
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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put honey for bibir akan buatkan bibibr tu jadi lembut ke hidrate ke ape ainaa?

Makes your lipsssss glow & pink & soft. Hihi :D

can you give me a few DIY face masks recipes?

1) Honey
2) Egg white
(Separate the egg yolk & egg white. Use tissue and rendamkan dalam egg white tu before you put it on your face. Let the tissue sits for a few mins)
3) The powerrrrr offf bedak sejuk! This is a traditional one, my grandma always recommend this to me.
There are more but I can't remember all of them. :-/

I'm 12 y/o but people always think i'm older. I don't think my face looks matured but I think its 'awet tua' haha. My face always gets oily too so I have to wear the talcum powder. But I don't like make-up. Can you give me some tips and advise for a primary school's student? Mwehehe

Haha I think you're cute & yes honestly you have that mature look! But it's good what since people will think that you're older even though you're not which means they can trust you more. ;-)
Well, if you don't like to wear make ups you can bring tissue or the oil absorbing sheets. Clean & Clear has it. You can find it in Watson, Guardian or anywhere else.

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kak anna, saya lebih suka digelar anonymous je yaa, sorry sesangat. kat sekolah, saya period, lepastu baju kurung semua kena stained. laki2 pun nampak, and one of my bestfriend(guy) ,dia bagitau saya yang baju kurung ada stained, malu lah saya,, ramai orang nampak api taknak bagitau! :'(

I'm sorry to hear that...
Dulu pun my bestfriend pernah kena macam tu. Kena tebalkan muka jela since you really can't do anything.
Liked by: xx.

saya berhijab tapi sanggul tinggi, raiha (classmate saya) kata sanggul tinggi baik takyah berhijab. betul ke kak anna?

Well, pakai sanggul haram tau. Berdosa.
Ada orang pernah cakap yang dosanya sama dengan tak pakai tudung. Wallahualam.
Liked by: xx.

kalau tak pakai tudung bukan dosa, anna nak pakai tudung ke? if its an option la.

It's never going to be an option. You can't question this. :-)

nathan? orang mana tu kak anna? hehe..kak anna i hve a problem here.. ada orang minat saya dalam kelas..dia baru pindah tahun ni....dia malu gila kalau tengok muka saya...i think i like him...saya pun malu. mcm mna ni kak anna??

Just deal with it! I mean kalau you really like him, just tell him plus you know that he likes you too.
So it's definitely going to be a safe confession. :-)

Kak Anna. Knp salah sorang drpd kwn-ii kita selalu buat kita sakit hati. Kejap kawan saya, kejap tak. Dia selalu control saya. Bila saya taknak buat apa yg dia suruh, mesti dia merajuk. Dia ejek nama bapak saya lah. Nilah tulah. Saya rasa bosan. Bila saya buat taktahu dia ckp saya penakut. Hmm :'/

Kawan ke tu? Ingat, biar orang nak cakap apa. Kita sabar.
Jangan biar dia buat awak macam anak patung, boleh kawal sesuka hati.
Kalau taknak buat, jangan buat. Dia siapa nak arah arah orang?
Bangun and stand up for yourself at times but jangan lawan.
Yang diam lebih baik tapi everything has its limit. :-)

Saya sayangkan crush saya . But dia dah berpunya . Saya dh cuba lupakan dia but ...... Can't , What I should Do kak Anna ?

Cuba lagi, tadah tangan minta tolong Allah.
Lama lama boleh, insyaAllah. :-)
Liked by: HakimieAzeman xx.

saya ada sorang kawan yg ada masalah ngn saye.. tapi x nk ckp. pastu kt twitter sebok tweet pasal saya. tapi depan saye dia ok tapi sebenarnya bermasalah ngan saye. acano tu? then buruk-burukkan saye. please help me!

Memang sure ke dia cakap pasal awak? Why don't you go have a one on one talk dengan dia? I mean lepas apa yang tak puas hati then just settle it. Bukan kawan namanya tu kalau depan baik belakang buruk burukkan kita.
Liked by: xx. Ctaishah

tell me some organic tips of yours please! yang benda lemon lemon tu ah apende ntah, can you share it w me? :-)

Well, the lemon juice (fresh one) can be used for acne & scars.
I use it mostly every night, just squize some lemon juice then guna kapas or cotton bud & apply it on your face. Leave it overnight, esok tu basuh then wear your moisturizer so your face tak kering. And the juice is stingy since its very acidic tapi it works. :-)

Kenapa lelaki cepat move on ea?

You think so? I don't.
Tak semua lelaki sama. Kadang kadang diorang simpan dalam hati.
Tak bermakna bila putus tu, tengok dia happy je maknanya dah move on.
No. It depends on the person himself.

Saya rasa sedih bila kawan2 ejek saya. Saya tak cantiklah, muka macam alien lah. Saya cuba buat bodoh and I will end it with crying. Tolong kak anna!!!! :'((((

When you said "kawan kawan ejek saya", did you really mean kawan kawan?
If your 'kawan kawan' call you ugly, alien and all obviously they're not actually your friends.
I mean me and my friends call each other stupid names and all but takkan ada kawan yang akan panggil kawan dia ugly or anything. Because everyone is obviously beautiful by heart or your appearance.
I know it's hard to deal with it but you have to ignore them.
It's okay to cry, it's always okay to cry.
Let them say whatever they want to say about you but as for you, I want you to know that you're beautiful. You're beautifully made by your Creator and I want you to remember that always. Don't change your perspective just because of some mean words people throw at you. Be strong, be independence. Keep your head up. When you hear people talk shits about you, look at them and smile. Why? Because you're you. You're beautiful and those jealous bitches got nothing on you. ;-)

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Mesti rasa happy kan? Because people changed to the good side inspired bu you:-)

Honestly, yes.
But I've never expected that I'd inspire people to change for the better.
I'm so happy for them, that's all. :-)
Liked by: Ctaishah

Saya syg ex saya lagi. Tp skrg dia dgn org lain. Sakit hati bila tgok dia dgn gf dia. Dahlah satu sekolah. Sbenarnya saya masih mngharapkn dia lagi. But we're still friend, tapi dia lain macam sikit. What should I do?

MOVE ON. That's what you should do. :-)

Ni semua kak Anna punya pasal. Saya rasa bersemangat nak pakai Hijap. Before this saya mcm kejap pakai kejap tak. But now. Atas nasihat kak Anna, baru saya sedar yang kita wajib menutup Aurat. Kalau boleh saya nak jumpa kak Anna and nak tnya something. Private. Taktahu how saya nak tanya kak Anna.

Alhamdulillah! :-)
Well you can message me on Facebook!
Liked by: Ctaishah


Language: English