
NUS Bizad Club

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Can we appeal for SEP? Thanks!

No appeals are possible for SEP as the number of places offered for each university it fixed.

Hello!! I am a freshmen entering the BBA programme this year. When do we need to start bidding for mods? or will we be briefed about it during O' week?

Hi there! Welcome to biz school! :) Round 1C opens on the 28th of July. However, in your first year, your core modules (business modules) will be most likely preallocated for you and hence you do not need to bid for them in Round 1C, which will be for bidding core modules.
However, the modules you may or may not need to bid for are GEMs, which will be available for bidding in Rounds 2A onwards, and this will occur during O'Week itself. There will be tutorials during O'Week to teach you how to bid :) The reason for saying that you may or may not need to bid for this is because the BBA Office randomly preallocates one GEM to some students, and none to the others (typically double degree or concurrent degree students). However, even if you are preallocated a GEM and wish to overload, then you will have to bid for one on your own as well. Hope that answers your question!

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Would we be in the same class for y1/2? Tyvm

Hello! You will likely be in the same class for Y1, but that will not be guaranteed for Y2. The BBA Office will shuffle classes at their discretion due to administrative reasons on their side :)

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Hi. When will the matriculation be held for new students ?

If you're referring to the Freshmen Inauguration Ceremony, it is held 1st August 2016 at two timings: from 1000 to 1130, or 1500 to 1630. You will be going in your O'Week OGs! However, if you're referring to the matriculation process, there is no fixed date for this. You will be matriculated once you have submitted your photo online for your matriculation card and have received confirmation of your submission.

Hey just asking when will the dance auditions for RAG be? And is it possible to just perform for one segment (eg, contemp) or we would have to do multiple segments?:)

Hi! Dance auditions take place during RAG camp, only on one date 6 July Wed. For freshies interested to be in dance but cannot make it on 6 July, they will have their auditions EARLIER (i.e in June) on a pre-decided day, which means that they will have less time to prepare for it.
Sometime during the second week of precamp, we will ask you for your segment preference. It is possible to dance only one segment/ genre for the performance, as we will take your preference into consideration. However the choreographers will have a note of finality with regards to what you will be doing based on your proficiency as observed during pre-camp, Rag camp and the auditions, as well as quota restrictions with regards to artistic directions. More details will be emailed/ announced to everyone soon, so keep a look out!

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Hello! How do you indicate interest in cheer for biz rag? There was a cheer station during exposure day but the rag sign up form doesn't seem to have any Cheer option? thanks!

Hi there, to be in cheer you have to pass dance auditions as well because cheer constitutes a small part of the performance. There will be a further screening of interested individuals for cheer only after they have passed dance auditions as we understand that most people would only want to do dance.

hi how does the RAG ogs work ? will we be able to be grouped with our friends?

Hey there! If you were from NBC, chances are, you'll be grouped together with at least some of your NBC OG-mates. Fret not, whatever the grouping, you'll definitely be able to make close friends by the end of RAG as you'll be spending 1 month with them :)

Hi there! Do you know how competitive applications were for SEP this semester?

Hello! Statistics related to the most recent semester's SEP application will only be released next semester, so we're unsure of how competitive it is at the moment :)

Thank you (seniors?) for answering all the questions so comprehensively, timely and professionally! I cant wait to join the bba family ^^

Hi there! You're welcome :) Do feel free to drop us any queries you have should you be unsure of anything else!

Hello seniors/staffs. I am a poly acct student enrolling next year. I will be able to complete 14 ACCA examinations at the end of uni year 3. Would it be practical/wise of me taking BAC or should i to for BBA instead? Thanks for ur advice!

Hi there! It depends on your desired career path actually. The 14 ACCA exams you took will be able to exempt you from some accounting modules and therefore you may be able to slightly fast-track your studies in you're taking BAC; however, if you feel your interests do not lie in accounting, then we suggest that you take the BBA course, which allows you to learn other areas of business aside from accounting! :)
Either way, you will still have some exemptions if you sign up for the Advanced Placement tests, so it's up to your interests, really :)

Would finance specialised BAC student stand the same chance against a BAA student in entering the finance sectors like bank?

Yes you would, assuming that you are competing with someone else of the same CAP :) A BAC student taking a second specialisation in Finance will not 'lose out' to a BBA student with only one specialisation (in Finance).

Is the BAC more business focused or accounting? Because it seems to have alot of business modules as well and doesnt seem very accounting specific?

The BAC degree is more accounting-focused typically from Year 3 onwards, where students will take ACC36xx modules that count towards their degree. For the complete list of accounting modules, please refer to the website below, under "Core Modules":
Thank you!

Hi, I'm a poly student entering NUS. May I know which modules of Accountancy program are automatically exempted and which are we supposed to take the tests before knowing we will be exempted ? I've emailed biztank@nus.edu.sg on 30/5/16 but till now, there's no reply.

Hello! Upon matriculation into NUS, you will be granted a maximum of 40MCs of advanced placement credits (APCs). That is an equivalent of 10 modules. The 40MCs are split into:
20MCs of unrestricted electives (non-business modules), and
20MCs of programme requirements (business modules).
For UEs / non-business modules, the exemption is automatic and you do not need to take any test for it. However for the latter, you will need to sign up for the test and submit a copy of your poly results for verification.
Since you are not able to contact the above email address, do call either of the numbers below and ask for Ms Rowina Sim or Ms Loh Hui Xian to enquire about the AP tests:
+65 6516 5917/ +65 6516 1485 / +65 6516 8015 :)

When will we know our SEP results?

SEP results will likely be released before CORS bidding begins! The BBA Office has not indicated any set date for it though.

what if i indicated i dont want an air mattress for the rag sign up form but i changed my mind? can i just drop an email or i would have to resubmit a new sign up form?

Hi! You can just drop our RAG Project Director an email at glen.nicholas@u.nus.edu to indicate that you do not require an air mattress.

Hi for rag camp survey does it matter which interest I indicated? Because I indicated float but kind of want to go to dance instead:/

Hi! You can just send in a new application and drop our RAG Project Director an email at glen.nicholas@u.nus.edu to indicate your name.

Is it okay to withdraw from RAG camp after attending the precamp sessions if i think its not suitable for me?

Hi! It is perfectly okay to withdraw from RAG Camp if you feel that the pre-camp sessions are unsuitable for you. If you have already signed up for RAG Camp, you can drop our RAG Project Director an email at glen.nicholas@u.nus.edu. However before that, you can also try to come down for more sessions as the first day may not be an accurate representation of the camp itself. You can get to know more friends and seniors if you come down for more sessions, and perhaps you can reconsider! :)

How many people are usually chosen to attend RAG Camp?:)

Hi there! This depends on the number of sign ups that we receive, and the amount of manpower that we need for this year. Roughly, we accept 150 freshies :)

Would the rag dance sessions be too taxing for someone who does not have any dance background and bad fitness hahah. As im a tad awkward at dancing but it looks fun!

Hi there! The dance sessions will likely be paced for beginners with no dance background so you don't have to worry! :)

will i be pre allocated core mods in Y3? if not, then are we supposed to bid for the core mods that we are not pre allocated in y2?

Core modules are not likely to be pre-allocated in Y3. However, all 16 core modules will usually be allocated to you if you are not a double degree student, and if you do not go for SEP. If you fulfil either or both the above (which many will be), then all core modules not allocated and not mapped to SEP you will have to bid for yourself.
That said, the bid points required for core modules will be much lower (compared to specialisations) so you don't have to worry!

Will i be left out during O'Week if i couldnt make it for RAG and NBC?

Hi :) That will not be the case! There will be freshmen who haven't been for NBC and Rag and they will be joining O'Week. Don't worry about not making friends because you definitely will :)

Hi what if i indicated interest in float for my biz rag signup but im also interested in dance as it looks fun too! Im just afraid i cant dance well haha

Hi there! It is absolutely alright! Just raise your interest to your rag OGL when you attend camp and he/she will make the appropriate arrangements for you :)


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