
Saffron Wainman

Ask @saffronwainman

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What is the best sun screen to use

I use Boots Soltan, it stops me from burning and it isn't greasy :)

What is your favorite childhood memory?

probably spending every afternoon with Connor when we were little, such good times

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I don't know what to do today :( can you suggest anything? :)

Sunbatheeeeee :D that's my plan hehe!

why do people continue to use Facebook. Twitter while they are on holiday?

I don't know but it kinda annoys me, like whats the point in going on holiday if you're not gonna disconnect yourself from the 'real world'?! I love not having Internet connection 'cause then I can actually enjoy myself instead of being inside on my ipad yano

Lmfao I could imagine that too and then Dexter would get the crackers out and start pulling them with people and Jackie will be like 'no dexter put them back.. I said they were for after dinner'...

Ahahhahaha yessss

I could imagine dexter having dinner at the travers at Christmas or w.e and dexter and Jackie arguing all the way through it

I could imagine Jackie screaming at Dexter over the roast turkey and Charlie hiding under the table

Why did dexter nominate gina? I'd already planned their marriage in my head tbh

Same!! They're perf together

Gina is up for eviction and dexter and the twins and I can't remember who else :(

'Big Brother can I go get my Christian Louboutins, I want to do this in style'
'Gina, Big Brother can't see your feet.'
'oh that's okay then.'

My parents are saying I have to do more around the house. I don't want to. How can I get out of doing work?

Story of my life ahahahah! You need to help a little bit, like if they've been working all day and if you've finished school you could like clean the house etc so then when they're home from work they can just relax. Either that or just throw a tantrum

Ikr JT rules

I love how she's like 'Dexter you'll never be my son-in-law, never in a million years.' Ahahhahahahah

I know. not when I sent it tho, I didnt think she would say it

I didn't think she would either to be honest...


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