
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Kak Anna, 'I'd prefer that' means 'I would prefer that' kan?

"I'd" might indeed mean I would, I had, I could, I did.
It depends on the sentence.
For example;
I'd help you if I were able is I would help.
I'd thought that I would use all my supplies is I had thought that I.
I'd be a helper if they would let me is I could be a helper.
I'd lay out the plan for them is I did lay out the plan.
Get it? :)

Kenapa Messej selalu tak balas?=..= seribu tahun menanti..

Saya minta maaf. Saya tak baca message dekat Facebook, saya busy dengan exam.
Sorry. :(

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apa beza terrible dengan horrible?

They often can be used interchangeably. For instance:
It was a terrible/horrible/awful movie. You see here any one of the three could be used.
There is a slight difference, however.
If I wanted to emphasize fear being involved, I would tend to use terrible.
If I wanted to emphasize disgust, I would use horrible.
For lesser degrees of negativity, where something or someone is simply bad in some way, I would use awful. Get it? :)

Anna, berdosa ke kalau minat artis korea? I mean minat biasa2 je, bkn sampai obses.

Setakat minat biasa je, setahu saya boleh. Obses tu salah.

Akak , cn u give the example for ftw using ? :) u helped me a lot . thanks

You're welcome.
Ftw ni macam when you compare things.
For example, facebook & twitter.
I think Twitter is way awesome so I would say "Twitter for the win!"
It's an internet slang. Get it? :)
Liked by: ◄▬ Idham ツ

Akak , one on one tuh like satu persatu or what ?

No, one by one baru satu per satu.
One on one macam directly. Between awak dengan dia je, dua orang. :)

Follower : 32,295 . Tapi Following : 170 . Annoying gila -_____________- Zizan pon follow orng jugak tapi tak de lha sesikit awak ni . Apa cerita ?

Sorry, is it a problem? Does the numbers cause you any trouble? No, right?
I'm not Zizan by the way and you should check Shila Amzah's Twitter then come back when you have a relevant answer to your own question. Cool. Have a nice day. :)
Liked by: Sparkle. ♡


Language: English