
Saffron Wainman

Ask @saffronwainman

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I haven't mentioned Tom because he's not been on any shows bb, x factor, towie when I told you I was gutted when he wasn't off it the jungle didn't I? Imagine talking about the LO2012 with me ;) I had a field day ;)

True :( omg you should've seen me, I was wearing my white Olympics t-shirt, blue shorts, red shoes, a cadburys gold medal, Olympics scarf and had a Union Jack wrapped round my shoulders screaming and crying at the tv ahahahhaha! Omg he's so perf

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I've seen quite a lot of Mario on this ep ;) Sorry I was spamming oops *__* sorry! God dammit there are loads of CTP (crucial talking points) we cant discuss now :(

Don't be sorry! I'm gonna watch it in about 10 mins :') ahahaha CTP, that's genius ;) well I'll still reply hehe


I realised like 5 mins in so I'm gonna watch it tomorrow :(

Do you still have your favourite childhood toys as a grown up? Did you use to take your teddy bears on holiday? I use to take my teddys on holiday in hand held luggage & I got stopped at customs when I was younger & they open my case & all the people queing could see my teddies in the case lol aha

I have most of them yeah :') I only took one with me! Ahahhah awww bless you!!

I've seen bobs burgers before, I saw some of them. All I can remember is.. I think it someone got trapped in the wall haha

It's soooo funny hahahahahah

Why are the Xmas lights being switched on tomoro?! It's November the 6th! They are lovely but that's just ridic

Omg I completely forgot! Nooo it's normally around this time isn't it?

It was cloudy as I recall < tis was a song. Beautiful doesn't just mean the weather can mean its a brand new beautiful day if that makes sense?

Oh ahahah! I getcha :p

Do you eat in your room or living room or kitchen? Personally, I never eat meals in my bedroom because I don't want my room to get messy.

Most days in my bedroom. What you gonna do, fling it off your fork?! Ahahahahaha!!

It's not fair my parents won't take me to the bonfire and firework display this evening because "its a rough area" even though they have taken me there in the past. Why are parents so strict?

They're doing it for your safety, if they weren't doing it you'd feel neglected trust me

sat outside on my balcony watching the fireworks. The smell is flipping amazing, which i could bottle it and keep it forever

Aww I loooove that burning bonfire smell

Seriously I'd be right down the courts to change that if that were my name! If that was your name would you keep it for the lolz or change it? Also, someone actually called their kid 'Failure' hahaha and there is a kid called 'Kardashian'

I'd probably change it :') failure?! That is literally child abuse

feeling down :'( Awww how come? :( < because I found my Halloween build-a-bear and Halloween is over now and I forgot about her :'(

Awww :( I have two Build-A-Bears that are hiding between my wardrobes...

I have to confess.. I have commit crimes against make up in the past, glittery red eye liner, make up 6 shades too dark, blue pencil eye liner the list goes on.. have you commited any crimes against make up? :) x

Oh honey we've all been there...I'm pretty much the same tbh, super dark foundation being the worst D: x

Thank yauu!! Im over the moon aw how did your lesson go? :D

I'm so happy for you! Practical next eh? :') and it was good thankyou, got my next one next week so I'm looking forward to it. I just wanna pass ahahha!

Would you rather have a guy who was really girlie and shared the same interests as you or a guy who was a typical guy likes football etc?

as in for a boyfriend? cause I'd much rather have a guy who shared similar interests as me than someone who I had nothing in common with...


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