
The Josh Speaks

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Hey josh how do u ask a girl if she has a phone or not

The best way to ask her if she has a phone is too lock your phone while you're talking to her and say hey let me get your number, if she says she doesn't have a phone say hey that's cool pretend to type on your phone for a few seconds and then put it away and keep talking to her.

So I started talking to this girl that I like through Facebook and I might have been a little too forward, her sister said my crush called me a creep and she didn't deny it so I over reacted and embarrassed myself, then I asked her about it and it turns out she didn't say that at all. What now?

What I would suggest is moving past it and not bringing it up again. try to change the topic of conversation to something more pleasant, if she ask about it just say that the whole situation was weird and you didn't really understand what was going on but you've moved on from that now.

Hey man I was in a friend zone with this girl when asked her out on text she ignored me on text and in person

If she ignored you both times then maybe she's just not interested in you. It might be a sign to move on and cut your losses so that you're not wasting time.

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I found out that my crush frequently visits my facebook profile. How should I go about this? Should i ask her about it?

I wouldn't ask her about it, it would sound a little weird and you might make her feel embarrassed by it. Instead if she is doing that, take it as a sign that you might be interested in you. maybe you should try talking to her to see if there's something there.

Yo josh how can u tell if she likes u

I made a video called 5 signs a girl likes you. That's a good initial start but you shouldn't focus or rely on waiting to see if she likes you, you should be proactive and try to ask her out if you like her.

I Just embarrassed myself informs of my crush! what do I do?

If you put a lot of emphasis on then it's going to be more embarrassing than you expect. the key here is to shrug it off and just move along. If someone brings it up then just laugh and say yeah that was pretty weird wasn't it? if people see that you're cool with it especially ur crush then she'll just move along and forget about it.
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YO josh this is tonesmart how to look the girl in the eye ?

Remember that she's probably just as nervous as you are. In contact or make her feel like you're very secure and confident about yourself when it comes to looking at her, smile, and hold eye contact with her.

If I'm talking to my crush and her friend and wanted to complement my crush, how should I do it?

Make the compliment flow into the conversation. Say something like "listen, just because you're cute doesn't mean you can..."

When's the better time to approach a girl for the first time: In front of her friend or in front of her Older Sister?

I would choose her friends, they might be more willing to accept a guy that's cool and talking to their friends rather than a sister who might get a little protective

How can I start random conversations to get to know girls I don't know at school and possibly take the next step in asking them out without it being awkward?

The best thing is to start by asking a random question and putting a time constraint on it so that they don't feel like you'll never leave if things get awkward. An example of this is saying something like "hey guys, I gotta get back to my friends in a second but I wanted to get a female perspective on something." Using a set up like this let's them know that your time is limited so you aren't just going to stay there awkwardly. Plus by asking for the whole groups opinion they won't feel like you came over just to talk to one girl. You can follow up with any kind of question from there and address all of them so that you can get a group conversation going. Try out this set up and let me know if it works for you :)

I Want to ask a girl out but we've been friends for 6 years what do I do

It's hard sometimes to get out of the friend zone bite when it comes to situations like that it might be best to distance yourself a little bit and allow yourself some time to grow apart from her. The reason you would do this is so that when you do come back into your life you can come back as a new repaired and refreshed in person and not the same old guy that she's known for six years. I change of character can lead to a change of heart if you show her you grown up since the last time you talked.

How do you find an opportunity to talk to a girl when she is always with her friends? Thanks bro stay awesome

I made a video on this topic for how to ask a girl out in front of her friends. What I suggested to do is walk up to the group and start a group conversation that all of them can participate in. Ask each other opinion after asking you a question and whatever your crush says just disagree with her and make a joke about how you two will never get along. keep talking to the friends and after a while just tell them you know what I want to take some time to get to know your friend over here is that cool with you guys? If they feel comfortable with you they'll eventually just say of course and let you talk to her so from there you could just pull it to the side and have a one on one conversation while her friends are okay with you doing it.

Sent an email to thejoshspeaks is that method of contact overcrowded?

It's not really crowded, I'm just backed up. I jump around from youtube comments to Gmail to Facebook, twitter, instagram and now ask.fm to answer people on.

from a puerto Rican to another would you consider making a video about the good things and the bad things about being Puerto Rican and annoying things and fun things about being Puerto Rican ? and put a little characterchers in there

Haha it sounds like a fun idea but it's not really my theme on the channel. I'm a pretty white washed Puerto Rican so I don't really identify with a lot of the cultural stereotypes that would make a video funny :/

How do can I get a girlfriend If I stutter?

I know it can feel like you're disadvantaged but girls are still attracted to guys who can make them laugh, who are caring and who are confident. Even if you feel like something may be holding you back, by meeting new girls, talking to them and having a fun time for yourself, you'll eventually meet a girl who clicks with you.

I don't think girls are comfortable with me touching them because I'm a person who's to open about weird things. How do I make them more comfortable with physical contact? I know touching is a big component of getting a girl to like you.

I made a video on this topic which might be helpful, you can find it if you search the channel. I think touching should never be sexual in nature at first, make touching part of your routine with people, pat them on the arm, high fives, hand on the shoulder. Make it normal for you and eventually you'll stop acting weird while doing it.

What to do after you get the girl's number? I'm not sure how to get to know her any better.

If you got her number what you should do is call her or text her and make plans to hang out soon. Don't allow yourself to fall into the trap of non stop texting until she gets bored and moves on. Keep the conversation fresh by moving from texting to talking on the phone to skyping to hanging out in person.

Do teenage girls find it weird if you are to open with them?

They don't really find it weird as long as your opener is rooted in a story. If you say your opener and follow with "the reason I'm asking is because..." it adds trust to your story so they don't think your asking some weird or random thing for no reason.

Do you think PUA is a good thing to try and learn In middle school or should I wait until I get older to start learning it.

It's a bit complex for someone in middle school. a lot of the stuff is geared towards adults, it's different for teenagers. I would suggest spending time understanding putting together a style that allows you to feel confident.

There's this girl I like in my school but I don't know how to start up a conversation because it will feel awkward since I talked to her a lot last her but for some reason we just stopped talking that same year

Well, if you fell off of talking to her and haven't spoken to her in a while what I would suggest is running into her in school and saying hey its been a while we should catch up. Pick it up where you left off and try to rekindle that connection with her.

I need help,y crush I talk to her and try to flirt but just not to much. We always talk and have most of ouour classes together.I don't know if she has a boy friend but I tend to make her laugh a lot. How could I tell of she likes me or not?

If you read the simple signs that she's willing to talk to you and make time to get to know you then I would say the next step is to ask her out you see for yourself.

How could I avoid the friend zone if I want to get to know her a little before I ask her out?

Make sure that when you hang out it isn't as buddies but instead as a date. Toss in jokes about how she's cute but you don't know her enough yet for you to like her. As long as it's known that there's an attraction between you two and you don't dismiss the possibility in how you act, she'll know that you may like her but want to find out if it's for certain by going out on dates with you.

What would happen if I just stop paying attention to her after I have been persistent in the past.

Well, if you start ignoring her you should do it not as a way to try to get her to notice you more but as a way to move on from her. Jealousy only goes so far, at the end of that road you have to step up and go for it which may be harder to do because you've been pretending to ignore her for so long.

There's this girl who keeps telling me that she doesn't want a boyfriend but if she did I'd be her first choice. What does this really mean.

It sounds like she's not ready to settle down and that was just a nice way of saying no. I would ask her again to go out, if she says flat out no then you'll know how she really feels. If she says yes or maybe then you'll have your answer too. Be persistent, don't let that be the end of the road.

What is a good way to make ur girlfriend feel more comfortable around u?

Everyone is different but one way to reassure her that everything is ok and safe is the tell her that you care about her and that you want to make sure she feels safe. Talking about it will make her feel more at ease.


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