
Saffron Wainman

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Ahahahaha! But technically bcos you produce testosterone you'd have a deeper version of my accent... And I'd have a higher pitched version of whatever your accent is


Haha yes! I'm from Yorkshire so my accent actually isn't that nice...

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do you like urban decay products? what should I get? I trust your opinion hahaha

I loooove urban decay haha! They're eyeshadows are the best I've ever used, I definitely recommend them. I also love their lip crayons and eyeliners! Haha aww thanks
Liked by: Amy Bywater

you must have heard about the plane that went missing by now? its so odd they still havent been able to find it dont you think? I feel sorry for the friends and families still waiting to hear news it must be the worst thing ever

Yeah someone on here told me, it's pretty odd tbh. I just hope they're all okay

What app do you use :) bored

Loooooads, love hay day and candy crush though haha. And Covet is soooo good

What do you think of Gemma?

Hmmmm unsure tbh. I feel that she can be alright but she can be really mean soooo

Y are boys really immature and pathetic where are the gentleman do they exist or are my standards too high

they do exist, you just gotta look for em! Hahaha I have high standards too, nothing wrong with that

Idk who said it but someone said: 'What are the dating options? Arg: 'Arg is single' Smoooooth lmao

nooo arg didn't say that, Lewis did lmfao

There's loads of stuff saying James got with Bobby? Do you think is the false? I don't see how it can be true

Whaaaaaat?! Seriously?! As in James Locke?!

O M G did you see that? :O

What?! All I can't stop thinking about is why hasn't Danielle got ios7 lmfao

my 48 year old mother just asked me if I wanted to have a 'pajama party' ermmmm no. im so freaked out HELPPPPPPP

Awww she's missing the times you two used to have when you were little :( she just wants to bond hahahaha

but i know how 2faced people at school are but I just want to tell people so they understand. thank you for your advice. I just want to say your hair is so beautiful! and I wish there was more people like you, you seem really nice and helpful :)

Yeah that's true. You never know how they'd react though because anorexia is a serious illness, telling them may stop all the questions. It's hard to say because you need to follow your own judgement, like I said before, if any of your close friends at school know they'll be able to stick up for you if anyone thinks your lying - which you're not. Getting your parents to call up your head of year and informing them is a good idea, then your teachers will know and would be able to help you if you ever get stressed and just need to leave the room for a breather or whatever. You'd be surprised how supportive teachers can be. You're more than welcome, thank you for coming to me! Awww you are so sweet, thankyou :) if you need any more help you know I'm here

do the mossseuge jeyvsjsj face masks (I dont know how the how you spell them but hopefully you'll know what am on about) actually help to get rid of blemishes and spots or do they just make your skin feel softer xx

Well they seem to help, my skin always feels and looks better after using them so they're definitely worth a try. Everyone's skin is different xx

when your mum/dad gets back from work do you make them a coffee/drink? why should I?

Sometimes, if I'm making one for myself I would. If they've been working then it's just a nice thing to do, you don't have to do it if you don't want to haha

soooo warm not use to this kind of weather but flowers are starting to bloom and it looks so pretty! what do you think of this weather

I like it! It makes you happier when the sun is shining


Language: English