

Ask @bysfansite

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Hi, what happen if i didnt do the level up fan, what i meants is, if i didnt register the level up, is my application for being official baby 2 being cancelled?

No, check few answer below.

Thank you so much for answering my query :) Do you think it will be okay for me to flag this issue to them while I'm leveling myself up from level 1 to 3 (in this case)?

I'm sorry but we receive many questions everyday. What are you talking about here?

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Hi, is it necessary to level up? Does it affect the shipment? I mean, ive registered for the 2nd baby n i would like know if i didnt level up, im not officially a member n will not receive the goods?

No it doesn't. Being a level 2 member is good if you want to have access to everything in the fancafe. Being a level 3 member / official BABY give you more privileges on the fancafe - Such as exclusive videos and messages from B.A.P.
But you will receive your goods even if you're not a level 3 member

how long does it take to level up to 3 in cafe daum? if we didnt level up do we havw to re-submit?

We have no idea... They already received 2500+ applications, it should take a while to approve them all

To the bys admin who's living in Japan, in dec4 japan tour, theyre going to sell official merchs right ? Are the merchs going to be sold out easily ? Especially the light stick ?

asdfghjlkim’s Profile Photoジア
We have no idea - Probably yes, if it's like for LOE Japan.

Hello! Sorry to be demanding but I was wondering if you could sub the commercials that B.A.P did with Apink? I know that you're super busy with your amazing website so if you can't it's fine! ^^

We are submerged with videos to translate and subs at the moment, so if we ever find the time, we'll translate it ^^

제목수정(띄어쓰기확인)+제목수정(띄어쓰기확인) What do they ask ? I'm pretty sure I copy and paste the title exactly as it is and I didn't edit my post

We receive too many fancafe questions, so if you want us to help you quickly, please copy/paste the reply of the admin, as well as your application form to bysfansite@gmail.com. DO NOT SEND SCREENCAPS.
Thanks! We'll try our best to help you!

the response to my level up request says this : 6번띄어쓰기금지+제목수정(띄어쓰기,마침표학인) not sure what it's saying

We receive too many fancafe questions, so if you want us to help you quickly, please copy/paste the reply of the admin, as well as your application form to bysfansite@gmail.com. DO NOT SEND SCREENCAPS.
Thanks! We'll try our best to help you!

For the cafe level up, i got an email saying that coffee shop is also a title track.. is that true?

You got an email from who?
And actually it depends on the admin of the fancafe, some accept Badman only, some accept Coffee Shop and Hurricane as well

My "Interpark subscriber's name" is the name i use for my address?

It's the name you used when you bought the ticket. If you used the same name for the address, then it should be your name ^^

warrior(korean version) is STILL blocked in the whole europe, so i assume you couldn't get in touch with TS, right? warrior is arguably b.a.p's best video, but now it has limited exposure i42.tinypic.com/vxysqr.jpg TS should definitely do something about it , right???

We contacted them a few weeks ago, but they didn't reply back - I guess they are really busy with Japan activities and stuff, so I'll wait few weeks to ask them to check this again

Hi! Tell me please when will be the b.a.p's schedule for january?^^

The schedules are never out more than 1 week before

has our boys' popularity went down? especially when EXO went up. it's disturbing actually :( i wanted our boys to get recognition as well.

It didn't went down - But EXO is in a big label, and Exotics get the help of other big fandoms like ELF.
In terms of popularity/number of fans, EXO is more popular, but personally, I think B.A.P's quality of music and performances is higher and they already accomplished so much more (*whispers* world tour, japan debut, 5038493 comeback, etc.)
Liked by: rosanna kushargita

how you create your fansite? our bap page trying make a fansite but fail. if you can post a tutorial how you can create a fansite I will be thankfull

I would be happy to help you but it's kinda really complicated and long - And unfortunately I'm already really busy managing BYS

I was wondering, for the hoodies with the members name and number (birthdate or whatever) for the shirt version, is it available in white, with the same font and size as the hoodie?


when y'all ship packages to B.A.P do y'all just write the address on the box or do you go on USPS to print it out?

We just write the address on the box

복사, 스크랩금지 6 "Click on the copy and scrap buttons at the bottom of the post (check our tutorial to find them) Review your answer at question 6" What do they mean with 'review' you answer? Has it something to do with those 3 lines? xD Thanks again.. if it won't work after this I give up xD

By "review" they probably means that you have to change what you said. You probably don't answer to the question asked.

Isa, hi! I was wondering if the One Shot party that was broadcasted on NicoNico ever subbed? I've been looking for it!^^ thank you and I hope you have an awesome day!^^

We're really sorry - it's almost done, our J-translators have been submerged with works lately and feels a bit discouraged ^^

I have read wrongly. Sorry. :( So, if my fancafe ID is more than 8 characters, I can't level up to level 2? Can you teach me how to change my fancafe ID?

Click on the "수정" next to your ranking and ID
You'll end up on a page where you can modify your Fancafe ID


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