
Anna Khayalan

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Dear kak Anna, sye ade kawan yg mcm suka mempergunakan sye, walaupun sye layan dorg dgn baik.. tp dorg selalu memperendah-rendahkn sye.. Dia prnh kutuk sye di depan sye.. dn dia tak mintak maaf pun. Sye terasa tp sye diam je. Akak rse ape yg patut sye buat ?

Stand up for yourself. Kalau tak suka, cakap tak suka.
Tegur dia. Berani kan diri untuk tegur dia.
Bukan kawan tu, tak ada kawan akan buat macam tu.
Cari kawan lain. And sabar. Anggap itu satu ujian. :)

Kak Anna, I pernah ada boyfriend and he's my first love. We broke up 2 years ago cause I caught him cheating on me. I tak pernah ada boyfriend lain selain dia & I tak pernah lupakan. Senang cakap, I can't get over him and I feel nothing more than pathetic! Help me kak Anna ):

Turn to Allah. He will help you.
And learn to forgive. :)

Anna, well for sure I need a listener. Seems like you're the perfect one eventhough we don't know each other :) Well, I had a couple a year ago. Since we broke up, I tend to be his bestfriend. The problem is, when he started to tell me about his love life, deep inside I'm hurting. What should I do?

Move on, love. Move on.
Move on doesn't mean you need to leave him or stop contacting him, no.
You just need to move on and get over the past. You guys broke up right?
Forgive. When you forgive, you won't feel a thing.
It takes time, at least try. Best of luck! :)
Liked by: LΔVΣNDΣR ♦

Hy Kak anna ! Nak tanye sat , Kalau kite dh minta maaf dgn org tu sebanyak 3 kali tapi die tak maafkan kite , maknanye dosa kite terhadap die dah tiada erk ? confuse :/

Hi, okay yang tu saya tak tahu. Sorry! Takut jawab tapi salah.
Cuba google atau tanya someone yang lebih berpengetahuan okay! :)

Kak Anna, one more question. So saya sekolah asrama and I love to help my batch. Tapi kan kalau saya tolong tu kan especially lelaki nanti akan timbul satu perasaan suka, tapi saya tak boleh suka sebab dia orang punya. Macam mana Kak Anna?

Perasaan suka ni lumrah tau, it's not weird.
Awak boleh suka like tons of people at the same time.
That's the difference of suka, sayang, cinta.
It's okay. It's like you're only having a crush on him.
Lambat laun perasaan itu akan hilang dengan sendiri.
Keep yourself busy. :)

Kak Anna, is it berdosa tak tegur rakan baik sendiri couple?Well, i just want the best for her. She's still young but idk macammana nak tegur dia. :( I'm afraid of losing a bestfriend like her :'/ Can you give some advices? Thankyou akak! :) I'm sure you will .

Dikira bersubahat, setahu saya lah.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Kalau tak boleh tegur, doa untuk dia.
Sebab kadang kadang orang tak boleh ambil nasihat, so the best way untuk tolong dia melalui talian ketiga iaitu Allah. :)
Liked by: nabilah ♡

The Last Song, The Notebook, How The Light Gets In, The Fault In Our Stars, My Sister's Keeper; these are you fav books? Siapa penulis? :)

Nicholas Sparks, John Green, Jodi Picoult.<3

kak anna saya ada kwan yang dulunya rapat, selalu jumpa, tapi sekarang ni bila dah lama tak jumpa saya rasa mcam awkward pula nak tegur dia kat twitter.bila saya ajak dia keluar nanti macam2 alasan dia bagi. nampak sgt mcm dia tak suka kawan ngn saya lagi. K.anna rasa apa perlu saya buat?

Move on. :)
People change, relationships end. It's life.
Tapi jangan bermusuh, tak baik.

kak anna. mcm mana kalau kita couple, jarang contact, tak selalu jumpa, sebab kitorg sibuk study and dia pun ada tanggungjwb dkt ibu. is it okay? lagipun dia dah jumpa family saya. but so bad, dia busy sampai tknk lyn langsung. mcm mana eh?

Have you guys talked about it? I mean bila contact, ada cakap tak pasal tu? Bincang?
Ok, macam ni. What do you feel about this? Ask yourself.
Nak stay lagi ke tak? Or you want to move on? Is this relationship is going somewhere?
Whatever it is, follow your heart. Good luck! :)

Hi , kak Anna , selalunya dekat mana kak anna beli shawl ye ? Well ,shawl akak semua nya cantik - cantik pastu lembut .

Hello there! Saya beli dekat kedai lah, haha sorry saya tak ada favourite kedai or anything.
Bila jumpa yang saya suka, saya beli je. Sekarang kan ramai orang jual, cuba lah cari.
Mesti ada punya! x


Language: English