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Hi, Can you help to translate this? 정확한 입금 확인을 위해 입금 내역을 증명할 서류(Deposit slip)를 함께 올려주세요.

Please check few answers below

Hi! I posted my details on BABY 2 board and the admin posted '입금자명이 확인이 되지 않고 있습니다. 입금자명, 입금시간(초단위)을 정확하게 기재부탁 드립니다' this. May I know what does this means and what should I do? Thanks so much! :)

They want a transaction receipt with the exact time of the transfer including the seconds

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Hi! For the USA LOE concert, I want to get VIP tickets(if they have) I'm wasn't aware of kpop last year when they came last time. Can you please tell me an estimate of how much the tickets will be? Compare to last year. Thank you so much!! :D

There's no "VIP" ticket (but there are like categories of tickets like pit or seat)
Pit is about 80-100$ while seat are usually 50$

on the fancafe i wrote what u guys sent to me from my email but i got this on the comment 입금자명이 확인이 되지 않고 있습니다. 입금자명, 입금시간(초단위)을 정확하게 기재부탁 드립니다. what do i do?

They ask for a transaction receipt

I made the payment with you and leaved the message on the fan age but they leaved me this: 정확한 입금 확인을 위해 입금 내역을 증명할 서류(Deposit slip)를 함께 올려주세요. Are you going to provide us the document paiment in order to let them know it or how does it works..?

Yes we will, please wait a few hours!

So I sent my mailing info. to BYS yesterday since I was a level one and I got a response saying "done". Today, I received an e-mail from the fancafe admin saying that I'm level 3 (thank you for the e-mail suggestion BTW). Do I need to resend my mailing info. myself now as a level 3 member?

Don't resend them!!

Help! I made my transaction for the Baby 2 goods with Bys on the bulk thing but on my mailing infos comment on the place where we post our info I got this" 입금자명이 확인이 되지 않고 있습니다. 입금자명, 입금시간(초단위)을 정확하게 기재부탁 드립니다 ." I only recognize the word "hasn't" so im worried can you help me? ;-; thank you..

They ask for a transaction receipt. We will email you the receipt soon

"정확한 입금 확인을 위해 입금 내역을 증명할 서류를 함께 올려주세요" Where do I send it?

You can post the picture under the comment of TS or email it to officialbap@daum.net with your mailing infos
Liked by: Michael Warming

Hello can we still send my paymemt? cuz yestarday the woman in westren union when i gave her the money and i post my info then later she said it failed :(someone said i can still send my payment the deadline is betwn 7th~8th 12AM like i can still send at 5PM 7th right for example ?;-; ineedthissobad

Um the deadline is already passed and it wasn't possible anyway to send via Western Union... only via wire transfer!!

for the people that you've sent the mailing info for, how do we find out if we got confirmed or not? btw thank you so much for everything

We will try to check everyone's comment to see if it's confirmed or not and we'll email you, but this is A LOT of work and we're already so busy TT

Umm Isa? There's a problem... I kind of saw this coming...I think they are asking for the deposit slip from us as proof. So basically everyone who are paying through you will be having the exact similar deposit slip? Will that be okay? >< Please help~ ^^

Yeah we will email a transaction receipt soon, please wait for it ^^

i have a question regarding posting for the @nd BABY thing on daum. i posted yesterday and when i posted i was able to see what i wrote and i know i locked it and everything, but now a day later, i went to see if its confirmed or not, i can't see which one is mine or not. is this normal?

Um... you should be able to see your post ONLY. Check ALL pages, it should be still there XD

Hi Isa! I'm afraid I will have to add on to your stress so I'm sorry :( But I was part of the bulk payment and send the info you have us but TS replied with this! “┗ TS 운영자 15:25 입금자명이 확인이 되지 않고 있습니다. 입금자명, 입금시간(초단위)을 정확하게 기재부탁 드립니다. 답글 | 신고”! Is it asking for precise time transaction? Thanks!

They're asking for a transaction proof. We'll email the transfer receipt to all people who made their payment through BYS. Please wait a few hours!

I got a comment on my post with my info for the Baby 2 goods and it says something like the depositer's name and my name don't match and they want me to put the exact name and exact time (to the second) the shipping money was deposited but I went through BYS to pay for shipping so I don't I only kno

We will email a transaction receipt for those who paid via us, please wait, we're doing our best ;;

Oh wait I misread your answer. Yes I sent my payment BEFORE 7th March. In fact I sent it on the 6th of March. But I posted my info on 7 March 6am+... but they state "Feb. 26, 2014 (Wed.) – midnight of Mar. 7, 2014 (Fri.) at Korean time" what to do..

Oh if you posted your infos after the deadline it shouldn't be a problem ^^ As long as you send the payment BEFORE the deadline :)

The admin finally commented on my fancafe post, and he put 입금자명이 확인이 되지 않고 있습니다. 입금자명, 입금시간(초단위)을 정확하게 기재부탁 드립니다, what does this mean...?

It says that it's not a proof of the transaction. They want you to send a proof of the transaction, like the transfer receipt from the bank.

"Am I still able to get the 2기 goods? Because it sent my info just today at around 6am+ 7th March... or is it too late?" But did you send your payment before 12AM? What do you mean by before 12AM KST? You mean 7 march 12AM KST? Omg no. I sent it ON 7 March 6am+...

That's after the deadline... don't know if they will accept it :/

what if i cant find my post on the baby2 shipping information? i cant find my post anymore

Are you sure? Did you check ALL pages? If you haven't deleted it, it should be there XD
Liked by: Daria ♔ (✔)

Is there anyone here got a "confirmed" reply from TS for the wire transfer for the shipping fee???

We don't know anyone who got a confirmed comment, no TT

Hi dear. Can you help me with this? I got a reply from the post in the fancafe from TS admin. About the Shipping Fee. What is this mean? "입금자명이 확인이 되지 않고 있습니다. 입금자명 확인 부탁 드립니다."

It says that it's not the confirmation of transaction. They want you to send a confirmation of your transaction with the bank

I got "정확한 입금 확인을 위해 입금 내역을 증명할 서류(Deposit slip)를 함께 올려주세요." on my comment.. What does that mean? :/

They want you to send a transaction proof of your payment to them


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