

Ask @bysfansite

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my question got cut, sorry. I ordered BAP's 2015 calender before the lawsuit was filed, and it hasn't arrived though it's been over a month already. Do you know if the calendars are being refunded because of the lawsuit or will it still be sent out?

Oh I see!! Um, you should contact the kpop store where you bought it! Not sure if you will be refunded or what (I don't think so), but they will tell you if the production is on hold or if the calendar is already on its way :)

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Ok im not a stalker fan but i looked up choi junseos fb page to find his post...i wanted to share it...did he delete it? The only thing i saw on his page was a relationship and a picture (that doesnt look like his propic so im confused too xD)

Yeah he deleted it because (I think) too many fans stalked him XD lol

is it true that the members waited for Zelo to file the lawsuit?

Hmm... not sure if it's legal to file a lawsuit against a company/someone when you're underage... It's possible yes
Liked by: N2 Mariaam

do you think mediation is possible?

Maybe, but after reading the two statements, I think there's a LOT of problems between the two parties and that even after mediation there will be problems...

when will concert in Düsseldorf?

I don't know why so many people ask this question, we never mentioned an upcoming in Dusseldorf so...? haha

would you encourage or discourage fans to donate money to ppl trying to raise money for BAP?

It depends money for what ^^

People are hating babyz for using #JusticeForBAP because it's very similar to #JusticeForMichaelBrown. A lot of people know it is possibly just a coincidence but I have seen people say that babyz are trying to compare the 2 events to each other.

To be honest, this is two different situations and it didn't happen at the same time, so I think people should calm down and just focus on the cause they want to show support for... like it takes nothing to complain about what other people use as hashtag...
Liked by: Mariaam

Hello, I'm very sad about B.A.P's current situation and as it seems all their activities have been halted and with their lawsuit against TSent, I have noticed that the company has seem to refund just about everything such as the Soth American tour and Japanese album. I ordered B.A.P's 2015 calendar

What's the question?
Liked by: Mariaam

I feel so guilty. All this time I got so much happiness off of BAP. From looking at them, listening to them, and loving them. All the while I was too naive and ignorant and did not see that the people I claimed to love the most, were suffering unimaginable things silently with a smile on their face.

Same ;;;;
Liked by: Mariaam

how come members are not in seoul rn? shouldnt they be preparing for the court case?

Their lawyers are preparing everything. Plus the court won't be in 2 days, it can take months, so they have a lot time in between :)
Liked by: Mariaam

why are you guys collecting money. how r u even gtting it to them? this could be used against bap in court someone said....

We are not even raising money though....
Liked by: Szenti Timea


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