
The Josh Speaks

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I mean I did everything I could to build attraction...and then a rumor was spread and then my friends did that and now I'm gonna be alone

Michael Jackson
Try to quell that rumor by just being honest with people who believe it. Don't be afraid to explain the truth because as cliché as it sounds the truth will set you free.

I talk to her regularly but it's too late she said to me "It will never happen Michael" so now I gotta deal with trying to move on thanks to my friends and myself 😔

hey man that sucks to hear but it's not the end of the line for you. just because things didn't work out with this girl doesn't mean you didn't learn a valuable lesson about how to interact with a girl you like and how your friends may interfere if another girl pops into the picture. Try not to focus too heavily on how things didn't work out here because all its going to do is make you question yourself going forward. Sometimes things don't work and it's ok, even if it may not seem that way right now.

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My crush didn't pass on her exams. How to give her the perfect "consolation message" through text while "giving a hidden hint"?

If she didn't do well on her test then her mind is gonna be focused on that. Tossing in a hidden hint isn't the best thing to do because she's going to ignore it. If you really like her then try to take her mind off of her grades and on to the bigger picture of things like working hard and finding time to have fun as well. Don't make the mistake that a lot of people do which is to try to flirt with her very subtly thinking she'll know whats going on. She would probably appreciate you being more direct and up front about it rather than trying to attach it to something that she's sad about (bad grades).

How can you make a girl that you met like you a lot of text?

If you want to get her to text you more then you need to establish a bond through talking. Be inquisitive, ask her questions and try to jump between texting, talking in person and a few different mediums of communication so she doesn't get bored of texting.
Liked by: Pringkitay

I don't know what is right? We broke up last week and lately I've been attracted to a girl in my summer school. Is it too soon to date or is it going to be a rebound? Idk BC I don't want to do this just to get my ex jealous, but I don't wanna be alone and miserable either. What should I do? Flirt?

I would flirt, if you're out of your relationship then there is no right amount of time before you should start pursuing someone else. Follow your heart and go with what feels right.

My now former friends cursed my crush off and now I'm really pissed off/depressed. Please josh my whole situation is screwed up!

Michael Jackson
Hmm it sounds like the two of them might have some kind of issue with one another that might require them solving it. Are you actively pursuing your crush or do you just like them from a far? If you are talking to them regularly then try to avoid the topic of what happened between them and your friend and focus on getting to know each other better. that will help keep your mind in the right zone and will help you overcome your depressed state of mind.

What does a girl mean when she says she likes a guy with personality?

It means you might be too neutral about things. She might mean she wants you to be a little bit more confident in deciding things like "hey let's go do this" instead of "hey what do you want to do?". It's not about forcing her to do stuff but showing her that you are always looking for fun things to do and that you're exciting in thst right. She might also mean that you don't shy from conversation with her and you're real with her, you tease her, call her out when she says something silly and aren't afraid to be a little more physical when you're around her.
Liked by: Brian TheBat

So I asked out my crush and she said no but we kept contact and eventually she started become attracted to me but a kid in my school went and spread things about me and my friends and her went to his side. What can I do!? It's made me wanna kill myself

Michael Jackson
Hey man, I don't think killing yourself would be the answer here. Mainly because the pain and hurt you feel is temporary and I know you have the strength to perservere. The best thing to do is to talk to her and be honest about the rumor, let her know the truth and ask for her friendship. You have the power to change this around, I believe in you!
Liked by: Unknown

How do you get a girl that's mad at you to like you again after she blocked you on almost all social media networks. I really need this one josh.

Hey that's a tough one. Why did she block you in the first place? Maybe the focus should be on not making that same mistake with other girls rather than trying to flip this one back around. The best way to get her to not dislike you would be to apologize for what you may have said it did and ask her to be friends again.

Hey Josh,I notice that in the room where you make your videos there is a clock in the back. Usually it says 10 or 12,do you do them in the mourning or afternoon?

I usually record Monday nights and work till 4am putting together my videos for Tuesday. It's not the best way to do it but it's hard to make time during the week to record.

I've been following your video about acne for months, yet all causal treatments still don't work. Is laser or cyrurgical treatment a good option? Can't wait to be 18 to stop their formation...

I don't know if those treatments will be good. I haven't really researched it enough to tell you but from a few other YouTubers I know like RachMartino and mamichula8153 they've both taken Accutane and have seen great results from it. I'm sorry to hear that you have acne like that, I hope even through it all you still know that deep down you have everything you need to be confident.

So the girl that I like has an ask and I like her and have been asking her who she likes and her thoughts on me. I know I shouldn't be focusing this much on if she likes me or not but I can't help it. Should I take her answers seriously or find another way to gain information?

I think you should focus less on trying Yo figure out if she likes you already and put more focus on interacting with her so she can grow to like you. Hoping she likes you is out of your control, you're just going on the hope that it will happen. However if you approach her, talk to her and get to know her better the odds will be ever in your favor.

How do you make a perfect moment for a kiss? What I'm trying to say is, how do you make a moment lead into a kiss?

The best way to lead into a kiss is to first have the girl alone with you (a date works best) and you should have already established a friendly atmosphere where she's touching you and you're touching her. That might mean putting you arm around her, holding her hand and her leaning her head on your shoulder and hugging you a lot. Once the playful and romantic tension is built like that then you can wait for the moment to fall into silence. It may sound like an awkward moment but it's when there's no distraction of interruption that you can look at her, smile and lean in for a kiss. Trying to talk into the kiss or catching her off guard can throw her off, doing it the way I suggested will let her feel like the moment was just right for it.

How do you get a girl to kiss you?

I'm gonna put that video together soon. I want to do it with Coco Chanou on YouTube but she's on vacation now.

Republicans, Democrats or Libertarians?

I don't think one political party has all the right answers, so I would instead say that I support the rights and protection of all people and each person's ability to share their opinion and offer their insight.

Hi, is the newsletter still working? I signed up a month ago and I still haven't received anything...

Check your spam folder for some reason it keeps getting sent there for some of the people on the list.

Is there any chance that you would make your hangouts earlier so that people from Europe can enjoy them too?

I know, I'm sorry about that man. I usually do them during the week after I get home from work but the next one I'll try to schedule on a weekend during the day.

Who is your favorite YouTuber?

I'm a huge fan of a few people: IIMAGINEBLANK, Tim Schmoyer, Gary Vaynerchuk, Coco Chanou, Lyra Scotch are just a few of the ones that I watch regularly.

How to know if a girl is flirting with you or she is just being friendly?

Check out two of my videos, 5 Signs a girl likes you and does a girl smiling at me mean she likes me. Both are good for debunking the mystery of whether she's into you.

Are you planning to make a hangout about the first day of school?

Yep, I was gonna schedule it for some time around august.

By the time a man asks you for advice, he has generally made up his mind what he wants to do, and is looking for confirmation rather than counseling. I love this quote and I believe it's true. Just wanted to say thank you and keep up the awesome work, you've helped alot of people :)

I totally agree with that. A lot of times I think people know what they want, they just need assurance that it's ok to feel the way they do. I think with my channel, I want to inspire the thought process and discussion to get people to feel confident in their decisions along the way. Thank you for your comment, I greatly appreciate it.
Liked by: Brian TheBat

When a breakup occurs bc you both don't want a LDR and she's moving away and she says she wants to still be friends and to still text her, does she really mean it? She's moving away next month and we broke up yesterday, do I text her like she said? Do I meet up before she leaves even if we broke up?

DeathbatFan’s Profile PhotoBrian TheBat
Realistically she said you two should be friends as an easy way to end things for you too. If you are ok with being friends then don't hesitate to reach out to her. You can see her before you leave just try not to hold too many expectations of what you would want to happen when she does move.
Liked by: Brian TheBat

How do you become successful in YouTube?

The most important thing to do is to really define the value you want to offer a very targeted audience. For example, I want to teach young kids and young adults how to develop the skills and techniques for discovering who they are and becoming their best self. My videos are focused on that age range and topics they would be concerned with. From there it's a slow grind to promoting, interacting and really loving what you do so your audience sees that your genuine and care about sharing what you know with them.


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