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Are you going to sub B.A.P at oricon something? I'm not sure what it's called >_< Thanks x

Oricon is a Japanese chart lol I don't think that's what your referring to XD

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Hi ^^ I tried leveling up but I got this reaction.. could you translate it for me please? 3번2곡빠짐+6번띄어쓰기,엔터금지,3줄이상기재+닉네임수정+제목수정(띄어쓰기,마침표확인) Thank you!!

1) There's 2 songs missing at question 3
2) At question 6, write exactly 3 lines starting from the question - your answer must be connected to the question, so don't press Enter key
3) Change your nickname (DAUM ID)
4) Change the title of the post - Copy/paste the one written in our tutorial
Re-apply on a new post ^^
Liked by: Sony

Isa Unnie, I really need a confirmation about B.A.P 2014 Calendar T_T . Some kpopseller in my place said that the calendar included Making DVD too. Is that true ?

It doesn't come with any DVD

I'm trying to level up from 1 to 2. What does this mean?3번현재까지기재+6번띄어쓰기금지,3줄이상기재+스크랩,복사금지+제목수정+닉네임수정

1) Question 6: Write exactly 3 lines - Connect your answer to the question - Do not press Enter key
2) Check the "copy" and "scrap" button on the bottom of the post (check our tutorial to know where to find them)
3) Change the subject (title of the post) - You just have to copy/paste the one written in our tutorial
4) Change your nickname (Daum ID)

Hello! How can I get to know about B.A.P's schedule generally in Seoul? I mean that I need clear information: where, at what time, what place and so on. Should I become the member of their official fancafe? Thanks!

It's on the fancafe but at the moment it's not updated. We'll update our schedules section on the side bar of the site sometime this week

I tried to level up to level 2, and ended up getting this response: 3번현재까지기재+6번문제밑에서3줄이상기재,띄어쓰기금지+제목수정(띄어쓰기,마침표확인)+닉네임수정 ...I have no idea what this means, so is there any chance you could help me? ^^;

1) Question 6: Make exactly 3 lines - You must connect your answer to the question - Don't press Enter key
2) Modify subject (title of the post)
3) Modify your nickname (your Daum ID is apparently wrong)
When you're done fixing your errors, re-apply on a new post and wait!

Oh yes so I was level 2 :( and appiled for the level3 and paid everything but now I didnt break any rules they put me back to level 1!! :( What should I do now ?

How did you actually apply for Level 3?

손님<나> I got this how? OMG I'm level 2 on there but what happened :( I even applied for level 3 but it changed to this

How did you apply for level 3 tho? o_o

When leveling up from 1 to 2. It asks for Name/daum id/age/ country GinaSimmons/butterfli253/48/usa Is this right? They said modify the nickname. Which is the nickname?

Yes and nickname is your Daum ID
Liked by: merve

Love u Isa and stay strong! I cried when I read what u said having your whole spine with full of rods and screws. Please stay healthy. T^T

Oh but im fine! Sometimes I feel my rods so I guess Himchan feel the same but there's no problem being half a robot ♥ lol
I just hope he don't still feel pain like I do TT

For the Korean Wave Indonesia Awards,there is a return poll button after you vote.So,I don't think it's necessary to refresh page after voting.But I'm a little afraid that votes wouldn't get counted this way. And I get blocked for voting too much until a cooling period is over.Hope this info helped~

Thanks a lot!

When answering the questions on bap fan cafe to level up to level 2, do I need to enter first before typing my answer? Or should I answer it next to the question?

Next to the question :)

Hello! I registered in daum & fancafe using your tutorial (btw~thanks for it ^3^) now i'm asing to level up... 1) 이름 / Daum ID /나이 /거주지역 을 기재해 주세요... how/were/in what format should I write my info/answer those questions? should I write my name instead of 이름 & the other things like that, too?

You answer after the question ^^

wtf is that isaguk and himcole i see everywhere??? lol you guys even the higher in the baby fandom are retarded xD love you girls

Yes sorry we're so retarded ._.
Its because Isa is calm and all chill (Yongguk) and Nicole is always on acid (Himchan)
So we're IsaGuk and HimCole *run away*

How long is the warrior for peace project open? I'm waiting to get more money since I'm REALLY broke atm and I really want to donate something for such a good cause! Also I want express my respect and love for the whole BYS staff, you're amazing! Hwaiting! <3

It will close mid-December :)

When leveling up from 1 to 2 do the questions in the post need to be at 9 font and have a black background or just the answers? Thanks :)

Black background + Font pt 9

I was told by you guys to email you about my question for 제목수정(띄어쓰기, 마침표확인)+글자색감은색+3반2곡빠짐+6반띄어쓰기금지, 느낌표금지 ??? Something about TS changing their application? I emailed but I'm not sure what you were looking for in the email ㅠㅠ sorryyy

We will answer asap ^^
Liked by: merve

Sometimes I want to be like you Isa... Because you work so hard for something you really care about: B.A.P Thank you and I'm so glad that you created BYS for all of us!!!! ^____^

Who are u seriously?? Like gimme your address ima go and hug you forever T^T <3
*whispers* it's even more painful for my heart reading this because I'm listening to a Yongguk's rap compilation at the same time BAI

who is cuter zelo or youngjae? choose 1 only & why. and who do you think is handsome in b.a.p,also choose one & why. thanks

That's totally an opinion question so I don't really have time to answer but quickly:


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