
Anna Khayalan

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Hai kak Anna. I have one problem and I hope that you can help me. I have two cats. Amoi and Boboi. Family saya mmg suka kucing. Tapi masalahnya, adik beradik saya ni paling malas nak cuci taik kucing kat toilet. Diorang sampai sanggup mandi kat toilet kat bilik ayah semata mata taknak cuci taik tu.

Hi, tak apa. Cuci najis tu pahala tau. Kalau diorang taknak pahala, biarkan. Mulia orang yang cuci najis binatang ni. So, sabar dan ikhlas. :)

Salam akak . someone's admiring me but i dont like him.he's keep liking most of my status on fb . bleh dikatakan most.at fes im okay.but, as time keep flying,i rasa cam not comfortable cz i noe he admires me fyi,he texted me on aim to acquaint.i took a long time to reply dgn no mood.what shud i do

Waalaikumussalam. You should just be honest to him.
Terus terang, simple. Jangan biar dia berharap and all, it's not nice.

Kak Anna, I've a crush on someone. But, I don't know that he like me too. Baru2 ni, dia bagi something dekat saya. Saya tanya kenapa dia bgi hadiah tu. And he was like "nothing" but with a shy expression on me. Apa maksud dia sebenarnya dan apa yang perlu saya lakukan? Please kak anna, help mee :(

It means he has a crush on you too!
What to do next? Follow your heart! ;)
Liked by: ♡ ايواني

i tak faham kenapa orang ckp 'orang single' ni sedih, forever alone. Dorang yg couple tu belum tentu lagi kahwin pun, then couple lagi lah banyak dosa dgn maksiat apa semua. Nak merendah kan orang single, kan anna? :)

Haha I kinda agree but disagree. I'm not on anyone's side because everyone has different opinion and I don't judge. :)

i ada 2 org member ni, dorang tk bg bf dorang g annual dinner sbb risau dorang flirting dgn girl lain. kalau bf dorang g jgk, means bf dorang tk syg dorang. i tk agree la cara dorang tu. last year schl, mesti la dorang nk g an. i nasiht, then dorang ckp "kau takde bf kau tak tahu" Sentap! :'(

Wowwwwww harsh.
Well, the conclusion is you should just let them be.
And mind your own things. :)

Akak . Macam mana nak handle org yg cakap xserupa bikin ? Haritu she said that dia akan tgglkn that guy ; but suddenly dorang couple balik , walhal that guy dah maki dia kaw-kaw gila . Hm . That guy tu kawan saya . Saya kesian kat budak ni ; but mnymph lak dengan sikap dia yg xpernah ttp pendirian

Sabar. Perkara perkara macam tu semuanya terletak dekat individu sendiri. Kita tak boleh ubah diorang unless diorang sendiri yang nak ubah. If it's out of your league, you shouldn't get involved in diorang punya hal. Just mind your own unless they come to you and ask for your help.

Anna, kawan baik saya tiba tiba menjauhkan diri dia daripada saya dan kawan kawan yang lain.Bila saya tanya kenapa dia cakap tak ada apa apa.Sekarang nie dia lebih suka diamkan diri dan pendam perasaan dia.Saya sedih sebab dia berubah macam tu selepas dia putus cinta.Apa perlu saya buat? :(

Doakan dia.
And never leave her side. Sentiasa ada dengan dia.
Cuba buat dia gelak, happy or anything. You're her bestfriend you know what will make her happy.
Ajak dia keluar, pergi rumah dia whatever. Don't talk about her past. Just, help her get through it.
She'll be fine soon. It takes time. :)

kak anna , u are so amzing person .. kak anna ddk kt kuantan ?? saye nk gi holiday kt sana .. and saya berhrp sgt dpt jmpe kak anna .. :-)

Thank you. InsyaAllah we'll meet! :)

Dear kak anna yg comel, Can you storie kan pasal amir yg kat paper BI spm. saya nak tahu sangat2 . hehehe

Nak tahu? Tunggu buku soalan SPM tahun depan keluar ye! :p

dorang memanglah bagi pandangan.. tapi pandangan dorang tu seriosuly buat orang sakit hati kan? adik yang baca ni pun sakit sangat hati tau. herghhhhh. dah follow? heheh terima kasih <3 ily :*

Haha saya tak sakit hati pun. Kita kena terima kritikan orang dengan hati terbuka. Why? To improve ourselves at the same time. Kritikan diambil sebagai nasihat.
Love you too. Have a great day. :)
Liked by: nadh

Kalau #pakaitudungtapi seluar ketat tu kira hinaan ke? ._. Maksud yg sy maksudkan ialah...sebab klu org tu pki tudung then tight outfits tak menghina islam ke i mean...er

Diorang boleh fikir sendiri. :)

Kwn2 suruh saya move on since my crush didn't give any responds when he knew that i have a crush on him. It hurts. really hurts! Perlu ke saya ikut ckp kawan2 sye? Hmph

Yes, move on. Don't waste your time on someone who doesn't care.
Don't hurt yourself. In the future, you'll find someone better.
Trust me! Let go. :)
Liked by: Nur Fatihah SZ

I have this one friend yang tahu saya ada crush on this boy. Tapi, yang tk sedap didengarnya, dia suka buat saya jealous mcm "(my name), perempuan tu lagi cantik dari kaulah. serious aku cakap" Yeah. i know, i tak cantik. tapi perlu ke ckp mcm tu sdgkan org yg dia ckp tu kawan dia sendiri :( help me

That's not a friend. Takkan ada seorang kawan pun dalam dunia ni akan cakap such things dekat kawan sendiri. Kalau ada pun, she doesn't sound like a friend to me.
One thing you should know, you're beautiful. Oh who cares about other girls? Your life is about you, not them. Kenapa nak let them get in your way? Stop being so insecure and be confident with yourself. Be positive. Don't let words bring you down. They got nothing on you. You're beautifully made by your Creator and no one can tell you that you're ugly. They're the ugly one, not you. Keep that in mind, remind yourself everyday that you're beautiful. :)
When I feel down myself, I would listen to Demi Lovato - Believe In Me.
The lyric makes me feel quite alive. Get up girl, be positive!
Liked by: W A W A N SZ

What do you think A and B should do if they fight because of one particular reason , A was mad at B and said thing she didn't mean to B and she really wanted to talk to B again but B is already afraid to talk to A but he also misses A (at least people say so) ? :\

Don't you think it's stupid to get into a fight because of someone?
Now, lower your ego and just talk to A/B whatsoever.
If none of you make the first step, then it won't end.
Good luck! & be positive from now on. :)
Liked by: Wuwu.


Language: English