
Saffron Wainman

Ask @saffronwainman

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I was just trying to keep this maassive grin off my face and invented a whole new vocabulary

Erm why? Ahhahahahah

He put his hand on mine though.. and stood next to me and talked to me so at least he knows i existl :)

Oooooh that's a good sign!!

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Why are boys more direct and fun rather than back stabbing like girls?

Boys can be very very sneaky though

It's on random, wbu

I was listening to the Boys - Nicki Minaj & Cassie then Millionaire Misfits - Iggy Azalea and now Capital!

apparently to get rid of cellulite you need to consume alkaline forming foods eg fruit, veg. drink plenty of water, find a professional colon hydro-therapist :L skin brushing and massage which you do and exercise. so yeah basically you have to go on a health kick

I'm totes gonna do this, I've been eating more fruit recently anyway, might have a smoothie for lunch... Thanks :D

OH. MY. GOD. as if you've had over 800 questions

I have so many more to answer but they're all advice ones that need long answers and cba atm ahaha (naughty Saff) IM SO POPULAR

We are! Maybe you should be a little less fussy. Ive gone off amberlynn because she might get teased cos her name kinda sounds like amber leaf (tobacco) you think of more suggestions! Don't you like cullen?

Scarlett and Alfie are my main choices, it's hard to think of others. Boys names are particularly hard

doesn't it build up from a high fat diet? dunno but pilate's, yoga and swimming are suppose to help. i do go swimming sometimes but i think you have to do it on a regular basis for a v. long time to see any noticeable different cos it hasn't worked for me so far

looks like I'm going on a health kick! :') haha I scrub my cellulite-y areas in circular motions in the shower for like 20 seconds each section, and that makes a major difference

What happens if we can't settle on names? Den. Den.. what do you think of the name Den?

If we can't settle on names then we're obviously not meant to be together :( don't like den

Did you see dexter doing a cart wheel? He can join Dan with the dance number while jack.and Joe and callum sing xD

Ahahaha yesss!! And the girls can just be the audience :')


Language: English