
Saffron Wainman

Ask @saffronwainman

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don't you get cellulite?? cooked breakfast (sausages, hash browns, beans, tomatos), m&s salad and veg. stir fry and an apple

yeah I do, what food gives you cellulite?! Not bad! M&S salads are the best

lmaoo so can I then the twins will join in..with the chorus

They can harmonise and Dan can do backflips

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What are we gonna do when big brother finishes :')

WHO KNOWS D: I need to know who you are we get along so well :( :(

Gina 'I think I want to be a PA' Callum 'Would you bring people food for them?' Gina: 'is that what you have to do if your a PA?!!?!?!' XD

Actually it was a cup of tea ;) but ahahahhaha aww she's so naive

what did you have to eat today?

crisps, biscuits, sandwiches, grapes, smiley faces and quorn chicken nuggets. You?

i didn't know hazel smoked ..that's made her more un attractive

I honestly can't see her as attractive in any way anymore

He would soar, soar, soar there's no stopping callum, he's burning through the sky, yeah. a two thousand degrees. That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit I'm trav'ling at the speed of light I wanna make a supersonic man out of you

AHAHHAHAHAHHAH oh my god just imagined him stood in the treehouse performing this OMG AHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHHAHAH nooooooooo

On the couch with Callum lmao

I almost forgot he was a housemate, started thinking he was an actual therapist :')

Dexter: he hasn't got the eyes for a physiologist xD

'Hes got the eyes of a serial killer' Gina's face when he said it omg hahahahahahaah


Language: English