
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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confess? and how about bff dia tu. dia tahu bff dia tu suka saya. hmm. sokay. i try to forget him w doa :-) please pray to me ya kak anna. :-) sorry if all my question buat kak anna rimas. hihi

Not at all, amin. You'll be fine. :)

Kak Anna, macam mana akak belajar for science? I mean, like a lot kena hafal fakta semua. :/

I don't take Science. I have Biology, Chemistry, Physics. Which are more complex than Science. I suggest you to do short notes and do a lot of exercises.

And how to move on? he's my first boy. We had been together for 3 years. Both of our family know bout our relationship and how am I going to tell my family bout this? he's a close friend of my bro. Its not easy :'(

Sometimes you don't have to drag your family or even anyone else in your relationship.
It's between you and him, not them. Try to get over him. Even if you can't, at least try.
It will take plenty of time to move on, but first please set your mind that you're going to move on and forget him. Don't stuck in your past, live in your present and work for your future. For a better one. A first love doesn't guarantee to be your last's, sometimes it's a one step before you find your real love. This is what they call experience. You learn.

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why u shoo pretty? can u share how to menjaga kecantikan like u. i really adore u :))

Thank you.
I don't really have any tips, sorry. I don't even have the best skin and all.
Not flawless. :)
Liked by: Showg alshahrani

saya tak tawu nak buat yg mana satu.. nak luahkan perasaan rindu dekat kak anna dulu ke nak bace answer kak anna.. haha

2 in 1? I love multi-tasking! :p

oh thank you so much coz give me the best answer. may Allah bless u kak anna. insyaAllah from now saya takkan ckp dia ''pengahalang'' dah. emm. but mcmne nak hilangkan perasaan suka ni. saya penat suka dgn org yg tak tahu saya suka dekat dia. :(

Amin. Thank you!
The best thing you can do is to confess.
Kalau taknak, you can keep it.
If you want it to be gone, doa. :)

kak anna nak tawu , ingat kan lepas pmr bolehlah enjoy sikit tapi rupenye tak boleh sebab kitaorang kena belajar SMA .. kalau tak lulus sma tak boleh naik form 4. haha dahsyat kan

SMA tu apa..................................??? Lol

But, during Eid, he was here, at my house. but he ignored me. I had tried to settle things with him. but he keep on running away from this thing. If he wants this relationship to end, tell me. Im okay with it. Im dying a lil bit inside. :"(

Or maybe it did end. It did end in silence. Send him a text, a last one.
And move on. :)

kak anna nak tawu tak masa last paper saya jawab bahasa arab saya excited sangat nak cepat habis.. rindu punya pasal , sampai kawan saya cakap "rindu kak anna lah tu " .. haha

Hahahaha amboi!<3 :D x

Kakkkk annaa .. lega nya dapat ask kak anna.. dapat luahkan rindu ni.. hehe tapi saya rindu kak anna

Haha, comel je! :)

pmr tahun ni agak susah ow kak anna lagi2 bm.. huh.. btw masih ada masa nak doa kan.. kak anna doakan saya dapat 9A taw ;)

Amin!! :)

Kak Anna ada sorang ni dia admire dekat saya. Saya pun sebenarnya memang minat dia. Tapi dia nak hubungan lebih dari seorang kawan. Tapi saya tak nak... Hmm lama-lama macam rimas pulak dengan dia -.-

Tell him that you're not ready and all. Dah?
Just tell him how you feel, jujur. Senang.

Kak Anna , saya ni happy go lucky tapi ada masa pendiam sampai tak tegur langsung even duduk sebelah . Bila saya tak tegur diorang , diorang kata saya sombong , gedik and many more .Rasa stress bila diorang ckp mcm tu . Saya nak tegur tapi mulut rasa berat sangat :( mcm mana nak buat ?

Ringankan mulut, sentiasa senyum dan selalu lah tegur orang. :)

why are you not answering my question. i need help for god sake. :(

I'm sorry, I've answered everything. Try to look through my past answers.

anna saya nak tanya jujur ni, anna lalai tak bila anna guna bb... rasa lalai tak?

Jujur? Yes, hahaha. Tapi saya sentiasa cuba untuk tak melalaikan diri saya. And kadang kadang saya guna bb tu untuk belajar. Macam malam malam selalu belajar dengan kawan kawan dekat BBM. :)

dulu saya tengok baru 500 answers . sekarang 1+++ .. berapa lamenya saya tak on.. dan saya terrrrramatlah rindu kak anna

So, hi!! :)

semalam saya tengok kak anna punya ask disable.. saya pon dah macam.. "alahh nak luahkan rindu ni" .. kak annaa saya rindu kak anna gile gile.. haha saya bukan les tapi u know , u are my inspiration.. i miss you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo muchhh

That's so sweet!!! Thank you!!!! :)

Kak Anna Kak Anna Kak Anna !!! saya rinduuuu kakkk anna so muchh !!! kak annaa saya tak on 23 hari sebab buat persediaan pmr.. kak annaaaa sayaaaa rinduuuu kak anna sesangaat !!! lovee youu muahh <3

Hi! That's great! <3 you tooooooooo kiddy!
How was your PMR? Boleh dapat straight A's tak? :)

If the love of your life wanted to kill you, would you let him / her ?

If he's the love of my life, he won't kill me.

kak anna hari ni saya nak luahkan semua perasaan saya .. jangan pergi mana2 taw..

Aww alright then! I'm listening! :)

means dia ''penghalang'' sbb dia terlalu suka kat sya. kdg2 dia jeles tgk kawan dia yg saya suka tu sembang dgn saya.

He's not your boyfriend. He's not even a penghalang, you feel that way sebab you're stucked in the middle. Between someone you like and someone who likes you. Because you have to make a choice, it's either one of them and that's why you said he's a 'penghalang'.


Language: English