
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Heee, lambatnya kak anna answer, my probs with my friend dah settle. btw, thanks :D

I'm sorry, I've been quite busy these days. But you're welcome! Glad it had been settled! :)
Liked by: Haifa

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I was a PRS at my school and I usually help people with their problem at internet.. But, I only help people I know, so since you are listener,and lot of people will tell their problem to you, just tell me whenever you get something you can't solve..

Cool! Sure will do that! But, how do I tell you my problems since I don't have your link? :(

Kak Anna , thx a lot sbb jwb soalan sy yg pasal mrsm . You've cheered me up ! And btw akak dapat mrsm mana and why tolak ? Tapi saya tgh tggu kawan my dad untuk tlg uruskan masuk mrsm :)

IzzahShukri’s Profile Photo-
No problem, love! Dapat dekat Muadzam but I rejected cause I love my old school (biggest mistake ever!!!!) Hahaha. Oh well, all the best then!! :)
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Kak Anna, saya kehilangan seorang kawan yang sangat baik. Semuanya sebab salah saya sendiri. Saya just harap dia maafkan saya tapi dia macam tak je. Kak Anna saya nak menangis :'(

haifasafuha’s Profile PhotoHaifa
Bagi dia masa. Everybody needs time. And at least awak dah minta maaf kan? So its good. Be positive. Bila dah cool down, you talk to her/him elok elok alright? :)
Liked by: Farisha Atirah Haifa

[ continued ] Maybe idk u so well o even we don't know each others but i do believe that we need to be kind to others, right? Just like what u did.They talked bout u bcoz they knows u're right and just get annoyedof ur kindness. I think u're such a great 'hamba Allah'. I'll always support u doll :)

That's very nice, thank you so much. :)

Hii Anna! So many people says bad things but u such as why u don't follow ur followers, bajet hot, give advices like u knows everthing and so on. But the main points is, they just jealous bcoz u r famous among them. U give such a brilliant advices o opinion. [continued ]


So, you're famous person that have 200k followers in twitter. Well, you must be have future husband right? Haha sorry for this questions :P

Wait, what? Hahaha I don't have 200k followers on twitter, that's first. And no I don't have a future husband, yet. :)
Liked by: ♛ Stewardess ♛

i think of my ex everyday. hurt me so much. i nak move on tp i bukan lawa sangat & tk laku , so nak cari someone teman nk cntct lah nak lupakan dia pun susahh. i bukan nak bf, taknak pun tapi cuma you know kwn lelaki nak lupakan dia. hmm ntah lahh, dh 2 tahun dah. lame huh?

I took me years to get over my ex, come on. Its not about tak boleh move on sebab tak ada someone yang support you to move on. Bila you wanna do something, kena tekad. Bila tekad, kena set minda tu yang you nak move on. So whatever you do you'll be macam nekad gila nak move on with your life. You have to know how rugi you are wasting your days thinking about your past. I've learned that, I've been there. It sucks I know. Tapi its you, its your life. Kena lah make effort for your own good. :)

anna, i ada 2 bestfriends. yg sorang ni since dia cpl masa form5 smpai skrg dah 20thn, kalau ajak lepak bertiga je mesti dia nk bwk bf dia. i tk suka oh sbb yela, member2 la. bf2 la kan. i mls nk kelua dgn dia sbnrnyaa tp sbb member sorang lg ni nk sgt keluar bertiga, i pegi la jgk. tkde mood oh i

Haha guess what I have a friend macam tu jugak. 24/7 berkepit dengan her boyfriend macam suami isteri dah tau. We the girls rasa macam tak best kalau apa apa je mesti ada boyfriend dia. But whatever it is we as friends kena support and respect dia lah. Memang tak best, nak buat macam mana. Kawan baik kan. :)

akak anna ada tips untuk pelajar PMR? saya batch terakhir thanks :)

Well, kalau pasal exam kena banyak buat latihan dan short notes! Form study group and pergi tuisyen kalau boleh. Elakkan study last minit, nanti stress. :)

Alah baru perasan tak boleh ask anonymously ahaha. Hi, what are you doing now since kak anna tunggu result kan. Target berapa

Swindlxr’s Profile PhotoHazirah
Hihi, sorry! Too many questions lah, I need to slow it down a bit so I disable the anon thing hehe. I'm actually searching for a job now. After CNY insha Allah nak start masuk kerja for a month before my result then I can pursue my study. Pasal target, um takut nak cakap sebab the exam was unexpected :(
What about you? How's school? :)
Liked by: Muni Pish. BdokDebe

Akak,kita syg ex kita lagi. Tpi ex kita dah ada crush. Crush ex kita tu pun angap ex kita tuh crush dia. Crush ex kita ni tau yg kita sayang ex kita lagi. prmpuan tu boleh pula cakap psl kita dkt twitter "Kau ingat aku jelous lah tengok tweet kau rindu bagai tu? background kau tu?sikit pun tak :p"..

Liked by: Muni Pish. BdokDebe

Kak anna, how old are you? You're so beautiful masyaAllah :)

woomewolf’s Profile PhotoMWIEWLF
Hi Aliya, I'm 18 to be. Alhamdulillah, all praises are belong to Allah. You're beautiful as well! <3
Liked by: Muni

bila someone suka kita, adakah kita patut suka dia balik, sedangkan hati kita untuk orang lain. please, solve my problem -,-

The thing is, kalau tak suka jangan paksa. Perasaan ni bukan boleh dipaksa paksa. Terus terang je, habis cerita. :)
p/s: I can't solve your problem, its your problem not mine.
Liked by: Muni


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