
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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apa kegunaan herbaline?

Well one of the reasons why I love Herbaline is because the ingredients of the products are all made from herbs. And good for your skin, it doesn't irritate your skin at all. I use the toner, moisturizer & the aloe vera gel. They smell soooo sooo good!!!! But it's a little bit pricey but really recommended. At the moment, I'm using Cetaphil as my cleanser since I have a sensitive skin. :-)

OMG really??? :( I can't view your twitter profile as long as you don't change your twitcon bcause it's really remind me to someone.....

Good news, I've changed it :-)

What will you name for your first child?

If my first child is a boy I would name him Ammar. (After my late brother's name)

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Kak Anna, macam mana nak atasi sifat malas?

Malas tak boleh atasi, sifat tu sentiasa ada dalam diri kita.
Dalam semua benda kita nak buat, mesti ada rasa malas.
Malas tak akan pergi. Cuma kita, kita je kena ada usaha untuk rajin.
EFFORT. Tu penting, kalau nak buat sesuatu kena terus buat. Jangan tangguh.
Contoh bila ada exam, cakap nak study tapi tak study study sebab malas. SIKAP, UBAH.
Kalau nak sesuatu, usaha. Kalau nak berjaya, usaha. Semuanya bergantung kepada usaha.
Secerdik mana pun someone tu kalau tak ada usaha, tak akan berjaya.
Semua bergantung atas diri sendiri.
Liked by: Azizah Amini

If you have a choice between a big sized chocolate chip cookie and a big bowl of banana split,which one will you choose?

Um wait.
OK FINE. So basically I can make my own big sized chocolate chip cookie.

I have 5 siblings but for the time being I feel like I am the only child. My sister study abroad and she is the only one I really talk with. I barely talked with my brothers. We have a big fight a few years back. The feeling of loneliness are in me even in a big crowded space. I cant cry. It awkward

It is always okay to cry.
You still have your friends and Allah with you.
Maybe you should start over things between you and your brothers.
Just try to be nice with them. You don't know what might happen. :-)

Hey Anna. I've a lot of problem but do not know who to talk with. So I decided to talked to you. Masalah saya ialah saya tak boleh cerita problem saya dengan sesiapa pun sebab people know me as a strong person. It feel awkward to tell my friends about my problem because they clinged on me to much :(

Here's the thing, a fact actually. In every strong person, there is a weakness. You just told me yours.
Kenapa nak malu? Kenapa nak awkward? They're your friends, they're supposed to listen to your problems and help you getting through it. That's what friends for isn't it? :-)

My crush, dia still suka ex dia. Tapi I rasa dia tau I minat dia. But kitorang still kawan macam biase, I just confused sebab dia tau I minat dia then dia layan I macam biasa je. Kadang, dia tengok I. I pun tktau nak tafsir mcm mana. But, the truth ex dia suka dia lagi. Ex dia lawa, I tak :(

Everyone is beautiful, honey.
The most awkward thing is to date your friend. That is why bila you suka someone or you know you suka someone and decide not to tell him. You have to act like nothing happen like tak ada apa. Why? So you can keep the friendship. When you confess to someone and they say no, it'd be more than awkward and would tear you guys apart. Look, you don't know apa perasaan dia dekat you unless you ask him. :-)
Liked by: syyfqhd Linda


I'm sorry I can't understand your point.....

Anna.. i think is not "kemungkinan". I think it's real . Maybe his like my freinds.. tell me something anna?

I can't say anything. It's up to you to find out.

Anna i have some problem.. I ade niat nak pakai tudung tapi niat tu terbantut macam tu aje.bila tengok dekat kedai tudung lawa-lawa beli tapi bila nak pakai entah lah macam niat tu terbantut macam tu je.. Second i nie nak try solat penuh tapi entah kadang-kadang malas pastu terus terbantut macam tu

Here's the thing.
Bila you really want something, you'll have to make effort for it.
That's how it works.
Kalau your niat untuk pakai tudung tu ikhlas, memang betul betul dari hati then you won't be delaying the change of a life time that you want to make. If your niat semata mata nak cantik and all that then this is what you'll have to deal with. Tapi you know ustaz kata, walau dengan apa niat sekali pun kamu nak pakai tudung. Benda itu wajib, so nak taknak, ikhlas tak ikhlas, kena pakai, kena tutup aurat. Bila mula mula rasa tak ikhlas, lama lama dah jadi rutin. You akan rasa sendiri nikmat dia. Macam solat, mula mula malas. Ada je yang menghalang, ada je alasan. Tapi you know benda tu WAJIB. Kalau tak buat, berdosa. Nak taknak kena buat. Dosa bukan benda main main, akhirat bukan benda main main. Don't wait. Change while you can, you don't know if tomorrow you dah tak ada then you'll die dalam keadaan berdosa. No one wants that. I'm not telling you anything, you're a grown up so you decide which way you want to go. Each way leads you to different places. Think.

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Assalamualaikum Kak Anna, youre so inspiring! Saya nak tanya, saya nak berubah tapi saya takut orang cakap saya ni bajet baik and whatever. Kalau akak ada dekat tempat saya, apa akak buat? Btw, goodluck for your trial! :D

Jangan ambil peduli apa orang kata, awak nak berubah jadi lebih baik so go for it.
& thank you!
Liked by: ℠⇆Goldinoa}

Hi.Good Luck for you Trial SPM. Don't sleep too late,wake up too early ,make sure 8hours for every day. Your advise is useful.Thank You Very Much. May Allah Bless You Go Through All The Obstacle ,Brave Girl

Hi, thank you! May Allah bless you. Amin :-)

soalan dari fomspring yg anna tak jawab lagi Sya suka seorang budak islamik ni. Tpi saya dpt tahu dia suka sseorang n kemungkinan eseorang itu adlah kwan baik saya.saya cuba jauhkan diri saya dari dia tapi x boleh. lagi saya cuba jauhkan diri, lagi dia dekat pda saya.. apa patut sya buat?? help me

You said KEMUNGKINAN. :-)
Ask yourself.


Language: English