
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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apa kegunaan twitpic tu kak anna, untuk edit gambar ke?

Nope, untuk post gambar je. Dulu before twitter belum boleh attach gambar, twitpic was a part of twitter team. Saya suka twitpic sebab link dia cantik lol.

kak anna, saya suka dekat someone ni. suka sgt. kdg2 saya tgk dia slalu usha saya. senyum dekat saya. kdg2 tegur saya. mcm suka saya. tapi tak tahu la dia suka saya or tak. hmm. tapi bff dia pulak suka dekat saya. haihh. ape perlu sya buat sbb sya rase bff die tu penghalang untuk saya suka kat dia.

What do you mean by penghalang?
Liked by: Emily

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I have a boyfriend, but since he went for an army training, he didn't contact me. I'm just so tired when my friends ask me "Do you have a boyfriend?" because I don't know what should I say. And if you ask me whether I still love him or not, I would say i don't know. :"(

You should understand that army training, they are always busy. I'm sure he tries to contact you when he has time. If you think you can't put up with it then you should just settle it so you won't have to wait etc. But I suggest you to talk to him about your relationship first then decide what to do next. :)

I a girl, i fell in love w someone. Should i say hi to him? nanti apa pulak orang kata.. tak elok dipandang org lain hmm :(

Why shouldn't you?!
Hey, remember. Even Siti Khadijah yang melamar Rasulullah SAW.
Is it still 'tak elok' to you?
Just a hi with an intention to be friends w him isn't wrong. I don't think so.
Just go for it! :)

obviously you're quite tweetfamous . you have a ton of followers . why don't you just admit it insead of keep on denied . so stupid !

Stupid is a strong word too.
Well it's probably because I don't think/feel like I am a twitfamous duh.

saya faham maksud awak Anna. Percaya pada diri sendiri bahawa kita memang cantik dgn cara kita sendiri kan? Tapi dalam sesetengah situasi, saya akan tetap merasakan bahawa saya di sangat hodoh! Well, i hope you understand this :-) Thank you for the advice anyway <3

Well, I think itu lumrah. Sometimes I feel seriously ugly too, saya tak pernah rasa saya cantik serius.
I do understand you, but at times you should please yourself too. Know what I mean? :) x

hina sgt ke curly hair? why some of them cakap 'dia pakai tudung sbb nak tutp rambut kerinting lahtu'? i can't stand this anymore :\ i pakai ikhlas tau. in fact, rambut i bukan mcm alleycats tu. tp xde la secantik Taylor Swift punya rmbut. Hina ye anna?

You know, sekarang curly hair famous tau! Honestly, I think people who have curly hair are so beautiful & cute too! Biar orang nak cakap apa pasal awak pakai tudung, you know your intention so let them be. Ignore apa orang nak cakap. :)

Oh Thanks Kak Anna . Saya akan fikir balik pasal SBP tu . Terima kasih sudi jawab soalan saya :)

Sama sama! Good luck! :)

Kak Anna , my crush suka orang lain . And my crush pernah suka all my bestfriends except me. Camne nak kurangkan sifat jealous saya dekat my bestfriends? I Feel like i hate my bestfriends :L

Get over it, he's just a crush. Bila awak cakap "my crush pernah suka all my bestfriends except me", you said ALL. Jangan benci kawan sebab crush, jangan. Jangan hilang kawan sebab something yang tak masuk akal. Move on ok? :)

Hi anna apa maksud cc on twitter ?

Hi, well biasanya orang akan CC someone bila the tweet mcm related to the person.
Contoh awak suka makan coklat and then someone tweeted "I'm addicted to chocolate"
Then your friend cc you. :)

Kak anna . Apa maksud tweetjack , tweethandle ? Saya tak berapa faham pasal twitter because i'm new there

Tweetjack tu bila someone is tweeting using your account.
Tweethandle tu username. :-)


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