
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Hi anna.. I wanna ask.. If we want to be successful, where should we start from?

Well, success is subjective. I don't know what is YOUR definition of success so I can't say much.
My definition of success is when I achieve my goals whether they're small ones or big ones.
If you wanna be successful, you have to know what you want to do, what you want to achieve. Then you'll know where you should start from. It now starts from you.
Please keep this in mind...
Do what you love, love what you do.

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What are the benefits that you get when you're reading novels ? How can reading help you to improve ur language ?

Geez is this is an exam question? Hahah!
Reading unintentionally gives you more experience based on the material you're reading. That's only if you take lessons from it. It improves your critical thinking skill too, your way of seeing the world. People who read are different than those who don't.
Mesti lah reading helps to improve one's language because the materials consist of grammar components, tenses, everything you learn in class. You'll learn new vocabs to be used in your writing & daily conversations. You'll improve in every possible aspect.
Do read.

kak , I baru je tukar cebamed cleanser . Is it a good choice that I have ever done ? I tried to find cethaphil but it was out of stock :(

Sebamed pun okay! Anna pernah pakai tu jugak, I love the smell!
Liked by: Diyla

What if i'm still a student but i want to go traveling overseas? Could you Anna, give me some tips on money management.

Menabung, that's the most efficient way to save money. Elakkan daripada membeli unnecessary things, stuffs yang you don't need. Avoid shopping cause that's when you'll splurge aimlessly. Bab makan paling penting sebab sometimes duit habis kat makanan je so kena jimat lah. Daripada makan tak kenyang kat tempat mahal mahal, pergi kedai murah yang boleh makan sampai kenyang. Limitkan a day boleh belanja berapa RM untuk makan, and berapa untuk simpan. If possible, save duit hijau (RM5) minimum.
Some of my friends kerja part time untuk kumpul duit travel sebab nak ke oversea perlu duit lebih for backup. Tapi sebenarnya better pergi dekat dulu before pergi jauh. Aim for places yang currency dia murah dari kita sebab our country is having currency issue, jadi kena pandai jimat. 😊
Hope I helped!

salam. hello kak anna, i really adore the way you present yourself. so modest & polite. somehow i rasa nak labuhkan baju & tudung sendiri yang kurang labuh hehe please pray for me and thank you for inspiring me! 😊

Waalaikumussalam. Hi dearie. Thank you so much! Please note that I'm not close to perfect. I have flaws somewhere! They're hidden.


Language: English