
Saffron Wainman

Ask @saffronwainman

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Someone just set fireworks off at this time urgh why I was sleeping? Don't you just hate getting woken up by loud noises/ parents/alarm clocks

I live next to a building that's being demolished and rebuilt, it's safe to say I haven't had a proper sleep in weeks cause of it. And if I don't get woken up by that I get woken up by my parents at like 6am ahahahaa aaaargh

Is it attention seeking if I tell people at school im anoxeric because they are starting to ask why I don't eat. should I tell them so they lay off me or just continue to ignore there questioning

It's a big deal to admit to having an eating disorder, so by you telling people you're helping yourself. It's the first step towards recovery so good on you for wanting to do it! You tell whoever you like, as long as your family and friends know that's the main thing

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Would you ever try hair chalks??

I've been tempted but not too convinced of the pigmentation, effect on the hair and whether it sticks to the hair or just falls off after half an hour

~~~~\('')>/~~~~ the penguin is drowning you have 2 options: throw this thing ¤ life ring buoy thing or leave it?

...penguins can swim...

when you go on holiday at the airport when they check your passport and bag do you start inwardly panicking incase someones put something in your bag or they think the person on your passport isn't you?

I always have an emotional breakdown going through customs

What's better moisturisers or body butters?

depends how much moisture you need, lotion doesn't give much moisture whereas butters are richer

Do you think more girls should wear less make up as they are natural prettier without make up on

Sleazier’s Profile PhotoT Polly
I think it's up to them, but say if they have fantastic skin I never understand why they'd wear loads of foundation

aww thank you ive got combo skin so ill try out some of those products and give you feedback! can i ask does a proper skin care regime make your skin look better? x

Haha thankyou! Yes it does, it makes it healthier too because it's given a 'routine' :) x
Liked by: Justin Bieber ✔

Wait what was it in relation to haha < You meant I'd be over Rick in a couple of weeks and that was only twelve days ago lmao but then just now for example Rick looked gorgeous -,- Josh is just perfect though. I dreamt about Josh last night and the night before so I guess I like Josh more lmao

...I am God. Yeah we'll see how long this one lasts ;)

...so you've moved on from Ricky then? ;) < I think so. I think I like Josh more he's weird and good looking. I hope you approve this time but somehow I don't think you will :3

I most definitely do not

I'm actually thinking about getting Joshs name tattoo'ed on me but then say we got together he might be really freaked out about it

You change your guys more often than your underwear


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