
Saffron Wainman

Ask @saffronwainman

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I got just a standard acoustic guitar idk if they have fancy names and i can't remember if i asked you if you played anything :L

Aww nice! Yeah you did, I can play keyboard a little :p

When you can't get in your fave jeans

Omg I have these ones that I love but I literally have to jump into them, they dig into my hips and everything :'(

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when you think a hot guy is looking at you do you act differently? like exaggerate your laugh etc or play with your hair

I usually run away AHAHHAAHHAHHAHA no seriously I do

Watching miley cyrus on Alan Carr's chatty man on Friday? :D

I didn't know she was on! If I remember then I definitely will :D

Would a darkish bluey grey top with a grey/white pattern look ok under a white cardie or a darker colour cardie x

Better under a white cardio probably, hard to tell seen as I can't see it :/ x

Haven't you memorised it? Lmaoo it would be better if you heard him describing you though wouldn't it? My heart would melt if he described me as his 'dream girl' omg

He did describe me though ;) hahaha I've totally memorised it!

What song do you think he should go down to xD I've found the perf song for me and Mario xD (imagine youre rolling your eyes xD) anyway its nothing's gonna Stop us Now by Starship or Let's get ready to rhumble ;)

I only rolled my eyes until after you said I would ;) I don't know what mine and his song could be :/ I'm gonna have to think about this...

I'm trying to remember who was in normal bb I think it was Sallie, Michael, Gina, Dexter, Sophie, Twins, Gina, Sam, Wolfy, Hazel, Daley, Dan, Callum, Jackie, Jemima who am I missing?

That's all of them ahahhah! God I don't think I could've remembered them all

I don't actually know lmao I was paying more attention to him than what he was saying ;)

Tbh I've listened to it like 9 times no joke

Will be upset if he left xD. 'Carols legs, Courtneys waist, Charlotte's teeth, Sophie's boobs, Sophie's face and Lauren's innocence'

HOW DID YOU MEMORISE IT?! I love him a little bit

Vicky - mehh I dont think much of her but I don't like Carol. Why say she wants to kill vicky if she stays? That's a bit extreme tbh

Agreed, yeah bit dramatic

My nights are going to be so boring without bb but there is x factor, I'm a celeb still to come

X Factor has nothing on CBB :( :( :(


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