
Saffron Wainman

Ask @saffronwainman

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you deserve more recognision for your blog! its by far one of my favorites, there are people with more followers but their blogs are kinda dull and boring yours is so much better! well done xxxxx

That is the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me, thank you so much! you can tell your friends if you want ;) hehehe aww thankyou xxxxx

Harry Potter and the philosphers stone film came out in 2001. nearly 13 years ago and the book came out in 1997 :O . I feel seriously old now

Wooooah I feel old hahahha

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Why do people who are ginger say they are blond or strawberry blond? YOU'RE GINGER ffs.

Ginger is politically incorrect though

Idk why I bother getting crushes on people, its not gonna happen. I'm not gonna end up dating them so its just a waste of feelings. sighhhhh

I know how you feel :(

the jacket one he took it off so it was inside out that's why the knife was in the different pocket and the train answer is correct. your so good at these!

Oooh I was close on the jacket one! I'm loving this ahahah

When police arrested a suspected murderer, they found a knife in the outside right pocket of his jacket. The next day when they went to get the evidence they found the knife in the inside left pocket of his jacket. No1 had touched the jacket it was locked away so y was the knife in the other pocket?

It's a reversible jacket

An electric train is travelling north from Newcastle to Edinburgh, a journey of around 100 miles, at a speed of 75 miles an hour. The wind is blowing from the east at 40 miles an hour. In what direction will the smoke from the train be blown?

It's an electric train so unless it's on fire there should be no smoke

The solution to the candle one is neither, they don't burn longer they burn shorter. I dunno what the difference is tbh.

Ohhhh that's cleeeever! Is that the only one I got wrong?!

resorted to cleaning my room as I was so bored. those games cured my bordom for 2 hours tho so its all good :) thanks

Haha well im glad to have helped!

did you get anything in the sales? xxx

I may be filming a YouTube video with a sale haul...... That's if anyone wants to watch it haha xxx

7. A donkey was tied to a 20-foot rope. How did it manage to eat a pile of hay 50 feet away without biting through the rope?

The rope wasn't tied down

5. Which would burn longer, a short fat blue candle or a long thin spirally yellow one?

The long thin spirally yellow one?

your really good at the lateral thinking puzzles -,- I'll have to find some harder ones!

Am I?! I'm usually terrible ahahhaah

4.? John and Jim fell asleep on their airbeds on the beach, and got swept out to sea. John was nearly saved, but Jim was nearly drowned. Which of them later donated a weeks wage to the lifeboat institute?

Jim because he's the only one to have survived?

3. A man went into a cafe, sat down and ordered a black cup of coffee, a glass of Orange juice and a Danish pastry. "Ah," said the waitress, "you must be a policeman", How did she know?

Because he was wearing his uniform?

2. Jenny works in a greengrocer's. She only weighed 6 pounds when she was born, but now, aged 18, she is 5 foot 10 inches tall and her measurements are 38 - 24 - 36. What does she weigh?


'I'm just gonna ask the lateral thinking questions anyway :L 1. Two's company and three's a crowd' What are four and five?



Language: English