
Saffron Wainman

Ask @saffronwainman

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Why are you a Vegetarian and are you also a Vegan? Does that mean you eat healthy all the time? What sort of meals do you eat?

I'm a vegetarian but have a vegan lifestyle, eg I don't wear leather, I don't buy makeup tested on animals etcetc. Im a veggie because i love animals, i think it's wrong to eat them and it angers me when people say that they're animal lovers and then they'll go home and have a steak, if you honestly cared about animals you wouldn't eat them. & no I don't eat healthy really, it's mainly carbs like bread, chips, pizza, pasta haha!

How do I stop myself from bottling everything up inside myself? :/x

If you don't have a friend to confide in write everything down, just getting it all out onto paper will make you feel so much better and take a huge weight off your shoulders x

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I think I'm growing apart from my friends we don't share the same interests and I don't know what to do?

No point trying to be friends with people that you don't have anything in common with, try and make some new friends that share the same interests as you and then you wouldn't grow apart. at this age it's perfectly normal to grow apart from your friends because throughout your teenage years people change

my boyfriend said to me he dreams of being Mr. Universe should I be pleased or worried that he's gay?

does Mr Universe even exist?! I'd be worried that he's a narcissist to be honest

if you don't mind me asking why are you depressed :-/ xx

I've got social anxiety disorder, and it an give you depression because it's not a nice thing to have haha xx

Have you seen the state of mama June that honey boo boo women ew

ahhahahahha and yet she has a boyfriend

If you could steal somebody else's identity, who would it be and why?

I wouldn't because I'd be scared of getting caught and put in jail ahahhahah

I meant because I wouldn't be able to pull them off! I wish I had someone like Dominic in my life :')

Ooh you never know! :p ahahah same, he's the sweetest

Oh. I think they are hot but then again I thought dexter was fit before tonights streaking in the garden :L

Ahahahha what are you like ;)

When it started did you think what has happened to naomi?! She looks totally different brunette!

I didn't recognise her!

I love effys style! Don't you? I probably wouldn't wear her clothes but I do like them a lot

I like her whole work-chic thing going on, I'd definitely wear them

Yeeeyeyeyee but I missed part 2 of effy's story. I'm catching up now! Jake and Dominic are so hot :')

They aren't hot! Dominic is adorable though, the love he has for Effy is just soooo cute

If my mum and dad put me on ssasp they wouldn't be shocked at all xD

I'd be the mum of the group which wouldn't surprise them :')

It's from series 1 :L I'm watching just my luck lmao

Ahhhhh, explains why they were wearing Malia 2010 t-shirts haha! Ahaha haven't watched that in years!

The one in malia? I've seen it before :(

I haven't :/ it doesn't seem that interesting tonight tbh


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