
The Josh Speaks

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Hey josh. One of my friends that's a girl is constantly touching me on a regular basis. Does this mean she likes me? I don't see her touching other guys. She is quite pretty. It may seem awkward to ask her out considering we are in the friends zone . Anything ideas?

If you see that she's touchy flirty then you should try being touchy flirty back. if you see that she responds well, then consider asking her out.

is this place (ask.fm) better than sercet app or was???

It's a little more direct but it covers the same kind of concept

hey josh is masterbating bad?

There's nothing wrong with masturbating. However you should just know when it's appropriate to do, say for example when there are other people around or waiting to use a computer and bathroom then I wouldn't suggest doing it lol
Liked by: Unknown

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are you going to do the google plus hangout anytime soon????

I'm actually going to reveal the details about that tonight, I'm doing a hang out for hitting 50000 subscribers. Stay tuned for more information.

josh are you gonna be on tv again?

Probably, if there's ever a follow up to Married at first sight or I can score a individual TV show or part. don't worry, I'll be back on before you know it.
Liked by: Michael Warming

I got busted for screenshooting my crush's whole snapstory. How do I apologize her?

Tell her that you like her and you did it just because you wanted to. there isn't really any kind of excuse you can walk around, just be open and honest and try to move on from it.


I've done Zumba before in a class with all women and let me tell you something, all the girls in the class will love you for it. If you can confidently pull it off then they're going to think that you are more macho than any other guy out there.

Josh is it awkward if you ask a girl to go with you to the movies, but she had a boyfriend already?

It's kind of awkward if you ask for a one on one date. That means you're not being respectful of their relationship. If it's a big group and she can bring her boyfriend then by all means go for it.

where there is a lot girls at a place your at.... how can u control yourself from going super excited hyper crazy from looking at so many hot girls??? buts ......?

I know sometimes when there a lot of women around it can be overwhelming, so the solution to that is to focus on one girl in particular that you want to talk to. That way you aren't overwhelmed by choice and can remain focused, even with so many options around.

hey josh speaks how to ask a girl out that a girl is learning to cut hair ... its the first time seeing her there cuz its random women you get when you get a haircut...

It may be hard sometimes to talk to a girl when she's working like that, however one thing you can do is walk in and try to charm all the women there. That means flirting a little bit and joking around with everyone. That way when you talk to the one that you liked it, the other women will take notice and let you do your thing.

how to ask a girl out where she works at a food store?

Hmm it's hard to talk to a girl when she's at work like that because she might be afraid that she'll get in trouble if she's not working. What I would suggest doing is saying hi and bye when you see her and working to develop an inside joke with her at the register line. That way when you show up you can use that joke with her and start to go from normal customer to someone she remembers. Eventually you can ask her when her break is so the two of you can talk more and start to build it from there.

What is the one thing everyone is looking for?

We all want to be accepted and know that it's ok to feel the way we do sometimes.

Hey Josh, just wanted to fill you in, your video on the 'secret' app is probably not worth much because the app itself has shut down.

Oh wow I didn't even know that, that kinda sucks :/

hey josh do read and answer your emails over there more then here in ask .fm ??

I usually do both. Emails I do when I'm underground on the train and I don't have service and ask.fm is above ground.

hey josh do u approve the question before they are posted here?

No, they all just come in and I answer it. If it's something spammy or anything like that I just delete it.

josh can you answer from question i sent u yeserday and other one too bout gym?

Hey just answered it.

hey josh how do u get a girlfriend at the gym?

The gym is a hard place to talk to a girl because most often than not she's there to work out. Sometimes it can be distracting when a guy tries to talk to them during sets. A good way to slow build anything would just be to get on a hi and bye basis with her. Use some of the same machines she does and then see if you can work in sets with her. From there you can build a friendly relationship and then casually ask her out.

how do u show a girl that you like her?

The best way to show her is to ask her out. It's the only way to convey that you like her and that you want to go out with her without beating around the bush and doing things like having your friends do it, writing her notes or confessing your feelings to her.

how not to be intimdated to a girl by looking at her in the eyes?

Eye contact can be tricky, the way to own it is to make sure you go in with the plan to keep it by any means necessary. If you lock eyes with her, focus on only that. Don't turn away scared because she's holding it, what she'll begin to notice is that you're holding it on strong as well and she'll take note of it.

About the whole thing of "moving on", how much time a guy should give to safely retry with an old crush if nothibg special still happens? Half a year? One? Two?

It's less about a specific amount of time and more about moving out of your old mindset. If you're still obsessed with getting with her after a year then you're not ready yet. If you've found the ability to move on and talk to other girls and develop crushes and go on dates after a month then you're ready.

Just got Friendzoned. How long do I wait until I try to get out of it?

First off, stop being as close friends with her if it's too hard for you to accept a pure friendship. Second, try to interact with other people and expand your options. If you stay focused on only them then you're going to cause yourself stress and pain.

What's more hesitating? Showing a current crush that he has feelings for her or telling an ex-crush that there was a time he used to have feelings for her?

I think both are bad moves to make, telling your current crush is making things too cut and dry. you'd be much better off trying to show them how you feel. Also telling an ex crush doesn't do much other then satisfy yourself, if you're not gonna act on either then you're only holding yourself back.

What could cause a guy to have "excessively logical thoughts" about love when having a crush? How to "cure" that?

You might be thinking logical because you haven't developed the emotional balance yet to see things from both sides. A good way to do that is to talk to others, be kind and start to see things from outside your own perspective.


Language: English