
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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hi anna! you study kt kptm bangi amik course tesl? knp tak masuk uni? susah ka?

Hi! No, I'm in KPTM KL. Haha tak de lah. I didn't get the courses I wanted. I applied for TESL in UITM or UIA but I screwed up the interview by telling the interviewers I wanted to pursue in Psychology which my parents didn't approve. My dad wanted me to pursue in Medic but hell no. They instantly decided that I should pursue in what I wanted so they failed my interview hahahahah. When the UPU result came out, I got Civil Engineering in UPM which is even funnier. So then I decided to go to KPTM je lah. It's fine, my parents wanted it so okay.

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kak anna, nak diet plan boleh? (target to lose 5.5kg)

You don't really need to plan your diet. Just avoid some food and eat more healthy food.
Somebody had already asked me an almost similar question before, but I'll answer it again alright.
Food to avoid:-
1) Oily food - avoid fried food, they're not okay but if you still want to eat it go on but make sure you toss it first and don't eat too much. This means, absolutely NO kfc and whatever.
2) Junk food - NO twisties, NO mamees, NO everything.
3) Fast food - NO mcdonalds etc
4) Soft drinks - NO COKES, NO PEPSI. They contain TOO MANY SUGAR. If you're thirsty, grab a mineral water. Reduce sugar in your daily drinks. Kalau pergi makan, biasakan diri mintak air kurang manis or just order air suam je. Jimat duit, and also healthier.
How to get on diet?
1) DONT SKIP BREAKFAST. Breakfast is the most important meal of your day. Make sure you eat your breakfast. At least a bowl of cereal would do. Add in some fruits ke.
2) Detox. It's an effective way to get rid of all the toxins in your body. Tak perlu cari air untuk kurus, teh pelik pelik no need don't waste your money. Just letak filtered water dalam botol air, tambah fruits, lemon etc. and leave it overnight. Esok boleh minum. Do this everyday. Once every few days, drink green tea. It has many benefits tapi jangan drink too much of green tea, tak elok for your body.
3) Bila makan nasi, make sure pilih pinggan yang paling kecil. This way, your potion will be small. Nasi sikit je, lauk banyak. Pilih lauk yang tak oily, yang tak processed sangat. Nak tips cepat kenyang, minum air masak satu gelas or dua gelas before makan nasi. Kalau ada buah, makan buah dulu before makan nasi. Bukan lepas.
4) Tips paling penting, MINUM PLAIN WATER BANYAK. At least 2-3L sehari. Pergi kedai beli tumbler yang besar tu, habiskan. First few days you'll go to toilet so often but eventually you'll get used to it. Biasakan diri minum air kosong. Kalau nak lagi best, squeeze half a lemon into it. Anna selalu buat macam tu. The excessive water intake will get rid of the toxins from your body.
5) Kalau craving benda manis, makan buah. Make sure selalu ada buah dekat rumah. Pisang pun jadi lah. Banyakkan makan buah dan sayur.
6) No more food at night. Paling jahat pun 8pm onwards dah takde heavy food dah. Kalau lapar, makan wholemeal bread or biskut etc. Buat toast ke. Cicah air ke.
Please please don't skip your meals. Jangan tak makan sebab nak diet, that's not how it works.

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Anna...awak skip makan malam x?berat awak brape?maaf byk tanye😊

Hi! Tak apa. Berat saya 43kg. Dalam sehari saya tak skip lunch and dinner. Not a breakfast person, kalau breakfast selalu minum madu je. Normally saya akan makan malam before 8pm at least. Kalau nak makan lepas pukul 8, saya makan something yang ringan je. Tapi kadang kadang kalau lapar sangat saya hentam je makanan berat hahahaha tapi tak selalu lah. Banyakkan minum air masak & elakkan oily food.

Hi kak Anna! I want to ask you something. Kasut apa yang sesuai untuk skirt or jubah since sis suka pakai jubah? :) pap a picture gambar kasut pls kalau boleh lah. Notice me. In trouble sebab baru menjinak dlm bidang fashion :)

Hello sweetheart! Saya selalu pakai selipar je or sandal at least hahaha. It's true unless I have an occasion or something, I'll pair it dengan wedges or heels. It depends.

Hi Kak Anna! This is not actually a question em but I want to say thank you for your clothing line. I bought 3 of them and CAN'T wait to wear 'em. It's really hard nowadays to find simple-long-blouse(😭 So, thank you Kak Anna and all the best in Khayalan.co! Will be supporting you always!

Hi there! Aw thank you so much! I hope you'll love them! Do tag me if you wear it tau!

kak anna, i just want to ask something. You're majoring in TESL right? Is it very hard? what are the topics or categories that you learn when majoring in TESL?

Nope, it's not hard at all. In fact, it's a fun course! The classes are fun and not as tension as it was back then in school. Tesl is focusing more on education, basically they are training us to be english teachers in the future but no worries, it's an english course you can apply other jobs if you don't wanna be an educator. In semester one, you will learn the basic again. You'll learn english je for years, if you love english then you wouldn't have much problem but don't underestimate the course, it's easy but it's not as easy as you think.

How actually do you start your clothing line?or business?how old are you?im impressed btw :)

Hi there! Well, I'm about to turn 20 years old in a few days yayyyyyy.
Actually, I have this mission where I want to inspire the female teens to start covering up their aurah perfectly. I'm not a perfect role model but this way I could mend myself too. Realizing that I have influence, I should do good with it. That's when I came up with the idea of my clothing line. It was a dream but now it's coming real slowly, I hope I'll achieve my mission :)


Language: English