
Saffron Wainman

Ask @saffronwainman

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how do you know if they aren't making the effort or really busy? if they were real friends they would make time instead of canceling all the time, right?

they'd reschedule and stick to it if they were busy. I went through a pretty rough patch over a year ago, and about 98% of my 'friends' didn't give a damn, so that showed me how much time I'd wasted with people that didn't care. It's when you need them the most, that's when they start to leave

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Ooga-Ooga Ooga-Chaka Ooga... Dayuum! Got a bug from you guurrl and now, I'm hooked on a feeling because You're the archetypal beauty of our times type, you have a touching fragility. You are wonderful and your face looks Iconic.


Do you ask enough questions or do you just settle for what you already know?

I'm always asking questions, the world is full of 'em

do you wish you knew what people REALLY thought about you? e.g. they thought your boyfriend was using you, your laugh was annoying

in some ways yes and in some ways no

how you finding the heat? I'm dying and I haven't even tanned yet I'm still white as anything :(

I'm not coping too fab, I've got a massive fan in my room though so it's alright if I stay in my room all day haha. I can't stay out for too long, I get waaaaay too hot D: make sure you're wearing sun cream when you're tanning, it helps you tan better!

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FlorianMurselaj’s Profile Photohrhr

My family is abusive. What do I do Saffron?

All of your family members? Do you have any close friends that you can trust? If so, it's worth telling them as they may be able to help you. Depending on your age, they may allow you to live with them, or if not they can just lend an ear. Know that you're not dealing with this on your own, there are people that can help. If you have friends you feel you can't talk to about this, call the Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90. They will be able to talk you through your situation and help you find a way out if you need one. And obviously I'm always here, whenever you want to unload and to give you as much advice as I can. You're not alone sweetie, I promise.

Let's face it. Steven and Kimberly are never gonna get married. You think they are genuine? Ugh. Can't she see what a creep he is?

They are so disgusting

Mark: "Why don't we do you a nice spray tan?" Aww Mark would be the best friend to have to cheer you up when your down, wouldn't he?

I want him in my life


Add Christmas and that's the best team ever

Winston: "Mark did the tea tree oils" TEA TREE OILS!? Winny, they are tea leaves. Bless him, he is a moron

you sent this TWICE

When Winston and Ash say "top shagger" to Steven lmao

Hahhahah I want them to say it everytime he walks into a room........omg that should be a task!!

Winston: "Mark did the tea tree oils" TEA TREE OILS!? Winny, they are tea leaves. Bless him, he is a moron

He is so bloody stupid

Yanno, according to his C5 housemate profile Pav has never had a haircut. Jeeez. Imagine how long his hair is

That's disturbing

how much time a day would you spend revising/practicing your theory? what's the best way to learn i.e. what signs mean? was it hard? how many questions did you get right? just anything you wish you knew before taking the test you know now? congratulations again xx

I did it almost every hour of every day for a week in the run up to it, and before that I'd do it maybe an hour a fortnight. I learnt quite a lot in my practical lessons so didn't feel the need to revise a lot for my theory until last week. Best way to learn is with the CD I told you about and then with the Highway Code to look up anything you're unsure of. I basically did around 5 theory tests and 5 hazard perception tests (I did each theory and hazard was together, like in the real exam) and then went onto the revision topics where I would just answer questions in any topic I was struggling with. After I felt I knew enough, I started doing the mock tests again, and then would go back to the revision topics if I was struggling with something again. The CD is sooooo good, seriously get it. It's not hard if you know the answers as they do try to catch you out. Apart from that though, most of the answers are common sense. And if you're gonna slip up it's gonna be with hazard perception, that's what you need to revise for as it can require quite a bit of practice to get used to. I think I got 46 in the Theory, I'm not sure... I'd probably say it's nowhere near as stressful as you think it is. It's actually pretty calm in the exam room and although I thought I was only in there for like 30 mins, I was actually there for an hour! xx

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how did you revise your theory and the hazard perception cos I'm doing that now lol and wow that's great. are you pleased? xx

I've got a CD ROM by LDC called Driving Test Complete and then the AA Learn To Drive book set that includes three books. Both have helped sooooo much, especially the CD. I kept doing the practice tests on my laptop which drilled the topics into my head. I'd definitely recommend both. Aww thankyou, and yes I am! Honestly didn't think I would pass, my anxiety wasn't as bad as it thought it would be though xx

if you knew you were going to get slimed on a game show, what style would you do you hair?

I probably wouldn't style my hair if it was getting gunged......................


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