

Ask @bysfansite

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(Prev. question:I have applied for Level 2 on the fancafe several times and I have not leveled up yet. Did I do something wrong? Do you mind reading over my application before I turn it in?) The thing is, I can't check on what the admin said. When I click on the reply it tells me the pg isnt there.

Okay then send us your application form to bysfansite@gmail.com, we'll be glad to help!

btw what are we trending on twitter for this comeback?

We will announce the official trend few hours before the release, so stay tuned!

I am getting personalized bracelets for all the members of B.A.P, but I don't know what size to get! They are leather bracelets, and run true to size. HELP!!

Well you can just take "medium" size to make sure that it's not too big or too small for them ^^;
Should be okay since it's bracelets ~

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First, you guys are awesome! Thank you so much for creating the guide. Now, I just read the question about Melon. So I shouldn't stream the preview from Melon (I have an account)?

And yes, if you don't have a Korean IP, you shouldn't search B.A.P on Melon since it will reduce points D:

I have applied for Level 2 on the fancafe several times and I have not leveled up yet. DId I do something wrong? Do you mind reading over my application before I turn it in?

Rather then sending us your application, copy/paste the admin's reply on your post. She'll tell you what you did wrong, we'll translate and let you know what to do when you'll re-apply)

If you had to describe each B.A.P member in one word, or a few, what would you say?????

It's so hard to describe them in one words because they all have unique sides... But these are the first words I thought:
Yongguk - Strength
Himchan - Caring (towards the members)
Daehyun - Food/Troll
Youngjae - Sweet
Jongup - Lost/Happy puppy
Zelo - WHUT to write seriously. XD Um, cafe au lait: cute and shy (milk), aggressive hip thrusting rap beast (coffee)
Liked by: Jenni Hernandez

GASPP!!! I went to the market today and met an international BABY! When I asked how she got into B.A.P, she said she liked their music, but what got her into them even more was BYS!! She was amazed at how great you guys were at giving information! Keep up the FABULOUS work!! We BABYS are so greatful

Woah this is truly amazing, we cannot believe what we just read! This REALLY proove that our efforts wasn't wasted! Thank you so much for sharing this story with us!

제목수정+6번 Can you translate?

Change the subject (title) of the post (should be c/p from our tutorial)
And something's wrong at question 6, but they didn't mention what. ^^

can you give us the link when Babyez was cheering for EXO in music show plz :)

I don't remember this?! Anyone?

we should seriously have a meet-up with all babys around the world O____O sounds impossible but how awesome would that be kekeke ^_^

I know right!! Would be amazing, but how to reach ALL BABYz from all over the world at the SAME time? haha ^^;

:O I just read a tutorial that said streaming melon (short version) from overseas ip will result in point deduction ?! and that listening to the short version won't help charts..and full version need korean ID. pls clarify

That's right. The points on Melon are actually deducted if a foreign IP is detected TT__TT. We don't think that it doesn't count if we play the short version though.

des privilèges pour official baby , comme quoi o.O

Possibilité d'acheter des billets de concerts avant les autres, recevoir les premiers nombres pour les music shows (donc tu es certain d'avoir une place), avoir accès à une section exclusive sur le fancafe, etc.

thanks!! ^__^ you guys are really awesome, i wonder how much time ur have to put in to run this fan site!! u guys make the babys fandom so so much more awesome ;____; lets meet one day guise

Haha, actually we (Nicole & Isa) get NO sleep because of BYS, but helping BABYz and supporting B.A.P is more important than anything else!
And the rest of our team is awesome too, we're so glad to work with them and with the fandom!

I just wanted to let you guys know that I think you guys are in part responsible for BAP having so many international fans. When I first started linking BAP, I found this website where I was able to learn more about them (AND like them even more), meet other babyz, spazz out together. Thank you so m

CRYING! Those messages really helps us to continue to do our best everyday for both B.A.P and BABY because it made us realize that we really make a difference ^^; Thank you again! <33

si je veux acheter des objets de b.a.p depuis le site je vais vous envoyer de l'argent dans une lettre ??comment choisir l'objet ?? comment puis-je etre sure ?? combien de temps il faut ?? et est ce que c'est valable pour le maroc ??

Tout ceci sera clair lorsque notre boutique en ligne ouvrira. Et oui, les paiements par concelead cash seront possibles. :)

des fan m'ont dit qu'ils sont sûres que les members de b.a.p lisent les tweets mais ils ont jamais repondu à un fan dans twitter , est ce vrai ???

Parfois ils en lise quelques uns mais on ne peut pas être certains.


Language: English