
Saffron Wainman

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Jim should of kept his mouth shut! Omg

He's the main idiot of the house so it was kinda obvious that he'd vote slop and Linda

Lmao. Yes I am.. The only Ben I need in my life right now is the Ben from Ben and Jerry :')

Ben from B&J is the best ben in the world

But there is still chance you could marry Tom though unless Ben decides to call of the engagement and marry me instead but that's so unlikely

Toms moving in with his boyf so we can cry together

Lmao. I like how your more surprised how I found her account than his address :') and I was just looking at his tweets and he said something about her and I clicked on her account and her tweet said she was engaged to Ben accompanied with the picture..

Are you crying into your Ben and Jerry's? Hahahahhaha Ben....and Jerry's. Ya get it ;)

Yes. In one of those instagram pictures his fiancé said they were getting married. Forever alone :'(

Now you know how I felt when tom daley came out

He tweeted "Just ran up "Champion Hill on east dulwich..." where is that? But then he put "I'm in London for most the time now" omg so he's not in Birmingham?

Google maps the first one!!

so you know that theory where humans are born with four arms the greek mythology theory... does that mean siamese twins or conjoined or whatever are born with their soul mate?

no because Zeus separated them haha


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