
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Agak berat jugak penerangan anna pasal could can would will tu. But saya cuba fahamkan sikit2. I get it! Thank you so much! :)

Sorry, I googled it because I don't really know how to explain!!
Nanti ada masa kita skype eh! Anna ajar apa yang anna tahu! :)

Heyy Anna!! Remember me?? Dulu aku selalu share gossip dgn kauuu, now nak tegur kau dah malu lah pulakk. HAHAHA XD

Hi!! Siapa ni?! Hahaha text me!! x

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Saya dah tengok cetaphill tu dekat guardian .mahalnya :( biasa anna beli berapa? Saya tengok dalam rm 50+++ ada tak dalam botol kecik?

Tu yang botol besar kot.
Botol sederhana, Anna beli around RM30+ je.
Yang kecil ada tapi tak tahu berapa. Cuba cari dekat Watson pulak! :)

Salam. Dear kak ana. I need someone who listen to me. And I guess maybe it was you. Hm. Here's the questions. Dulu, I once was a bad person, who neglected all the suruhan allah. Eventhough I know clearly bout hukum hakam. Its just me, who never obey. Now, I try to make a changes. Its not because of

Waalaikumussalam. You don't finish your question, if you come back for this please write the rest of it.
Ok listen, when you have the nawaitu to change for the better, don't hold. Just do it right away. Stop thinking of your past, you're living NOW, not in your past nor your future. The reason why you can't obey the suruhan Allah because you don't pray. "Solat itu tiang agama", kalau tak solat tiang akan runtuh bukan? Do you know yang solat can help you ease the bad things? Solat gives you peace of mind and heart. Yesterday I was crying, I felt so down and weak then I heard azan, I go take my wudhu' and performed my Asar. I was crying during solat until the moment I amin my doa, I felt peace right away as if my tears have been wiped off, my sorrows have been taken away, all that left is happiness. I was in a very good mood after that, go ask my friends. It is real, it feels beautiful, it is amazing. Don't hold back, when you read this I want you to go take your wudhu' and perform your solat taubat. While you're performing your solat, remember all the bad things you've did, cry if you can. Trust me you'll feel so calm right after that. To keep you still, always remember to perform yor solat fardhu. Ingat, dosa kalau tak solat. Kalau malas, PAKSA dan paksa. Lama lama it will become one of your routines. Once a day, read a page or two of Al-Quran. Zikir at times. Kalau boleh jangan terpengaruh dengan your friends sangat, nak berkawan boleh but tahu batas. And rajinkan diri dengar dengar zikir dan ke masjid time maghrib untuk dengar tazkirah. Solat tahajjud bangun malam. Turn to Him, He will be there, He will help. Sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Pengampun. Kalau nak berubah, berubah sekarang. Jangan nanti. I will pray for you. :)

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kak anna, tudung bawal ada macam2 style. yg kak anna pakai tudung bawal tu, style yg mane satu. yg kak anna slalu webcam ngn ur friends tu?

Yang tu anna pakai biasa je. Anna tak style sangat, tak minat.
Liked by: fiesha

org tnya pnjg-ii , akaq jwb pendek-ii , baik takyah jwb.

Kalau jawapannya pendek, buat apa nak jawap panjang panjang. :)

Anna you know how much I love you? The way you answered all the questions aw I love you so much! :-)

I love you too. :)

hai. my name is fadhilah. 14. lived in putrajaya. :) nice to meet you .

Hi Fadhilah! Nice to meet you too! I'm Anna. :)

kak anna kalau kita salam denagn pakcik kita tu bukan muhrim ke? bukan apa, kalau saya tak salam nanti kang dia ckp saya ni takde adab pula. so what should i do?

Kalau pakcik tu adik beradik mak atau ayah, tak apa. Kalau bukan, tak boleh. Haram. :)
Liked by: s i l e n c e Erin


Language: English