
Saffron Wainman

Ask @saffronwainman

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how on earth do you stay so slim? Do you have a fitness regime??? I wish I looked like you! You're stunning! xx

Honestly? I play Just Dance ahaha! But I'm quite lucky cause I have a fast metabolism:) you should see me without makeup, then you'd change your mind haha! But thankyou :D xx

who do you think is the prettiest Saturday?

I used to think Rochelle but probably Una or Frankie now... they're are ridiculously beautiful though

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I've seen this one too :( 'AOIFE BELLE AOIFE BELLE SHE JUST LOVES HER AUNTIE CHELLE' ahahhahah omg

no there was only 2 people reading porn :L the women who was reading 50 shades was the women who was giving the guy reading nuts dirty looks :L

Well nuts is porn though, I'm confused ahhaha

Gentleman - The Saturday's. yaaay or nay?

I don't like it, it's badly written but I've gotta admit it's ridiculously catchy. It's not as good as their other music though which is a shame 'cause they're such lovely, talented girls

Howwwwa you? I'm feelin' depressed. :'( Are you? I haven't been feeling too good today either :( < yh I'm just feeling down recently :'( awh why babe

I don't know but if you ever need to talk I'm here :) I've just been having down days haha

ik awkward moment surrounded by weridos reading/looking at porn on the train! luckily the next stop was mine

Oh thank jesus

Raise your hand if you've ever been felt personally victimised by alexander toomsalus sock choice

*raises hand*

Wolfy really needs to re-evaluate her life if her dream was to win BB

I just think it was hilar when she said she knew she was gonna win and then Emma was like 'but you didn't'

honest opinion of jake mcmanus aka sassy diva?

I used to speak to him and he actually seemed like a decent guy, but I think all this supposed 'fame' has gone to his head, making him think that he is something he isn't (ps Alex is the true sassy diva)

so on the train the women opposite me was reading 50 shades of grey and then this guy comes and sits next to me and he pulls out a copy of nuts and the women actually raised her eyebrows and gave him a dirty look LOOOL! What a hypocrite

I feel sorry for you that there were three people reading porn next to you hahahahahaaha

omg what if all the housemates could watch daley and hazel on the screen in the lounge. That would be flippin' amazing!

Shit would HIT THE FAN

*AJ and so do I. I thought that yesterday as well.. I looved the dress and necklace she was wearing too

Ahaha I meant AJ! Yeah same, she's got great style

Omg they are supposedly having naked showers wtaf did you hear that??

Yeah!! Daley said that to Hazel but it's obviously bullshit, Daley got naked to tempt Hazel I think, what a twat

Did you see Callum impression of dexter yesterday lmao

Yeah! I was so shocked, it came out of nowhere :')

It is totes wrong on so many levels and they are safe from noms and eviction etc which is so annoying omg wolfy is on bots go away you silly girl ARE YOU WATCHING THE EXCLUSIVE!!!!! OMG

I'm watching it now looool!! Yeah but Callum can go now

The rose petals on the beds is too much and I heard daley saying "the double bed is too much" and I wasn't really watching and was like 'whaaaaaa?!?' And looked up and thankfully there is two beds!

I was doing the same! I was thinking 'there's only one double bed'

Not at the mo why what's going on????

They showed them all sat around the sofa and told them who's off in the safe house and that they're gonna be basically trapped in there and if they want anything they have to ring the main house and the other housemates have to wait on them hand and foot. It's ridiculous, the safe house is tiny and theological take baths together and ARGH


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