
Saffron Wainman

Ask @saffronwainman

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'member when people use to walk out of the house? and when someone climbed over the wall to leave? I wish that still happened oooh and when a housemate fancied another housemate

They don't do that in CBB cause then they won't get paid :/

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Doesn't Lozza vote for Mario everytime?

Probably, she's just upset because he hasn't flirted with her, besides the time he spooned her

Abz reaction to charlotte's story 'fuck, that's a horror story. Warn me if you're going to tell me something like that'

Ahahhahahahahah!! 'The horse picked her up by her boobs'

I wanna call Lauren 'Lozza' for some reason. Did you see when Lozza spilled the tea and Carol was like 'Lauren, Lauren, LAUREENNN' XD

She was doing her typical 'fluffing of the cushions' ahahahaha

I read the friend called yorkshire bit first and I was like 'odd name but ok' then I saw the bank bit and I feel really stupid now haaa

Ahahahahaha! Me and my terrible jokes ;)

How do you depot the concealer pencil from body shop? Ps you look incredible and loooove your blog xxxxxx

I was quite dangerous, I basically cut through it with a knife lengthways, and then scooped the concealer out haha! You could always use like a chopstick instead and push it out, that could work. Just a quick note, if you're getting the concealer you might want to test it on a small bit of your skin 'cause I broke out with it, but it's amazing under and around the eyes, which is what I use it for :p aww thankyou sweetie, that really does mean a lot xxxxxx

So much still to do today, tidy room, make bed, paint nails, get ready for tomorrow etc hbu you? or just chillin today

Story of my life haha! What were you getting ready for? I just went shopping with my Mum, went to buy things for my newborn baby cousin :D

How would you do smokey eyes xxxxx

I'll do a blog post on it, if that's okay? Kinda hard to explain without pictures haha xxxxx

& they have helped me in the times I haven't had sessions! It's nice to speak to you too! I felt on my own. If that makes sense and that noone would understand because I haven't told anyone else xxxx

Yeah I know how you feel, people say they understand but unless you've actually been there you have no idea :/ it's a shame I didn't know who you were, I'd really like to talk to you more!xxxx

Aww keep it up! I'm so happy for you. Don't stop believing in yourself and make the most of the sessions eg I was doing some self esteem modules and there was 9 modules in total and I was only doing the 1st one in the session so I asked for the others and they have really helped me! xxxx

Have you been given the websites? Cause my therapist has printed stuff off them before, like booklet things with tips and information etc, I think that may be what you're on about?xxxx

I think I have 4 proper friends at school now and I talked one new person. At my last school I only had one proper friend but its weird because all my new friends are girls normally I get on better with boys (less bitching) I felt really shy today though :S x

It's always better to have female friends at first because you can relate to them better, as you get comfortable with your new school your friendship circle will widen, so don't worry about that for now! Aww really? How come? X

I love getting letters but they all turn out to be junk mail fucking annoying. Why don't people send post cards anymore they were the best

AGREED! Or just handwritten letters from your friends, it's much more meaningful :( I have a lovely friend called Yorkshire Bank that sends me letters


You should feel bad, they're obviously deaf

I'm going to try the fish tail plait on the zoella videos!! Have you tried that before?

Yeah! I can never be bothered to do it because my hairs so long haha

Imagine going to see 50 shades of grey with your parents omg

As if any respectable child would do that though, I'd die


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