

Ask @bysfansite

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I tried level up to 2 for the B.A.P membership, but it always has a problem, this is the response I got, can anyone help me, I used the tutorial to level up, 3 번 현 재까 지 기 재 + 6 번 띄 머 쓰 기 금 지 + 닉 네 임 수 정 +제 목 수 정 ( 띄 어 쓰 기 , 마 침 픞 학 인 it is in Korean so I cannot fully understand.

Is that really the admin's reply to your application? o_o

What is BYS motto? Do u have one?

More like a goal.
"BYS goal is to support B.A.P and its members and promote them around the globe so they can succeed in their mission!"

Will it work if my unnie bought it for me under her credit card and email but all of my personal info is on there? and how will they know my Cafe ID ? o_o thank you! You guys are the best XD like seriously

Yes no problem
And it will work with an Excel sheet, we'll prob have to fill something
We'll update asap about that

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I tried to level up on BAP's Fancafe and I submitted the form with the answers using your tutorial but I never got an email back. Sorry for double questions by the way.

mykpop_life’s Profile PhotoLen Yarvel
They don't reply by email ^^;
You have to go back to your application post and see if the fancafe's admin replied.

Hi! In the B.A.P season greeting package, what is the "126pg schedule"? Is it like a note book for our use or a photo book that shows the members lives/what they are doing at say 14:00? I want to buy it but I'm not sure if it's worth all my money. Thanks!

mykpop_life’s Profile PhotoLen Yarvel
It's a scheduler, for you to schedule your week/day.
In Korea, official BABYz use it to write B.A.P's broadcasts so they can see at which ones they can go and such

Please help me T_______T I tried to level up from 1 to 2 and did everything what was written on ur tutorial T-T but i still didn't level up so I tried it again and again and again and now I feel like to flip TS ...

Check if TS answer something to your application tho... You might do something wrong and they leave a comment on your application post to tell you what to fix.

I am happy and glad that B.A.P has very good fans such as BYS admins who volunteer to set up a fansite and update everything about them so fast. If not these fansites, i may not THAT! into B.A.P and know a lot about B.A.P!! I'll continue to support B.A.P and BYS!!! other fansite as well!BaByz Power!

Wow thanks so much, that's so kind of you!! <3

Hello! May I ask, regarding about the official baby at the fancafe, how will ts know our fancafe name? Will it be on the excel sheet? :)

We will probably have to fill something

As in, we might need to type our fancafe name on the excel sheet or something right? :)

Something like that yes
I can't really remember from last year

Why does the fancafe ranking & charts are so important? Sorry but i m curious

What do you exactly mean by fancafe ranking? Because it can be two different thing lol just want to make sure ~

I received this reply to my post for level up from 1 to 2. What does this mean? 닉네임수정+제목수정(마침표확인)+글자배경색검은색+3번현재까지기재+6번띄어쓰기금지,3줄이상기재. Can you help me fix it?

1) Change the nickname (that's supposed to be your Daum ID)
2) Change the subject/title of the post
3) Letters must be black - Font's background color must be black as well
4) Do not press enter key at question 6 - Your answer must be connected to the question and make 3 lines

I heard Himchan's hand still have still rod in it. Do you know when it can be removed? T_T

That's possible. Well it won't probably be removed, my whole spine is full of rodes and screws and I won't ever remove it T_T

My unnie bought me the membership and put her info and email down as credit card and my personal as my own application will it mess up with the leveling up? :( How will they level me up if I didn't give them my cafe ID

That's not a problem. As long as you have a confirmation number, your own name as the membership older and a Fancafe ID. Please wait for further infos from TS

is it too late to level up like 8h ltr? I've like req to level up to lvl2 but apparently I'm still at lvl1 o_o

If you just applied, wait 2-3 days

for the leveling up there's Q like 1) Name / Daum ID. then where do I write my name and ID? delete the Q or write at the end of the Q w bracket? thanks!

Write at the end of the question


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