
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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assalamualaikum kak anna. macam mana kita nak belajar BI yup..(form3) 2013..akak belajar bi macam mana ? please help me ..=D

Kena banyak membaca. Bila jumpa perkataan baru, write down dalam satu buku then cari maksud.
Luaskan vocabulary.
Untuk grammar, kena buat latihan banyak.
But mostly, memang kena membaca.
Good luck on your PMR next year! :)

Assalamualaikum Anna! Ahaks..how's your life now? Hahaha this is your directioner "friend" is it okay if I call myself a friend to you? :D..anyway just stop by and say HI..you know its hard to find my question you know..with all this question ..haha its okay I dont blame you..XD Bye then

Waalaikumussalam. Yes you are a friend after all!
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII back then. I hope you're doing great!
Since I actually answer ALL questions, my inbox aren't that full. :)

mungkin. mungkin i kasar sikit lah tapi kadang2 kita berkias pun tk fhm jgk. hmm Allah jela tahu niat i. kalau dia taknak cntct i dh takpe lah, bhgian i dah selesai kot.

Exactly, Allah je tahu your intention.
Now, be positive and move on. :)

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Kak Anna! Lepas SPM terus jdi cikgu tau. Cikgu kaunselor dekat sekolah saya. Akak nasihat orang sangat cool ~

Cikgu tadika je lah, haha.

Anna anna anna rindu anna! Lepas spmkita skype lagi ok? Sambil anna bukak lagu lagu 1D. Hihi :D you know me?

InsyaAllah! Since you're an anon, I can't recognize you sorry!
Liked by: Robin †

Awak .. tolong doakan Gaza eh awak ? Diorang kena serang dengan Israel pada hari pertama muharam, hari ni. Tolong eh ? "))

Amin. Semoga Allah melindungi penduduk Gaza.

your favorite song ?? List 10 :)

Demi Lovato - Believe In Me
Avril Lavigne - Tomorrow
The Wanted - I Found You
One Direction - Little Things
Miley Cyrus - You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go
Ariana Grande - Put Your Hearts Up
Muse - Unintended
Maroon 5 - Wipe Your Eyes
Taylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble
Justin Bieber - Be Alright


Language: English