke apa ke, I don't consume weird meds or supplements. I think it's normal kalau parents quite different from their children. I mean especially that I'm a girl, kalau dulu my parents had fair skin pun for sure it changed because of many factors. It's possible je. And if I'm not mistaken, Anna ada mix chinese tak silap so it could be one of the reasons why. But really, I'm not that fair though.

kak Anna, nak tanya. waktu Kak Anna zaman zaman sekolah duly kan, Kak Anna buat tak nota studi sendiri dan adakah memang penting untuk buat? hihi

Hi! Buat! Bagi saya short notes penting. Sampai sekarang pun saya still buat short notes.
1) Bila kita buat short notes, kita baca everything.
2) Bila kita tulis, kita akan senang ingat.
3) Bila ada short notes, time exam senang sangat tak payah nak buka buku tebal tebal nak baca. Just refer dekat short notes je & hafal. Kalau tak faham baru rujuk buku.
I'd definitely recommend you to do short notes! Insha Allah it will help you out especially time exam. All the best okay!

Assalamualaikum, Anna. well my nickname is ana jgak ^^ hehe so lately sy mmg ade masalah jerawat agak teruk laa. maybe sbb hormon or tabiat suke tukar2 pncuci muka. ah rse tk confident lnsung nk kluar. blh bgi cadangan tk how to handle jerawat and parutnya? klo boley bgtau la ape produk yg anna guna

Hiiiiii! Okay I've been getting a lot of questions like this. Honestly, my skin is problematic too. I have oily, extremely sensitive & acne prone skin. If you've met me you'd know. Yes, I do wear make ups, sunscreen and such to conceal my flaws. So I understand completely how you guys feel. That feeling, tak rasa confident langsung, takut being judged for having flaws. Bleh trust me, I've gone through all that and I'm still dealing with it. I don't even think it will go away.
I know a lot of tips. I do understand how you guys are searching for products that give you fast & long lasting results and all. Sometimes you wish that it would all be gone in a second. Gosh trust me I've been there.
But day by day I think majority of us girls are being so obsessed with beauty. Especially with a lot of products sold online, you guys are affected by it. Rasa nak beli ek? Well don't waste your money.
Stop feeling so insecure, it's time for you to accept yourself the way it is. Don't be so obsessed to have flawless skin, no flaws because we can't run away from that seriously. I'm not even flawless myself.
However it is okay for you guys to find solutions to your problems, just don't be too obsessed with it okay?
What I do with breakouts :-
1) I always use bedak sejuk. Almost every night akan pakai. Petua orang orang tua, it actually helps jugak lah. Tak hebat macam products sekarang tapi it's natural and safe that's good enough.
2) Kalau nak cari product, I'd find ones yang 100% natural with no chemicals like paraben etc. Some of them are costly but benda yang bagus dan selamat to me worth my money.
And nomally natural products will take time to show their effects so tak boleh nak expect too much. Kena consistent & tawakal.
3) Jaga makan, elakkan junk food, carbonated drinks and all. Cara pemakanan kita pun affect kulit kita tau. Makan makanan sihat, kulit pun jadi sihat.
4) Elakkan gula. Kalau dahaga, biasakan diri minum plain water & warm water. Kalau nak best tambah lah lemon ke.
5) Don't stress out. It's one of the main reasons jugak sebab nanti kita tak boleh tidur malam. Lack of sleep pun boleh affect kulit.
6) Kalau cakap pasal resdung dengan hormon, tu memang tak boleh nak elakkan lah. Anna pun still deal dengan masalah tu. Kena pantang semua & jaga hygiene. Sooner or later baik lah tu insha Allah.
I'm sorry if I don't help much but that's the best I can give. Remember, don't focus too much on your outer beauty, focus on the inside. At the end of the day, the outer beauty will fade but the beauty inside will always stay the same if you know how to take care of it. Let them love you for who you are not what you are.
Love yourself! That's the most important key to have self confidence. :) x

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what is your ambition?and lepas grad apa perancangan?kawin?kerja?

I want to contribute to the society. Plan after habis belajar nak buka free tuition for those yang tak mampu & do good deeds lah with whatever I have.
Lepas dah habis diploma, Anna nak further lagi sampai master insha Allah. Belum lagi kot kahwin, nak achieve semua benda dulu baru kahwin. Anna nak jadi isteri yang berjaya jugak, mana boleh suami je berjaya hahaha.

Salam anna. I need a suggestion. My friend's (girl) birthday is coming and Idk what to give her as a present. She's staying far from me so I can't meet her on that day. Can you pls help me? Thank you anna pretty! :)

Hi! Well last time I couldn't make it to a friend's wedding, I ordered a cake and had it sent to the wedding. Maybe you could do the same! Or you could buy something online and have it posted to your friend tapi request lah dekat the seller to wrap it ke, kena bayar lebih sikit kot. Or kalau nak senang, do it yourself je she'd appreciate it anyway :)


Language: English