

Ask @bysfansite

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Hello! I would like to know if there is some space in fancafe where u can leave messages to B.A.P members and they can answer you? Just a little bit like the japanese application :/

In the To.B.A.P board but they probably won't answer. They were kinda told to answer fans on the Japanese thing, not on the fancafe.

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I've been learning french for 6 years now but its not my first language. Can I still be a translator even if my french isn't perfect?

We're looking for native speakers, sorry ^^;

ทำไมชอบแกล้งจังเลย ที่รัก what is the meaning in english

why do you like to tease, sweetie

Is it still possible to donate/add a message to B.A.P for the 2 years project? If it is please let me know. I forget to ask my parents if it was okay to donate >^< If not its okay. Thanks :)

mykpop_life’s Profile PhotoLen Yarvel
Yes we still accept donations but the message option is not available anymore

Pourquoi ?? Pourquoi le DVD du LOE n'a pas la region code 2 comme le DVD de la 1st adventure ? Pourquoi la version japonaise (qui elle a la region code 2) n'est disponible qu'au Japon ? Bouhouhou T_T L'Europe est punie...? *fan désespérée* >.<

Tu peux tout de même acheter le DVD:
1) et l'écouter sur ton PC
2) le graver sur un CD vierge et le faire jouer dans ton DVD
3) connecter ta TV à ton PC et le regarder sur ta TV

Admin!! is there a diff between loe dvd kor ver and the japnese one? is the pictures the same? are there eng subs? thnx.

Korean ver. have English subs, is region 1, 3
Japanese ver. don't have English subs but have an extra 20 minutes videos of the boys being ridiculous in hotel rooms (lol) and is region 2

Isa whats the different between limited edition n out of stock? Will the goods continue to be produce agn even once it comes out late?

Limited edition is that they didn't release LOTS of copies, so stock should last quickly. Out of stock is that the product is not available at the moment. There's also "out of print" when the product will never be available again. :(


Language: English