
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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kak anna, bila kita dah mintak maaf dan orang tu masih lagi nak cari point utk bergaduh dgn kita kan, apa je yg kita boleh buat? sy stress bila berdepan benda ni. apa yg saya nak post dekat social media semua dia nak kaitkan dgn diri dia sedangkan saya tak tuju dekat sesiapa.

Kalau saya, saya ignore je. Kalau dia terasa, itu masalah dia. Tapi, awak pun kena jaga jugak- you can't just randomly tweet things without thinking or being too emotional . Maybe bukan untuk dia tapi dia terasa jugak. Kan dah bergaduh dekat situ?
My advice is- always think before you say/post something even if you don't mean it.

Dear Anna, I'm not sure if you're going to respond this but I'm too sure you'll read this. I used to ever felt like I envy you. But I know it's not such a good thing. So, now I know I like you because you are so matured and wise in living your life. So inspiring! Anna, I love you!

Hi! Thank you so much. I honestly don't think that I have anything interesting enough to feel envy for. My life isn't as perfect/amazing as you think it is but I'm still grateful anyhow. Thank you again! Love you too! :)

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Anna sy baru kenal awak. Ramai org recommend sy suruh kenal awak 😂. What r u doing actually? (Kerja apa? Belajar apa? Etc)

Hi! Really? Hahaha macam macam tau.
Well, saya ada businesses, saya jual syariah compliance muslimah wear & sekarang tengah working on another project- skincare product to be launched in a month or two, insha Allah. Saya baru habis diploma, previous course was TESL (Teaching English as Second Language). For now saya tengah tunggu result upu, tapi kalau tak dapat insha Allah either going for swasta or tunggu for next upu intake sebab swasta macam mahal sangat huhu. Tu pun nak sambung TESL jugak. Saya macam multitasking. Saya belajar sambil buat bisnes sambil buat kerja kerja lain. At the same time, saya macam one of those social media influencers jugak- saya ada promote brands, events etc.
Saya memang buat banyak kerja haha.
So ok, itu lah saya. Kenal dah?

what is your secret to success? i mean you basically got everything. loving family, good heart, beautiful apperance, a success business. I hope you would write your own book one day abt ur life experi ces. ☺

My supportive parents are my pillar of strength. They're basically the ones yang motivate me & ada masa susah senang. Ada masa tu rasa nak give up sebab multitasking is extremely challenging. Kejap kena focus study, kejap business.
The most important thing is determination & effort je. Kena tungkus lumus & give up certain things to pursue your dream. Lepastu, doa lah dekat Allah. Buat something yang ada keberkatan, insha Allah boleh berjaya.
Not sure if anyone would want to read a book if I wrote one though! Anna suka merepek je hahaha.

anna org yg tepati jnji x? even klo org tu ad niat jht, buat jht or mmg jht dgn anna...still tepati jnji dgn org cmtu x?

Saya ni selalu lupa hahaha. Tapi biasanya kalau saya janji dengan orang, tak kisah lah apa pun memang saya akan cuba untuk tunaikan janji tu. Unless both sides setuju untuk cancel and what not. I always try to keep my words.

Salam,saya sebenarnya budak form 6 & akn amik stpm next year. Tapi saya rasa mcm malas dah nk simpan harapan nk masuk u sbb ada org cakap kalau result spm x elok susah sikit nk masuk u. Lagipun org tgok result spm &stpm sekali. Masalahnya,saya fail addmath n dpt D untuk math masa SPM.

"Gagal sekali tak bermakna gagal selamanya."
It's not impossible for you to get good results now & usaha untuk your upcoming STPM. Tak perlu fikir pasal result lepas lepas, focus on the present, on the one you're studying & have been preparing for. Yang penting, usaha je dan jangan putus asa. Tak kira lah awak nak pursue apa pun, kalau awak usaha memang boleh. Kena yakin & tawakal.
Jangan kisah apa yang orang tengok, apa orang cakap. Yang penting tu kita, yang nak belajar tu kita. Rezeki tu bukan datang dari diorang, rezeki Allah bagi. So usaha & mintak dari Allah. Ok? :)

Hello Anna, can you please give an introduction about yourself and share somethings about you? :)

JoleneLCY’s Profile PhotoJolene Lee
Hi, Jolene!
Short intro eh?
Well, I'm Anna. I'm 21 years old, I live in Kuantan. I just finished my Diploma (in TESL) waiting for my graduation ceremony this coming November & about to pursue my degree too! I'm also working, juggling from job to job. I'm currently running two businesses, one focuses on clothing while the one is soon to-be-released skincare product! So excited for the latter one hehe. & anyway, I'm planning to pursue my degree in TESL too because I want to open my own tuition centre which will focus on charity too! :D
Is that good enough? :)

Hi Anna, may I know where you have traveled to before and when you went there?

I started to travel time 2014, ikut my friends pergi Singapore. Then, a business trip to Jakarta in 2015. Pastu last year baru really started planning for trips to Japan then Siem Reap, Cambodia. This year pergi Lombok je, busy. Now tengah kumpul duit for another trip insha Allah soon.

Salam Anna! I wonder if there's any guy who've asked for your hand in marriage? No worries I am a girl haha just asking. I'd also want you to know that I appreciate the good example that you're showing, since most of your followers are young girls and we need more positive stuffs. Thank you Anna :)

Waalaikumussalam. Hi! Hahaha honestly, there are a few guys who asked but nobody really asked my parents directly except for this one person. In the end, he chickened out I think I'm not sure. Never heard from him anymore.
Marriage isn't a simple thing, it's a lifetime decision. I really need someone who can handle me & guide me to the right path & keep me on track. I'm not a saint. I have my bad sides. It's really hard to find that person who can accept me for who I really am, the whole me- not the half person I appear to be. I am easily distracted & sometimes lost. So hahaha. I'm not rushing into it, I'll just wait patiently I'm still young. In the mean time, I'll be working hard to achieve my goals and dreams.
Thank you for the kind words! I'm so glad but please don't see me as this good & positive person, I can break down too & I make mistakes all the time. Allah just hides it for me. So, lower your expectation ok! Anyway, thank you so so so much! <3

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Anna what's your height? Do you wear high heels often? I'm like pretty short, 155cm and its one of my insecurities when I'm getting older now.

I'm 156cm, apparently 1cm taller than you :P
I wear slippers all the time (no kidding), even to kenduri. I wear pretty clothes but the sight would be ruined by my slippers haha. Selesa & relax. Unless kalau ada important events, I'd switch to heels. This girl gotta look impressive sometimes huhu.
Sometimes I feel insecure about my height too but you know what, being petite has its own perks & you gotta embrace it and rock it. Don't take it as a weakness, look at it as your strength.

Slm, hai Anna! is it kind of problem if I like to do things alone. Most of the time I am alone. But still I have good relation with my friends. I'm more comfortable doing something alone bcs I don't want to disturb my friends' activities just how I don't want them to do so on me. pls reply this!

Waalaikumussalam. Hi! Nope. I have the same thought too but I'm not allowed to go & be anywhere alone (the only daughter in the family) but I get you. It's not weird. In fact, I think it's good because you're away from gossips & other people's business. Sometimes it's alright not to be a part of the gang.


Language: English