
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Kak Anna, saya rasa kawan2 saya dah mula lupa saya. Keluar pun tak ajak saya. Sometimes Saya rasa tersangatlah LIFELESS. Apa nak buatt niiii? :/

Tahu tak lifeless tu maksud dia apa?
Takpe, biar diorang. Kawan tak akan lupa kawan.
Tak ada kawan yang akan lupa kawan dia. So ignore them.
Cari kawan lain. :)

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Kak Anna , cousin sye prnh kcewe sbb ptus cinte . Umur dia 22 thn . Dia kcewe sgt . Girlfriend dia lari ikut lelaki lain , sye tak nak cousin sye kcewe disebabkan cinta . Sye nk dia terus hidup wlaupun tnpe prmpuan tu . Dia kne move on , so ape pndapat Kak Anna ? Need ur advice .

Doakan dia. :)

Kak Anna, sye ade cousin,dia nk SPM thn dpn.Dia ni susah nk blajar tau akak.Dia kerja dia main internet je.Dia ni klau minggu ni couple dgn org , minggu dpn couple dgn org lain pulak Mak dgn ayah dia dh tak tau nk buat mcm mne.Tp sye tau dlm kburukn dia msti ade kbaikn dia, so Kak Anna rse mcm mne?

Doakan dia. :)

Yeayy sis Anna ingat saya. Alhamdulillah. You're really inspiring, you know. Your tweets and even the way you answer all these questions.

Thank you! :)

Kak Anna kawan saya nih kan selalu sangat kutuk-kutuk kawan saya yang hodoh :( apa perlu saya cakap dekat dye

Nasihat, tegur. :)

Kak anna saya sangat bosan tade orang nak chat dengan saya kat fb , mention saya di twitter and ask saya di ask.fm saya bosan sangat .

Hi, saya adaaaaa. :)

yelaa kita sbg member, mesti lah nak nasihat kan tapi dorang dah kata mcm tu. soo i tk pernah tegur pape psl bf dorang dah ever since. dorang still mengadu dkt i psl bf dorang tapi i diam je, nnti kena lagi "kau takde bf kau tak tahu pulak" kan kan..

Their problem is obviously > mengadu their relationship problems dekat someone who doesn't have a boyfriend and when you're trying to help, they start with their craps. I know what you mean. /.
But you know, sometimes what they need is someone who listens. And they come to you because they think you're good at listening. And because you don't have a boyfriend, they find it uncomfortable to take advices from you. Do you get what I'm saying? :)
Liked by: Nur Diana

Macam mana nak improve my grammar and voc etc?

For vocab, you need to read a lot.
When you find new words, write them down with their meanings in a book.
As for grammar, I suggest you to buy the beginner grammar book and finish the exercises before you go to the next level. That's what I did.
Good luck! :)

Sis Anna, I love you and I miss you. Do you still remember me? Hehe.

Hiiii, since you're an anonymous I can't tell who are you.
But......... I love you and I miss you too!! Yay!!

Anna! Seumur hidup saya, saya tak pernah jumpa orang macam awak. To me, you're perfect. But yet you still have 'kekurangan'. Tapi orang tak nampak semua tu. You such a kind girl. May Allah bless you! Xx

That is so kind, thank you.
May Allah bless & protect you always. :)
Liked by: Nur Diyanah

Anna,I'm seventeen years old and I am in dilemma right now.I keep on thinking about someone who doesnt love me anymore. We've been broke up. so how am I going to forget her?

The thing is, you can't forget her; you can never forget someone who gives you so much to remember.
But the right thing to do right now is to move on.
Don't live in your past, don't live in your future, live in your present which is right now.
She's your past, learn to forgive, let it go.
Walk forward, be positive. You'll find someone better in the future, that's one thing for sure. :)

I do really love your tweets with great English. Can you tell me how can I get improve my english language?

Thank you but I'm not that great though.
To improve, you need to read a lot. Reading is one of the key. :)
Liked by: ↫Afifah.

Kak Anna target berapa A dalam Spm tu ?

Takut nak target apa apa, nanti kecewa.
Saya redha; terima je rezeki yang Allah nak bagi.


Language: English