
Saffron Wainman

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What's happening on botp? Is it worth turning my tv back on

You keep sending me questions twice what are you playing at

What's happening on botp? Is it worth turning my tv back on

Carol and Sophie are being all awkward and Rylans wearing glasses, so I'm enjoying it

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Went on Lee's wiki 'had threesomes with his bandmate Duncan James' and had a secret love child. Idk if I can fancy him now :(

replied to zis

Went on Lee's wiki 'had threesomes with his bandmate Duncan James' and had a secret love child. Idk if I can fancy him now :(

That's what I saw :/ we'll end up fancying him though...

How could you sleep fully clothed handcuffed to someone in the house? That would be so uncomfortable lmao

Luckily they were allowed to be released though

I hate to say this but I'm warming to Dappy a little thought I'd absolutely hate him

Same! I really like him haha

I love the stairs. I wish the stairs in my house looked like those ones lmao

Half of it is proper nice but the other half of the house is tacky

Love the fact they are suppose to be celeb s yet they wear name tags lmao

Haha same! But I think we both know that half of them aren't really celebs ;)

The lack of hot guys has upset me immensely

They'll bring more in cause if two are going out in the first night surely they'll bring more in

Why did the girl handcuffed to Sam put a can down her skirt? Did you see that?

Because she didn't want anyone else to have it....she's so weird

Who you thinking then? Lee or Ollie? Idk who can we obsess over?

I wanna say lee but I've just gone on his Wikipedia (obviously need to stalk him) and he has two kids...


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