
The Josh Speaks

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How do I approach a stranger without it being awkward and get her number and ask her out

When approaching a stranger the best thing to do is to approach with an angle. For example if you walk up to her and say hey I saw you walking and I just wanted to say I think you're really cute, I have to run in a few minutes but I just wanted to see if you can talk for a little bit. My name is XYZ. now that you set a time constraint she won't feel like you're going to stick around forever, and if things start getting awkward you can only say well I got to get moving but it was really nice talking to you.

I checked out the friend zone video, could say what the solution to escape the friend zone

The solution to escaping the friend zone is to either ask your friend out or move on and stop being her friend so you can learn to grow on your own. You can't have the friendship and then go for a relationship and then expect to just have the normal friendship again, you're trying to change things from a friendship already so not being friends may be the result of trying for a relationship. That's a risk you have to ask yourself if you're willing to take.

Yo Josh. I have social anxiety, and it's really scary to talk to my crush. My dumbass friend goes up to my crush and asks her out for me, after I explicitly told him not to. According to him she said "no, I don't want to hang out with him because I don't really know him, and don't really want to kno

I know how tough it can be when your friend asks out your crush for you but take it as a sign that you need to act now to fix it. Try talking to her on your own and start to get to know her better. If she brings up your friend talking about you wanting to go out with her, don't shy away from it, tell her you do but first you want to get to know her better.

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Hey man, thanks for your helpful videos! They really helped me to be confident and be who I am without worrying what others think! Thanks again Josh you're the best!

Glad I could help man :-)

What does it mean when girls tell you to just be yourself?

Think about how you act when you're around your friends. There is no worries you can talk freely about the things you like, and you're more comfortable with just hanging out and doing your own thing. A lot of times what happens is than guys will become nervous awkward and shy around a girl which in turn makes her feel awkward nervous and shy. What she's hoping for is that by you being calm she'll feel calm too and there for both of you will feel comfortable just being yourself.

Why do girls act bitchy?

I know it may seem like all girls act bitchy but it's not always true. The thing is whenever anyone asks like a jerk they're doing it because they feel uncomfortable. they may feel awkward or weird or annoyed and they're just taking it out on you. Sometimes too when people are really blunt about things they're doing so because they lack the ability to communicate their feelings without being emotionally hurt. don't take it as a problem that you have, see it as something that they may need to work on.

How can u get to fuck her

Well part of it is building trust with her. if you're in the game of just trying to have sex and she's not about that then you're just not being an honest guy. However if she's up for the idea but just needs to feel comfortable then pay attention to her needs and see where she gets shy and timid so that you can work to reassure her that you'll be safe smart and considerate of her needs. Don't go in with the mindset to plow her out go in with the mindset to give her an experience she will enjoy

Hey i checked out the friend zone video and i still don't know what to do to escape the friend zone

You have to move on from her, to take time and meet new people without her being in your life as your best friend otherwise you're going to always be seen by her as that guy was just a friend. if you evolve and change to be your best self later in the future she'll see that person and not the person that she thinks you are.

Hey Josh, is there a girl out there for me or will I die poor and lonely

If you think you'll die poor and lonely, you're not trying hard enough to build out the life that you want. part of having someone good means finding someone good. And that means fixing up the things that you are at your strongest in so that you become an incredibly awesome well rounded guy. It's going to require work but I think you're able to do it. I believe in you.

I'm having trouble. I have a huge crush on my best friend. she's amazing and I feel like we could get married one day. the only problem is I can't tell her. I'm beginning to doubt myself. I'm not even sure if she already knows. Sometimes I wonder if I wouldn't be in this much pain if I never met her

I know you can really suck when you're in love with your friend. It really sucks feeling one way and having to act like another around her. But, if you really like her and you want to change when you have you need to be willing to take the risk of losing the friendship in order to gain a romance. a good way to have it evolve into something good here is by distancing yourself from her and spending some time getting to know other girls maybe even dating other girls once you do that then you'll be able to approach her later on from a new perspective, one in which you've grown. By then your interaction with her to change and it should focus more on being flirty and trying to go out with her rather than just being her best friend.

I will keep this nice and short how do you know if a girl is inserted in you?

I made a video called 5 signs a girl likes you, that's a good place to start in figuring out if she likes you. Another way to bypass sitting around wondering is to try talking to her. I know that option is scary but you'll have much more success and know exactly how she feels if you talk to her rather than waiting around to figure it out first.

Hey, I will keep this nice and short. How to I walk up to a stranger and ask her for her number and expect to go on a date?

A lot of times we want a magic bullet to just ask a girl for her number and get it to go on a date but by thinking that way your neglecting the fact that you first want to get to know her and see if she is compatible with you. Don't put all of your money into the result until you've worked out your process first. focus on talking to her getting her to laugh, getting her comfortable with you and then to just hanging out in the future ask for her number and then continue talking about something fun before you leave.

Yo Josh. I have social anxiety, and it's really scary to talk to my crush. My dumbass friend goes up to my crush and asks her out for me, after I explicitly told him not to. According to him she said "no, I don't want to hang out with him because I don't really know him, and don't really want to kno

That's the major problem with friends asking out your crush for you. It makes the whole process impersonal. what you could do now is try talking to her on your own despite what happens and getting to know her better. She said what she did because she doesn't know you but that can all change as she learns to know you.

I finally had the confidence to talk to my crush. We had a good conversation. Then I tried to talk to her on Twitter. Then, she indirectly tweeted: "Please stop". I can't say for sure it's about me...But, I have a feeling it is. Am I overthinking this situation? If so, could I prevent myself from

Was the conversation flowing between the two of you or was she giving you one word answers? If so, what I would try to do is move the conversation from online to in person so you can get a better idea of how she really feels when talking to you. That may me asking to meet up with her to talk either in school or to go get food together or for a walk.

Hey man I have a lot of QUESTIONS and your honestly the only person that have been helping me and i know this might sound weird but can u plz plz please leave your number so I could ask u some questions cus I have to ask my brother to type for me plz it well mean a lot to me if u could do that

alijowkar21’s Profile PhotoAli Jowkar
Hey man, I don't share my phone number with people mainly because I wouldn't have the time to answer everyone if I did. But you can always ask me questions through here, on Facebook, on Twitter, or email at thejoshspeaks@gmail.com

I Don't think I can speak to my crush I don't have the words to explain how scared I am, Her friends and sister is there, Shes shy, rejection could happen, her sister might call me names again. Help?

Hey man no it's really scary car think about all the things that could go wrong can you ask someone else, however I think each time you do it it'll earning and growing experience. I know that rejection can sting but you be willing to take a hit sometime how to be strong against it. in her sister laugh at you for doing something courageous then just smile at her and let her know that you're not doing it for her you're doing it for you and in this equation she doesn't matter.

I will keep these nice and short How do u escape the friend zone

hey, I made a video on that exact topic, you should check it out!

Hey, how can we get a hold of you other then on here?

You can email me at thejoshspeaks@gmail.com or message me on twitter/instagram/Facebook/snapchat @thejoshspeaks. Whichever place works best for you!

Ive been talking to my crush for around a week online, ive never spoken to her in person im crazy about her should I ask her out or should I wait?

If you've been talking to her online try to transition into talking to her in person. You'll have a much higher success rate if you ask her out after you've built some kind of attraction in person. Also whatever you do don't ask her out online because if you haven't got to know her in person it'll be a lot easier for her to think about it and say no instead of you talking to her in person where she's looking in the face and she's gotten to know you.

I want to ask a girl out on a date but we don't know each other very well and I hate being rejected what should I do?

What I would suggest is before asking her out take a good amount of time to get to know her. Spend some time talking to her you can lead into asking her out. It takes time but it's well worth it because you lessen your chances of being rejected if you build a foundation between the two of you first.

Hey bro, I really like this girl at my school but I don't think she likes me back. Is there some ways that I can possibly get her to like me ?

I wouldn't focus so much on trying to get her to like you or figuring out if she likes you. just try talking to her and see if she is a good fit for you. I know you're attracted to her but in taking time to get to know her you'll see if you guys flow together, and if you do then she'll naturally grow to like you back.

What do you do if you and your friend both like a girl

Hey I did a video called my best friend likes my crush, you should check it out it will help you.

Josh I have crush on a seventh grader and I'm 8th grader and I never spoke to her how do I start

A good way to start is to approach her in the hallway and walk alongside her asking her a question. It could be like hey I was having a debate with my friend to see when will she pulled say. What would you do with $1,000,000? if she asked why you ask me that tell her that you're trying to see what most people say. whatever answer she gives its ok but then keep talking to her, let her know that you think she's cool and that you guys should hang out sometime.

Hey josh I had a crush on this girl for a long time when I ask my boy to help me out she told him she doesn't even wanna know my name

The best thing to do is not to have your friend ask out the girl you like for you, it can come off as you being afraid and not prepared to talk to her. Although it may seem easier for you it actually does more damage. Even though she said that I would still by yourself go talk to her and try to get to know her, she might have said that because it was indirect and you were not fully direct with her.

Can you be in love with someone your not dating

You can feel like you're in love but love is usually a two-way bond. What you may feel is lust in the sense that you really like her but you may not know her well enough. it's very common to lust after a girl that you're just attracted to. a good way to move it pass that is to take some time to talk to her and get to know her.


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