
The Josh Speaks

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Hey Josh. I have a problem where I'm in middle school and I think to much about what people think. People are always calling me insecure and all of this stuff. I want to stop being that way.. I know it's a big part of middle school but I still want to stop. Thanks.

Its very normal to worry about what others think of you. One thing you may want to consider also is the fact that they are even more concerned with how others are seeing them. If you can make every interaction with a person one where you make them feel comfortable then you'll focus less on yourself and worry less.

What's the best way to contact you if I have a question?

Probably by email, i try to go through all my social media to answer questions but sometimes there are so many messages that i cant get to them all.

How do you know if the relationship is going to last?

Its hard to know how long it may last, but worrying about the future only makes you focus less on the present moment. Try to make each and every day of your relationship a happy, loving and caring one with your partner.

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Keep up the awesome work Josh 🙆 you're one of my idols

Thanks, i really appreciate it. Keep learning and growing!

My girlfriend got sick and I want her to feel better. How do I approach this? Btw I'm in highschool so there are boundaries. I know for a fact not to kiss her until she is sick free.

Not kissing her is one thing but also assuring her that if she needs something you'll be there for her. You can check up on her every so often but try your best to be aware as to whether or not she's feeling smothered by the affection too.

Hey Josh I need help when talking to girls. For me it's easy to talk to them over text, but in person it's hard. Sometimes I don't know what to talk about to them. People tell me just be yourself but I try and it doesn't work. I would like if you could help me out. Thanks!

hey, the advice of "just be yourself" is never good because a large number of us don't know who our self is. What I would suggest doing is using text as a way to make plans to meet in person. Text her letting her know you have a really funny story to share with her and that you'll tell her in person so you guys can make plans and meet up on that. Once you get used to meeting up and talking you can ask her to hang out outside of school and build from there. Everything is small steps and the way to becoming your best self is to challenge what you know and to try things outside of your comfort zone.

So Josh my girlfriend and I broke up and then got back together. Do I celebrate a 1 month anniversary of getting back?

You could if you're starting fresh. You may not need to make it something big, just spend quality time with one another.

I'm 16 and she's 17. How should I approach this (we're in a relationship )? I want to make it last

Be sure to take time to listen to her and see what she needs in the relationship. Maybe it's comfort, security, attention. Look for these factors and aim to boost the quality of each others life.

I like a girl I make her laugh and that but I dont she see's me as a potential bf what can I do / say to make her to see me as a potential bf?

Sometimes it's easier to be a friend then it is to be someone she would consider going out with. To make the switch I would say it has to come from your behavior. Try being more touchy with her by grabbing her hand, putting your arm around her and playfully teasing her. it'll make her feel like you're being more confident and playful more than just as a friend. Then, ultimately you should ask her out and see if you can hang out with her one on one. That'll help get the image across that you like her.

I like a popular girl I want to ask her but im not that popular. what do I do? how to I man up?

It's not so much about manning up as it is about building confidence and awareness that just because she's popular doesn't mean she's not a regular person like you. I made a video on how to ask out the popular girl which you might find helpful on my channel.

how do I get sexual or more intimate with a girl I like?

The farther you go depends on how comfortable you make her feel. If you talk to her and make her feel cared for, you can also balance that with being flirty and letting her see that she can trust you as you move along together. Also remember that it's not about just going father with her, it's about sharing that experience with her together.

I like a this popular girl who hangs with the 'cool' boys and girls. I was thinking of messaging her on facebook but I was thinking I might come off as a creep because im not that popular help please?

hey, I would nix the messaging on Facebook idea. because it's so indirect it's going to work against you. You haven't yet displayed confidence to her so messaging her will be seen as coming from an insecure place where she'll ask "why would he message me but not talk to me in person?". What I would suggest doing is following the 3 second rule when you see her by walking right up to her to talk, regardless if she's hanging out or walking with friends. Putting yourself out there shows confidence and increases your chances of capturing her attention.

I like this girl I sometimes make her laugh but Im to scared to ask her out but now im ready to ask her out but I think she is losing interest in me how do I get her into me again?

One of the reasons why a girl may lose interest is because you might be taking too long to make a move. I made a video called "How to know if a girl is losing interest in you" which you might find helpful. I would try to ask her out to do something simple like grabbing food after school just so you two can get to know each other better.

Hey josh I like this girl and we text a lot but when we talk in real life she seems really nervous and won't open up to me like she would on the phone what do I do to make her more comfortable around me?

What I would suggest doing is spending more time with her outside one on one doing fun activities like getting food, going for a walk or exploring. If she spends more time with you in person then she will start to slowly show that side of her personality that she might keep hidden otherwise.

Is being a funny person about telling jokes? Because I am not much of a joke-teller, but I can make some pretty hilarious observations.

It's not only about telling jokes, I think it's mostly about being a fun person all together. If you interact with people as if you are having fun just existing then they will pick up on that energy and want to be around you.

How do I get to second base with my girlfriend?

With any of the bases it comes down to making your partner feel comfortable with you and you being comfortable with you. One way to do it would be to bring it up in conversation and to talk about only doing what you feel comfortable with. Simply having the conversation might allow them to see you're being respectful about it and not forcing them, thereby leaving them open to moving at reasonable pace.

What are the bases in a highschool relationship? I only know 1st base is kissing :/

It usually varies depending on who you ask. What I remember the bases to be were 1st is kissing/making out, 2nd was touching one another, 3rd was oral sex and 4th was full on sex. Sometimes the bases don't go all the way to sex and instead go to just being physical in any way but it usually depends on your grade or experience level.

How to start being not so shy and starting talking to girls in middle school?The first year of middle school for me was a little bit weird as my old friends went to other schools/other classes. So that made me a little shy generally. This year im a little bit better but i still want some help :/

Hey, I know how it can suck sometimes not having your friends there in middle school with you. One thing you don't see is the wealth of people there in your new school. There are a lot of new people that could end up becoming your new best friends, all it requires is a little bit of effort on your part to complete the small steps of saying hello. Don't worry about having full on conversations initially, start with hello and smiling to new people that you encounter along the way.

Like the guy below im also depressed. I just dont want to do anything. I dont even want to go out with my friends anymore. Im in middleschool and i want to get again positive. PLease help :(

hey, the first thing I want you to do is to close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Feel yourself breathing, even count the seconds for each breath and allow yourself to focus on that. I want you to allow yourself these moments to not think about what may be depressing you or causing you to suffer. When you start to feel overwhelmed with depression, allow yourself the time to escape into your breathing. It is a tool to help you bring yourself back to a calm state of mind. Your breathing is something you have 100% control over here, so allow yourself the freedom to jump into concentrate on it whenever you need to.

Hey josh, I hanging out with this girl at night outside sitting,Side by side, then she grabbed my hand and interlocked it then put it on her thigh. Then put her head on my shoulder and said it was really comfortable then every-time I spoke she would stare at my lips, did she want to kiss me?

It sounds like in that moment she felt a real connection with you. Moments like that are perfect for expressing how you feel as well, and one way to do that is to share a kiss with her then. Look for moments like that, real connection moments and add the physical connection element to it by kissing her when you feel it's right.

I am currently talking to a girl right now. But the only problem is she seems to say she hates me and to leave then when I call her. She says she was haut playing with me. What do I do or say?

Hey, it sounds like in this instance she may not like you for her own reason. if she said she doesn't like you then it might be best to let her be. You can still be kind when you interact with her and first just aim to be friends with her and be on friendly terms at the most.

My girlfriend told me that I might regret being with her later. She said because she said she can be a bitch sometimes and I might not like that. I told her it doesn't matter as long as I get to be with her. How do you deal with girls who act bitchy? I'm not sure how to react if she does act thatway

A lot of times when girls come off as "bitchy"" it might be a change of her feelings or hormones at the time within her body. There will also be lots of times where she will feel mad or sad or glad and express those feelings as well. A great way to handle it is to be mindful of her state of being and not to internalize anything she may say that is hurtful as an attack on you, it is more a reflection of how she is feeling that you can work towards comforting her in.

As in middle school how far should a "relationship" go? (Between 13-14 years old)

I think at 13-14 you guys can express your feelings in many different ways. It doesn't always need to be sexual, it can be playful and fun. Take walks together, hang out at the park, get food together and enjoy each others company first and foremost. In terms of how far you should take it sexually, I think you are at the age of exploration but you're still very young, stick to kissing if that's what you guys are doing and don't pressure yourself or your partner to feel like you need to go beyond that.

I don't really know my crush but she's pretty and a lot of guys hit on her and I think she knows it. How can I stand out from all of them without seeming like just another guy liking her for her looks?( I don't really,I would like to get to know her but her looks compared to mine diminishes my conf)

The best way to stand out from the crowd is to do something different. if you see a lot of three guys giving her a lot of attention, try to walk up to her, talk to her directly and leave. That short and direct approach might resonate with her more than a guy who indirectly spends hours around her. I think also being direct is much better in terms of standing out because the majority of the time these guys don't ever take a leap and talk to her directly.

I realized that I get depressed asap when I don't finish a project on time. Especially this 1 week off we just had. I feel depressed when I realize I didn't accomplish something I was suppose to do. How do I regain my positivity?

The key to awareness here lies in learning from your experiences. Knowing your own system is powerful and being able to work in accordance with how you function will allow you to know when you should get started, how much work you should do at the time and how to do it so you can be your happiest. Don't make the same mistake over and over or else you'll keep repeating your suffering each and every time.


Language: English