
Saffron Wainman

Ask @saffronwainman

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Hahahah damn, i thought you were gonna introduce me to them

Literally google beauty bloggers and they all come up ahahha

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I heard someone ranting on their phone on the bus this morning 'it was f**kin awful we were sat next to these bastards who wear f'in and blinding all f**king night...' really? so its ok for him to swear all the time but no one else lol

absolutely hate it when people overswear

Kerry Katona is preggers AGAIN? my goodess! and she's getting married again and wants Iceland to cater for the wedding. classy

Christ alive

There are builders outside my house so I don't want to go out but I want to go to the shops hmmm what should i do?

I usually just stay in and spy on them ;) if you're only making a quick trip to the corner shop, sneak out the back if that's possible? If you're off to town or something you should stay at home because they might need you

So you're a blogger.I always thought bloggers aren't attractive, but you have made me change my mind :P

Really?! I know of loooads of gorgeous bloggers! Haha aww shucks

Hahaha i get that alot. I see weird people ask you to marry them here, it's hilarious. And then they start fighting. Hahahaha

It's all too common ahaha


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