

Ask @bysfansite

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Wait, so all those fansites that were taken down mean that there won't be as many fan taken pictures/fancams? :/

Obviously... T__T
But we hope that new ones will open soon ^^

Again, I'm sorry, but do you have any idea who would know anything about the ulzzangs in Korea?

No we don't. You can probably find some infos about ulzzangs in Korea on Google though. ^^

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Any idea when the tour in Japan is going to happen? Like, an estimate date or something?

Probably in September. ^^

About Himchan being an ulzzang, did he just post selcas online? Is that what ulzzangs in Korea usually do? And would the entertainment agencies notice foreigners who live in korea as well? I don't expect you to know but I hope you do. x.x

Yep, that's what they usually do but we don't really know about Himchan. We started to know him when he joined MTV The Show as a MC.
And I'm not sure that agencies notice foreigners who live in Korea, I've never seen non-Korean trainees at TS (not sure about the others compagnies).

Regarding the answer on the Matoki cursor, WOW! How did you create the HTML code? It's so awesome!! ^_^

Oh, we found it on a site, if you'd like to have the code, send us an Email to bysfansite@gmail.com ^^


For many reasons, but the main one is because sometimes the admins ("master") are bullied by other fans who treat them like "stalker" and "sasaengs". We do agree that some of them are a little bit crazy, but most of them respect the boys and take care of them.
Liked by: Jenni Hernandez

theres apparently a coffee shop near the TS building that Himchan always goes to... would you by any chance know where that is? I would love to go there and get some coffee...

Ka Kiu Wong
I'm sorry but I can't help you. :/ I remember that Himchan said so, but I only know the convenient store near their dorm/TS Ent.

Can you help to translate this Korean news article as it seems to pertain to B.A.P's comeback plans. Many of us are wondering when B.A.P would be actively promoting their new song. Thanks in advance.

It's just talking about how 4minute and BAP have comeback this summer with new songs and explains what kind of music it is, who wrote it and what they been doing in the past, etc. ^^

Hey! May I ask if I can get this site's cute Matoki cursor to work as my laptop cursor? Thank youuuu! (:

As your laptop cursor? D: I don't think so, sorry ;; It's an HTML code for a webpage. :/

will the shop be opening in the beginning or end of july?

Around mid-July I guess. ^^ We still have a lot to do and we're busy with other things on BYS, sorry for the delays TT_TT

Will there be a representative at the LOE Singapore concert for the tiger project? I just read about it on your site and I'm interested to donate. :)

Yes! Actually we will have 3 reps at LOE SG, but the main one will be our admin Min! ^__^ She will bring a BYS flag with her so that you guys can recognize her. :))

Is it true that Himchan was scouted without doing any audition? if that's true then it's awesome xD

Yes it is xD

Merci ~ Et si jamais on ne change pas de level, on fait quoi O.o?

Une admin va laisser un message (en coréen) sur ton post et tu devras corriger tes erreurs et ré-appliquer (tu dois faire un nouveau post). Si tu as besoin d'aide pour une traduction en coréen, n'hésites pas à nous demander!


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