
Saffron Wainman

Ask @saffronwainman

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How long have you been a vegetarian? I'm going to buy products which haven't been tested on animals as well. I don't really eat fish but some people who are vegetarians say they still eat fish.. I thought veggies didn't eat meat? Do you eat fish?

7 years! It's quite tough to do that, so stick to PETA's Do and Dont test guide to help you :) ahaha this annoys me 'cause vegetarians don't eat fish and yet so many people who are pescatarians (don't eat meat but eat fish) call themselves vegetarians! No, I don't ;)

love<3 your quotes.. my favorite quote is 'never look down on someone, unless you're helping them up'

That's a good one :o never heard it before

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What's your fav quote? xxxxxxx

Well I don't have one so I'm gonna give you three...
1. 'You know you are in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.' -
Dr. Seuss
2. A snake was hit by a car. A woman picks him up, feeds him and gets him to a full state of health. But
then he bites her, injecting her with his deadly poison. On her death bed, she asked "after all I did why
me?" the snake responds "you knew I was a snake when you picked me up."
3. 'According to Greek Mythology, humans were created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate beings, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.' - Plato's 'the Symposium'

I think my ex has moved on and I want him to see how happy I am without him (I'm not but I kinda want him to be jealous and get back with me) what should I do xxxx

Find out where he'll be one night (at a club for example) and go there with your friends dressed in your best outfit looking amazing, he'll wish he'd never let you go :p xxxx

7 random facts about yourself?

1. I was born 2nd March 1995
2. My full name is Saffron Frances Wainman
3. I'm a vegetarian
4. I have Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia
5. I'm an only child
6. I have an extreme obsession with make-up
7. I work in a hairdressers as a Saturday Girl

Fav song/singers atm

Can We Dance by the Vamps omg just started listening to it a few hours ago and I'm already obsessed

There is supposed to be an eviction on Wednesday! Oh no

Don't like the three that are up tbh so I'm not fussed

Nooo that's so sad to hear :( I felt similar I felt like I needed to drown myself I wrote nice things to people who have been through tough times & gave them support & that gave me a positive feeling. I know who I am but I forgot for a while:(I will see a doctor. I hope you get your shine back angel

It's because you've experienced it and know how hard it is, and don't want other people feeling the same way, and that's so kind of you to do so :) good, please keep me informed! Thankyou sweetie, you too

I hope the neighbour wasn't in ;) I don't feel proud :( but it makes me more determined not to do it. Oh riiight I thought you meant I should do a tour of my room like pretend I'm showing someone around* xD *I might actually do that -__-

Ahaha! Exactly, you've been there before and it's hard to get out once you're stuck. Ahahaha nooooo but I do too... ;)

How did you find zoella? :)

I just came across her one day on YouTube by accident... And now I love her to bits!

Whats the most random thing in your room/house?

Errrrrmmmmmmm I have a lion statue with a sign round his neck that says 'mind the cat' ahahhaahah


Language: English