
Saffron Wainman

Ask @saffronwainman

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I think Cullen is a really Really good name actually. Okaaa peeta (from the hunger games) or gregg after the bakery chain Greggs

yeah let's name our son after a chav infested bakery

the wedding is o < WHY?

I am NOT naming my son Cullen or Buzz, don't get me wrong i love Twilight and Toy Story but NO, think of better names or it's off

noooo my essay was write about someone you like and i picked u

I'd pick u for all my essays anon <3

I'd pick harry styles cos then we could make sweet music... anddd Daniel radcliffe (who wouldn't want harry potter to go on holiday with them) we'd have a magical time...

Sounds like a threesome to me AHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAH

If you could go on holiday with two celebs who'd they be?

Tom Daley and Lohanthony cause me and tom would fall in love (obviously) and lohanthony would be a right laugh

Your comment reminded me of that match.com advert TOO MANY MEN... we need more women (do you know what I'm on about?)

Yeah, but there's only one me, and soooooo many anons...

Whatever the weather we gon' be better together. Say whatsup babe and what about us?

<3 the sat girls

How much did you use to get from the tooth fairy

A pound for big baby teeth and I think 20p for little

Umm definitely amberlynn cos I told you it sounds like anne boleyn and I think its funneh. But I'm willing to change the boys name

Hmm I'll consider it, what about the boys then?

I should totes get Jo frost (supernanny) to get meh and ma goldfish! Good idea ?

YES! Shes amazing


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